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Everything posted by slaginpit

  1. Reading all that was kinda funny. If you didnt like all the UC references which I think makes this crappy show better how do you like when they start with the Double 00 references
  2. Still waiting on completion of GothicMade and maybe one of the big Five toy manufacturers will make a Chogokin....
  3. Wow just beautiful Too bad I cant afford it. 300 bucks is a bit steep.
  4. I liked Spirits within better
  5. Xenomorphs have been done to death badly. That doesnt mean people dont want them in. Alien 1 and 2 were done well the rest were god awful and movie goers cant appreciate cheesy script with your fav beasty. IIRC H. R. Giger called the alien designs in the later movies abominations and objected to the studio unsuccessfully. I dont mind them not being in this film but I would like to understand their overall origin and design elements since they can breath in any atmosphere. For example I would like to know why they always have a dome shaped head. In the first 1 and 2 films they had clear shaped domes showing a human skull. Also Spoiler alert: According to leaked scripts which really match the trailer way before it came out, Vickers turns into the star beast aka the queen. I think that someone might morph into this Not sure if its too graphic ?
  6. Wow Lolicon I feel bad for you. I dont know why yamato allows this to happen. These are high end toys. I mean after that I cannot understand the logic of someone willing to chance it on another v2 or not. I think metal is the way to go.
  7. slaginpit

    Merry X-mas

    Merry X-mas everyone. Hope you get a Valk under your tree
  8. Correct me if I am wrong but this is why I think the dome shaped Aliens with a Human looking skull ended up looking the way the do. The Bioformer probably incorporated the helmet into new organism redesign
  9. A mega and MG is being released of the Normal Age Hero Gundam I thought this was kind of cool
  10. Nice BIKE!
  11. Somebody referred to the 1/3000 SDF-1. Is Yamato ever going to make the TV version?
  12. I was just checking on line for this bird and its nuts, BBTS, HLJ and ebay are having it listed for $400 plus us dollars WTH man! REALLY! I dont think that think is anyway near the build quality of some of the recent chogokins! And its all plastic!
  13. Whoa That side by side pic of V2 and V1 makes it pretty obvious. What a difference and V1 has already yellowed. Scary. Not sure if I can now gather up the funds to have at least 1 version 2
  14. HA...HAHA.. Sorry Graham dont mean to be laughing at your misery there but dam Yamato really sucks.! Nowhere on the net/web have I seen more pictures of toys spontaneously breaking than here and on the official spokesman of Yamato on the web. I fear to touch any of my Yamato's Granted my original Yamato chogokin 19 and 21 have stood the test of time. AND my VF-0 hasn't suffered anything. but I transformed it twice since it came out. Really these things look better in the box than on the shelf
  15. I think you understood my point that the others here haven't. I brought up the topic because I got tired of the version improvements and after collecting expensive Mac Frontier valks I find out later they are releasing a version 2.0 which is a slap in the face after they manufactured the whole bloody line. I haven't transformed my armored Ozuma in fear of breaking it and most likely they will release the entire line. Why didn't they fix it then!. It kills my spirit about collecting these nice birds. Dont get me wrong I have stocks and some "real" investments. But part of collecting also goes along with the value of the item you are collecting. Say you pay 200 dollars for a "toy" that ends up crumbling, breaking, or just doesn't measure up to standards. Who cares about production numbers. For the very fact its produced in smaller numbers than say transformers is the reason your paying more for its 1) quality and 2) exclusivity. I hold these collectables to higher standards. I do not believe overstock is responsible for HLJ and others price drops. When I got my SOC Mazinger with gloves, I really feel I got something that love was put into. Or, if you want to argue its complexity because of transformation, there are items such as CMs GGG which for me has held up pretty well. I dont know it just really bothers me when I see the Mac Quarter selling for less than half than what I bought it for and when I look at it on my shelf and sigh at how my little SOC Dragonar is holding up the canon because the quarter cant hold the cannon anymore and I have not touched it since it came to my house.
  16. That looks good but still prefer the Chogokin DX version
  17. Just a question. I have quite a few Valks from Bandai and Yamato, and recently I was about to push the purchase now button on the Fire Valkyrie by Yamato and it occurred to me. A lot of the Valks on HLJ are now selling for less than half of the original asking price. Why am I letting my impetuous nature dictate the purchase of these things. They have next to 0 holding value unlike a lot of Transformers toys or SOCs. I have decided to wait and watch this thing for a year and then I will buy. I will be looking for the 1/100 bandai version. It just seems sad that none of these toys hold no value. Do you suffer from PPD when you have bought these toys and then a year later you see them at half the price?? And now with Bandai re-releasing new improved versions of the YF-25 and probably doing the whole line I feel a bit cheated. After the first few they could have improved the mold. But they purposely waited to do the whole line on the speculators of collectors not getting better improved versions. Im just tired of the games these companies play. I think I am done collecting macross stuff for a while and only until see them on major sale or someone is selling a used one. Just my thought on it
  18. thanks I think I should have asked first. Now it would be to much work to redo. I bookmarked the page
  19. Well I could not match the molded plastic color. And I wasnt about to go ahead and airbrush the car parts. I know a lot of you could do better but this is good for my skills
  20. Greco Roman Wrestling Shōrin-ryū MMA Need to take it up again as I had a major surgery to remove a tumor from my ear canal
  21. How do I do that ? I will gladly do it
  22. Just saw this movie and I loved it I realize the Japanese dont have the Hollywood budget but the movie impressed me in its quality. Has me on the verge of tears in some points. Sure there was some over acting but I can look past that especially since Bay thinks he has brought artwork to the masses with the transformers crap. This will be my first BlueRay purchase when this comes stateside. I really want to own this movie. Well done. I hope they make a second.
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