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Everything posted by slaginpit

  1. Im still waiting for mine. Getting anxious. I still dont see any video review tho....
  2. A better job so I can afford all this cool macross s*&t
  3. slaginpit

    DX VF-25G

    That's almost 300 dollars and is $320 if you count in customs fees and people scratch their heads that I paid $350??? Sometimes I wonder which end people talk from???
  4. Happy 2013 bitches. May you have all your dreams come true .
  5. Um ok A panel pen is your friend and so to is Mr. Super Clear UV flat coat oh dont forget to call Samuel Decal. He is a nice guy
  6. Im not sure what is it with Zombie movies that draws so many crowds. To me its as funny as crap and the worst possible horror genre ever thought of. Ok maybe evil brought the undead back but this virus explanation that can reanimate dead tissues with missing muscle mass etc is just to frakking funny for my brain to accept. Glad you like it and all, but please cut the crap out. This and the ridiculous copious amounts of vamp movies SNOOZE!
  7. Finally finished the Dark Horn Harry Special Lovin the mega Hyper Canon
  8. Shackwave is looking good. I wonder if Taktomy will beat them to the punch like they did with MP Soundwave Zoids Dibison! I didnt know you were also predacon!
  9. Nobis Mooseknuckle PJS Canada Goose Mackage Go with the Nobis. F&^king thing is a polar Bear !
  10. still waiting for mine and seems the ebay seller for my VF-171 super pants parts has stiffed me saying he cant get it from his supplier. I HATE EBAY!
  11. slaginpit

    What is this?

    Ok its a custom. Hey Yamato, Bandai......CMs??????? I WANT ONE NOW MAKE IT!
  12. Really? No Really? Its pretty ugly and those puny wings are supposed to keep that thing in the air
  13. They are the new kid on the block. They have videos posted of the upcoming Ksh. No release date or pricing as of yet. Im guessing it will be around 150 or 200 dollar mark since this is a 3PC of Gunpla of sorts and they need to price according to distribution. It looks good and the prototype seems to stand on its own. It definitely has all of the feature of a MG and plus. Looking forward to it and will be getting it once they get a release date in Jan
  14. slaginpit

    What is this?

    And why hasn't anyone told me about it?
  15. Well Tried to build my stash of MGs over the week I had off. Two more to go Then the panel lining, decaling and flat coating Bought the meteor for my RG Justice Gundam Bought the decals from Samuel Decal which still need to be applied Love my Marasai I painted the entire inner frame gold six months ago. Never got to the other half of the wing. Disassembling is a bitch. Well Finally finished. Coincidentally I started painting the inner frame on my MG Finally getting to the eternal
  16. I paid 320 shipped for it. But still its expensive. I have only been able to find it on ebay for 400, lucky for me a contact in Hong Kong was able to grab one for me.
  17. Vf-19
  18. I got my RG Zeta. And boys gotta say its much better than the PG and MG. This scales seems to work well with the transformation. Proportions are wild and I third that thought about having a PG Ksh
  19. Started watching Psycho Pass and I love the whole minority report vibe! Also watching Brave 10 and really liked the first season of Btooom Just cant get into Maji tho Yeah Loved that show. Scared the crap out of me and its a CARTOON!
  20. Nice display! Muahahahahahahahahahaha I finally have it muahahahahahahahahahaha cough Ok I know its been out for more than a year but....just saying
  21. I got shipped status on mine TEEHEE
  22. Whats up bitches I now too own a V2 VF-25 and finally can be a part of the snob mob at macross world Although the improvements are impressive, I dont see that they are $400 impressive. With the Mini Mac now costing less than 100 bucks, I just dont understand why people are lining up in droves to spend this kind of money, and on the whole Mac Frontier set I do like it. I do miss how the original had the fatter nose tho Well at least I have one in my collection and I do very much like it. Wont be getting anymore unless I see it on clearance
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