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Everything posted by slaginpit

  1. I dont have the CM's but the megahouse blows http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tU5zuHDVx9Y&list=UUSWycPtf1utSMWASTtg9GgA&index=21&feature=plcp
  2. I agree with this statement. Seems anime has gotten the pokemon virus. All of it seems generic. There are a few gems. Unicorn, Break Blade but its too few and far between.
  3. That is a non issue. From the posts I see there are plenty of people not being hurt by the current pricepoints. Gives us lower income earners a chance at owning one
  4. Well I guess I will wait and see if there is a price drop Maybe then I will get it. Or there might be some alternate ugly color version of the VF-17S for a lesser price that I can pick up
  5. Is it me or are the recent valks pricy? I bought the Fire Valk for $270CAN the VF-19S is $299CAN the VF-17S is $349CAN comparing to what you get with the 1/3000 SDF-1 at $367CAN its getting harder to justify buying these really nice toys All these prices dont include shipping. Whats going on?
  6. Yeah but I spend 70 aussie dollars on the ESA Set with extra parts??? Thing with CMs their prices drop like a stone. I cant believe I got a second GFG for 100 bucks! I remember seeing them at the 400 dollar mark
  7. Sweet Thank you Cant wait for mine. I think Yamato really needs to do this combination. IE the beta there in the lineart has the arms hidden. Also I like all the panel lining etc. This bird and its trailer need a serious Masterpiece upgrade. Although I fear that Yamato would charge something around 500 bucks.
  8. Oh and these are cool but I didnt put them on right
  9. Pics?
  10. Thats correct. I cancelled my pre-order of Madblender from BBTS and ordered it from Robot Kingdom and it was 10 dollars cheaper. It came faster from hong kong where as I my Neck breaker was sent 2 weeks prior to me buying from Hong Kong and I AM IN CANADA!! Jeez. Current 3rd party plans Arcee, Ironhide, Leader Blackout, and the Not Devastator by Maketoys.
  11. Quesition why ? The robots joints looks to lack a lot of lateral torsion. Reminds me of Gobots Arm up Arm down now March!
  12. DROOL!
  13. Dont fret! The third Party manufacturings are picking up the slack. TFC Devastator and Igears jets and upcoming Ironhide. Fans Project, and now a Leader Movie Black Out in the works. Hasbro has lost steam and openned up a whole new set of wonderful possibilities for other manufactures. Even CMs has gotten in the game. Support them and you will see a rich pleathora of Cool toys Nope All sold out in the first 3 days. I was lucky to find a cliffjumper and Bulkhead. At this point we now have a bazillion Black Movie HA BBs and Skids. No one wants to order anything because hasblo srews the pooch with their case assortments. If I spot something I will help you out. Whatcha looking for
  14. Some clear pics of this masterpiece...One thing. Not fond that the mold is not pre-painted like MG Gunpla
  15. To comfirm the question. Yes. I just purchased it on ebay for 70 Aussi dollars mate. Comes with extra missle packs, a big huge honking plasma gun and the piece to hold the two together. http://www.ebay.ca/itm/220933260518?ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1439.l2648 Missed that one Yeah I have the Toynami one. Solid and dangerously breakable. I heard good things about the CMs
  16. No thanks. Yamato would charge 600 dollars for it. Make the Beta an online shop exclusive and in a few months the shoulder would crack and explode! And all that while trying to figure where to store the gargantuan box
  17. Watching Another Pretty freaky
  18. Gah In case of emergency Dial S-H-O-J-I K-A-W-A-M-O-R-I !!!! Started to watch this anime and then I fell ill. ....
  19. That is True. Case in point. Decaled, Panel Lined, and some minor paint apps. And then Flat coat does the trick! It helps to buy the water decals tho, Those rub ons are a pain in the ass
  20. WOW! YOU got TALENT! Are you going to enter it into a gunpla contest?
  21. Well I guess it does look like the white base
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