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Everything posted by slaginpit

  1. Maybe we can help each other out. Send a text message to our cells when the preorder goes up I really want a RVF-25 renewal
  2. Shi7 now I have red wine on my screen
  3. "forum members are gonna murder you for collecting so many units of the same item that are almost impossible to find at a reasonable price" This..... what the hell man
  4. I have sent an email. Scott really doesn't give a crap. I talked to him about stamping the blasted logo all over the box tipping off customs agents and then me paying $100-$200 for a $300 dollar item. When I order from ebay with busted up boxes. NEVER. He didnt give a crap. My response. I buy products only under $80. Oh well he lost sales.
  5. Bump for Yamato!
  6. I liked the review so much I ended up buying it . There is something to 3PC that are so cool I order from www.automatontoys.com They are based in Montreal so 3 day shipping. Flat rate shipping really great service and great Price!
  7. YAMATO WHERE MY PHALANX!!!!!!!, My CHEYENNE!!!!!!! and my Spartan!!!! \
  8. Where do you get it? I really want anther one with or least just the super amour pants
  9. Very interesting? I too have noticed the minute it goes up for sale, or when I get an notice its gone, like seconds after I get the email notification and I click on it, its gone. Very Interesting in deed and 2) Fcuk Bandai. Fixed That's due to the price. If it was hovering around the 200 range then most likely but without a doubt Yamato would make more in different colors for other people to get it Not so sure about that. A lot of people were able to get it here for decent prices. I want another v2 with the super armor pants and unless I want to pay an ebayer 300 bucks for the super pants alone you can assume that he got it from HLJ
  10. OH MY GOD WHINE MUCH I didnt get to see the entire thread at work nor the vids you posted. FIREWALLS!
  11. Agreed the Opening silhouette Sequence is amazing. BTW I love all the toys. I have all the Dragonars from Bandai including the Tamashii exclusives and the max factory one too. Awesome designs. Silhouette opening vid for context
  12. That is the problem with HG kits. PROPORTION. Look at the zeta, it looks like it has Tom Platz syndrome. The other issue is that if you want to do a wide A stance you cant do it without it looking like its standing its tiptoes. HG kits are un-proportional and therefore to me at least awkward looking
  13. Thumbs upMine is still in its box. Will get to it this weekend I did build the RG Zeta. Now while the mechanics are stellar for a 1/144 figure and overall the proportions are good and it can A STAND without toppling, there were times during the build process I wanted to rip my hair out. I wouldnt wish this kit on my worst enemy. The inner frame isn't so much an inner frame like the other RG as much as its foundation to which the armor sits on. The B Sprue you literally build piece by laborious piece unlike the RX-78 or others that came before it. I am dreading the panel lining and stickering process. I also would not suggested transforming it. Again the mechanics are amazing but they dont work at this scale with Gunpla plastic all to well. Its best you get two then. Otherwise know what format you want and stick with it. But the poses you can pull with it. OH MY. This is where its superior to the PG and MG grades. Did I mention it can stand???
  14. Gundam scissor hands "My pa forgot to give me hands" ah haaa
  15. Nevermind that, When I was in Toisan trying having dim sum while people clean their noses (you know holding one nostril while blowing with the other) next your table and talking with semi masticated food while spitting everywhere. And yeah they all drive benz's Anyway I digress. Best Place to buy collectables in china is hong kong. Tim sum Choi has some spots and better than that place near central
  16. ABSOLUTELY STUNNING 10 Thumbs up Here are my detolfs and well one Ikea I forgot the name of, could be RUFENCORBEN Old pics Set up is much more different now Yes I have my local Minons dust off the collection once and a while Anyways you can check out the entire collection here I dont know how to shorten this blasted link but here...Collection Collection 2 Hopfully it worked Enjoy Sigh this site needs work I tried to link Collection as hot link and it worked in full editor mode but it doesnt work I give up
  17. But its made from a 3d printer and they even warn you that its fragile in the item description. That is scary
  18. Wow for a premium toy that is all wrong Lets call Jin the ^%K and maybe he can raise the price on the item and get us new parts But seriously I hope you get replacement parts !
  19. Ok here is my take. Say if and only if I ever ran into Jin, IM sure he would end up with a curby and have his faced used as Toilet paper. YES its harsh but the sh*^&head took it upon himself to speak on the behalf of others without first asking for consensus. Kinda reminds me of a scab. Im not saying the people expecting the cheaper price on the product are wrong or right but its honorable and well kinda of expected you keep your promise after people placed their orders for your published price, be it wrong or right. And whats this bullshit about other products being priced higher as a result of the mistake. That sh&^ is so funny, Most companies have a 7% loss worked into the pricing. Free world. But there are consequences to what you do and say. And forever now he will be known as Jin the &%k or Jin the Fudge packer. This is a guy that takes 50 dollar toys splashes on some paint apps and sells it for 5 times the price??? all the meanwhile going all out on rage against real designers, engineers who create whole net new figures. S*&7 it is wasnt for 3PC we wouldnt have half of the decent transformers out there. Now I really dont care what hasbro sells their ^&^%T for. Personally its garbage. The MP Sideswipe felt like a 3PC lower end toy. Now mistakes happen. And since Amazon made a mistake, they should honor the open orders they published their products for. Imagine if I went to a store and gave 200 dollars for 100 dollars item. How many corporations would chase you down and say hey Actually this item is a lot less let me refund you. His excuse is just that. An excuse not an explanation. And as such he is a POS Yes I said it. Dont speak for others and then not expect for the fallout to be negative. Just my two cents and my thought on a guy who should have his privileges on the collectors sites revoked.
  20. I work in the IT field. Not as an architect or developer but as a Project Manager. And I have to tell you, although the architects and IT engineers are smarter than me, they get paid peanuts no thanks to the copious amounts of engineering graduates and outsourcing. Soon it will be political Science majors like myself who will rule the world once again
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