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Everything posted by slaginpit

  1. Reviews are out. Average feeling I get was it wasnt bad but it was watchable. That Fassenburger was excellent everybody else was over-compensating. A little drab, and lackluster. I think it had to do with this generations ridiculous neurotic behavior ie tell me what is it about, no dont tell me just tell me small bits, no tell me in even smaller bits and then tell me about the general idea etc etc. Just tell me what the movie is about. PERIOD. OR dont tell me at all. Like I said neurotic! I felt it would flop on expectations as a result of hollywoods presentation style of upcoming movies
  2. Considering I have most of the Fans Project, the cho cho ka cho Prime and now the TFC Devy along with the Igear jets and camera combiners the average price for a single figure is around 100 to 150 dollars. That is counting the Devy as well. I consider these the ultimate of transformers because they are executed with care and high quality. Unlike some of the other Robot mecha ie Mazinkiser or others that SOC, Max Factory,CMs and others make. Licensing isnt so liberal in the US so these things should remain underground but they seem to be pushing the boundary of license infringement but I really dont care since Hasbro isnt doing much in the way for the fans. As of late I am a little frustrated by the ferocity of prototypes coming out before their first announced figure has even hit the market; case in point the 3rd Party Megatron Which I have on pre-order and should be coming out shortly its not out yet but they already announced some kind of new Prime figure Im curious what figures people have here? Anyone have these on order This one is out but I have the pink one on pre-order And I dont know why Igear has delayed this figure yet again, could it be Hasbro ?? Wont be on pre-order until least the late summer. Still in development working out the kinks
  3. Why is everyone here high on their horse???? Yes you have a transformers thread this is a Third Party Thread... wow talk about snobbery, why i only limit myself to this site once a week
  4. Apologies if the topic exists but I did do a search and nothing came up so for starters I cant wait for this to come up And I really like the TFC add on parts, Makes it still superior to the Maketoys version TFC Camera guys Really another BB statue Maketoys Gift Set Giant version Not sure what this is from Maketoys
  5. Glad to see your still building. Im not into 1/144 scale tho, to little detail for me unless its real grade Started to build my MG Heavy Arms, and hopefully finish MG Dual Assault Shroud and Age 1 normal by the end of the weekend. I now have a supplier that I met on ebay years ago and made an arragement for pre-payment every month for every MG Gundam at a good discount. As for transformers you really should get into Third party. Some great stuff coming out. I have several already and the best is my TFC devastator with the Maketoys green version on pre-order
  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=zbgamOSfzwk 0:54 looks like a space jockey is in a UFC bout with Mr Squidward
  7. Communist? Your joking right? When were they ever communist? More Chinese Jingoism and false pride. I am sure if you ask the factory workers at Foxcon if they are proud communists I wonder what answer you would get!
  8. Watching Naruto Shippuuden. Yeah I know its a little late. But I am on episode 75 now
  9. The O is one awesome MG kit And I beg to differ with Archer There are some great MG kits and Age is one of them. Although the show is bland the model kits are not. When I get on a new Contract I will have to catch up with the last 5 MG releases especially this one A Also although not MG the Takara Transformer Movie kits are both fun and challenging. They remind me of what might happen if the MG met with Kotobukiya Zoid kits Recently bought decals for my 1/144 Dendrobium WIP
  10. That SNL skit was funny! Gubaba might be that 13 year old that takes his medieval fantasy too seriously
  11. So I guess this is never coming out? Did Nagano get lost in a noodle restaurant?
  12. The guy is a super quack. Probably an Alien retard outcast and sent to earth to spread the stupid!
  13. What the hell is going on in Nisemongatari?? And the incest jeez!~
  14. Just finished watching Another. And yet again, disappointing end. Very flat. The last 3 episodes were very unnecessary and meaningless. Bah, I am going to take a break from anime unless they decide to expand break blade and Unicorn episode 6 comes out tomorrow!
  15. so has everyone dismissed the the first leaked script. It does follow closely to the trailers. I do remember the leaked script for transformers closely resembled the events in ROTF
  16. Well finished watching Rinne No Lagrange Boooooooorrrrrrrrrriiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnngggggg Jeez. I will not be waiting around for Season 2! Black Rock Shooter. Why am I still confused? Bad Dubs? Why is anime of late so messed up? And I am disappointed with Guilty Crown Dont really find out what the whole Crystal thing was about
  17. Hi Can you please tell me how to connect it properly. I had no instructions with mine, and I had to guess. Its not very solid. Actually the whole toy is not solid as nothing locks in. The tabs on the top canopy to connect to the main body doesnt hold at all. One slight touch the nose cone/Canopy breaks off from the main body. Anyway my preference is still the MPC line. Solid, locks into place, hearty figure. It has its short comings but overall its not floppy. I started panel lining my CMs which does make it look grungier.
  18. I agree. I watch it for the awesome battle scenes which have been very short on in anime as of late
  19. Need some help with the special Adapter piece for the CM's AFC-H01 ETA Legoiss and Beta. How do I connect it?
  20. 3rd in line 3d is still 2d just a mind game! Until you have the holodeck
  21. Yes I am watching your exact list and so far liking it
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