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Everything posted by slaginpit

  1. sleeping on the job while making my Kampfer.....you just cant find good workers these days.......
  2. the legs look better on the Metal Club...
  3. crap i hate this collecting business. I looked at the Metal Club. I have the kysh with which is good quality the shoulder on the left is starting to sag a bit, nothing than a little nail polish could fix. I looked at my aged Metal Build Bandai Freedom looked at the Metal Club looked back the Bandai and said frakk it. I used my premium points and bit the wallet. Cei La Vie wallet. I hated you anyways
  4. the WuMing does the base light up
  5. Normally I toss the packaging so it really doesnt matter to me if it makes the final product that much cheaper and puts more money into QC. But frakk this was almost 200US. That is not acceptable.
  6. https://www.bilibili.com/video/av82636907/?spm_id_from=333.788.videocard.1 shinaju doesnt look bad
  7. https://www.bilibili.com/video/av65573725/?spm_id_from=trigger_reload
  8. someone translated for me
  9. Oh nooooooooooze....... https://www.bilibili.com/video/av82466606/?spm_id_from=trigger_reload
  10. I am telling you this will be released shortly so if you want it early pay in full or wait till end of march. Link was already provided
  11. guys if you want this you can pay and it will be shipped shortly
  12. lol my sazabi has been updated with 2 tracking numbers
  13. weird i didnt get a shipping notice for it. I prepaid 1.5 months ago hmmm
  14. And the lighting kit. Pricey. Its got a remote. I need a video review of this
  15. Hmm wait a second is that a destiny back pack.....lol And a Wing Epion Wip
  16. I just did a full payment on this...I think its incoming soon I have the yellow one on preorder i think that one is coming later but now they have a light set https://showzstore.com/motor-nuclear-mnp-01-display-base-for-mn-q01-mn-q02_p1962.html
  17. WOOOOOO my Sazabi has shipped. Will do a review on it
  18. Check out my reviews on it. I posted sometime ago on both versions
  19. that statement could not be anymore false. Carry On
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