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Everything posted by slaginpit

  1. The zeta is atrociously bad. I watched the early video transformations and I said nah im cancelling my preord. I think this will be MCs downfall. Best to stay away from Transforming gundams and let the Transformers do their thing If this was static then that would be the route to go As to Kuma's question The Sazabi is just the MG with some mods like the Booster engine, and other slight mods I will be happy with it regardless. Im not sure what a "DEFINITIVE" Sazabi would be as the MG for a time was the "definitive Sazabi" But if you look at MC's Ksh. That too was just a model kit that was atrocious....
  2. no. I sell my stuff on Kijiji locally. Its easier for me there. I turned out about $2400 in the last 2 months Cash is king. The whole shipping thing is exhausting. Also Ebay/Paypal sucks. Had an account for 20 plus years and it was ok until they went with that Global Shipping program. When I tell people how much to ship to USA and overseas the cost is so ridiculous most US and Overseas buyers just change their mind. Hence my desire to move to the US. I think I need to purge another 30% of my stuff
  3. IM trying to purge so much due to collecting over the years. 2 More detolfs and im out I got rid of 20% and I still need to purge to make it look clean hence the mess
  4. Thats gorgeous Cuckanada sucks
  5. Dont worry announced a year ago it will finally be ready to ship 2 years from now. Sort of like Toyworld and this WHAT HAPPENED TO THIS??? I think MC just abandoned this
  6. yeah but its been a number of times. Which seems to me now they have a good mass of customers they are starting to get sloppy And i think this is the new Bee. Its not what I wanted and its the knockoff which I dont want eaither the plastic is crumbling just sitting on my desk. SO I either want my money back and I will reorder through Robot Kingdom which is far superior or TF-Direct
  7. ShowZStore is starting to falter I ordered and paid in full and after a month to get this I got this And people wonder why I dont use TAOBAO hahahaha and a knock off wrapped in smelly plastic Never happened with BBTS, Robot Kingdom, AMIAMI, or NY..... oh here is the box in a box in a wrapping
  8. I have been concerned about this and I will look for this testing kit and do it and report back
  9. me too looking forward to getting it this 2020 christmas
  10. My fav pose of this guy
  11. lol yeah Well I hate canada. I paid my preorders upfront and I am always the last to get them lol . UGH
  12. ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
  13. come on !!!!!!! UGH.....Welcome to canada. Where you package takes 3 trillion years.
  14. I dont care about scaling I dont get why people do. The bigger the better. If to save costs to make a great figure means it being smaller than so be it if it means making a figure look fantastic i dont mind making a figure bigger. Thus I dont care about scaling. Just give me a fabulous figure. I dont care about toy armies. Im 45 not 10
  15. i got shipping notice on my AYOI aka black Mamba I had switched my pre-order from Toyworlds version to the Scorpion version and SZS updates now show the name of this called Weijiang formally known as Scorpion. And weijiang not to long ago used went by another name Model Wizard. So really they have three names, Scorpion toys, Weijiang and Model Wizard. This is due for release before march. Which if you look at the stand point from an announcement to go to market timelines is very efficient. Toyworld announced their version many months ago with 90% completed prototypes and yet they are still not releasing it. Weijiang announced late but were already in the advanced stages of completion Something Toyworld would do well to learn. However, the first one to advertise gets the worm....so to speak. But if you have to wait this long for the final product you risk a newcomer with better designs and ideas releasing it earlier.
  16. I clicked on the figure selection who knew it wasnt
  17. Glad I cancelled toy World I really like this one more And Fire Scorpion is weijiang? Not Model Wizard...im confused. Looks like Weijiang was able to pump this out way before Toyworld. And my Ayoi version shipped yesterday. Poor Toyworld.
  18. I hate living in Canada. When it reaches canada crap gets shipped by man and pony. ugh
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