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Everything posted by slaginpit

  1. Yes. Lets see the thighs, part of the lower chest and the arms
  2. Honestly Its cool but to me its just a larger scale RG. I see no difference and hence it makes the RG a 3.0. I have no need for yet another RX-78 Nice try bandai. Look at your competition.
  3. Its a 1/00 RG 3.0 jeez Bandai is becoming political now, its spins the truth
  4. I agree. I do have the clear parts on my PG 00 but it was a collosal failure as it quicly went on sale. I think the best PGs were RX-78 and MK-II. GP-01 is ok but your left with a lots of parts you have to manage
  5. Finally! Got my Iron Monger This guy is HUGE! Waiting for my pre-order at BBTS for my HT 1/4 Terminator Endoskeleton to come in. What is taking sooooo long!
  6. The biggest disappointment for me in regards to a modern update to a g1 combinor is the lack of a swivel cab. Basically the dam thing can make a right or left turn.
  7. That sucks! Well good thing we wont be yamato'd again
  8. I cant read chinese. How much is it? Does it have an inner frame. Is it made for dumb modelers like me, ie RG/PG/MG? Painting required?
  9. Cant wait for Mastermind's Predaking. That will be my bow from collecting. I have decided to stop collecting any more toys after predaking. Which is probably end of the year. Made a promise to the wife no more.
  10. What about Maketoys Mobine Series PALADIN / CHAOS? Have you heard anything about that. Its been ages since they they pushed the date forward from last year. And now the 2 remaining TFC jets are pushed back as well, what is going on?
  11. Haters gonna hate. I guess you prefer the stellar performance in Prometheus and Transformers? And so what if its similar to BAA or Gunnm or Children of Men. It looks good. This one will be seen in the theater
  12. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=36937&page=17 Your welcome
  13. FINALLY! SO bought so so Bought Was waiting for this since I never got the opportunity to get the one that weighs as much as a car by Yamato
  14. Whew! I dont have the original and got the anniversary edition. Last month while moving around my display valks all of them seemed ok
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