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Everything posted by slaginpit

  1. Toyworld's New Op is amazing Its very solid plastic and has some heft to it. I could swear it had some metal joints. I haven't found any Some pics next to Toyworld megs I believe he would have been a better rep. for the Transformers Prime show. Also got FP Quadrouple. Very nicely designed
  2. I think that is extreme! I am assuming he is asian as right now they have all kinds of money. I have personally seen 15 year old Hong Kong kids drop $5000 on a golden Arowana. Some might scratch their heads and say for a fish??? You run the risk of a power failure or disease and its dead. But yeah when youre born with money, how you spend it is never any concern. OVERKILL
  3. Dude I gave up on Macross after Bandai started going insane in the membrane with their Frontier pricing. And you know what I owe them and Yamato a big thanks. The money I now save without buying plastic planes that are prone to breaking by just looking at them, Albeit very nice to look at it, people who blow that kind of money 1)needs their head examined and 2) get their priorities straightened out . When I feel the urge to splurge I head on over to 3PC Transformers. More bang for your buck.
  4. 230 dollars Ya no thanks. I loved the destroids. Affordable, from a loved anime, and cool looking. Now lets have a bazillion more VF-1s you know whats another gazillion vf-1s'. Hmmm or why not redo the entire yamato line. Or just make crap yamato did not put it through qc and then release for 2 ice the price with the fix. Sounds like microsoft to me
  5. I havent been here a while. Im sorta of meh on valks now. Too dam pricey for what they are. And kinda of shitty charging so much more than the originals being they are fixes to the original. I have one renewal and some very good condition Rel. 1 MF valks. Im tired of macross. I want to see some other planes other than the Vf-1 which has been done to death. Re-releases that cost more than a house is killing the interest thanks to 3rd Party transformers which to me now seems so much more worth the money and the V2 MP line. These things have just gotten boring.
  6. We all have some sort of Hobbies from watching Anime to Toys and yes even Nerf Guns. I thought I Start a thread devoted to Keeping pets. I ll start it off with 2 new aquisitions, My first Saltwater tank. This 40G was my first attempt at converting a regular aquarium to a wet/dry internal passive filtration. A lot of work went into it with the failure rate being high since I never done this and used tube videos and talking to people how to do it. Well It was successful and yesterday I add some live corel and to my freshwater tank I have added a Bangar Red Arowana Birth Certificate
  7. Nice Mine work individually but installed dont. The switches are crap so assembled nothing works. I should commission you to help me with mine I will say it does support the binders well. I thought about buy the stand for it, but got a big laugh from stand adapter. It could not possible fit
  8. Wow your really good. And it seems your not missing any pieces. I was thinking about painting the power cables in the legs and arms yellow and the top shoulder ones clear red. I also noticed you have the left side of the cables higher. Nice paint work too. I still notice the fit issues you have as the same as mine. DO all your lighting work?
  9. Hardly any movement on my build. I was ever so careful with the butthole wiring does it work? heck no. SIGH! You can see here the skirt just broke off so I glued it to the hip skirt Dont laugh. I have 0 advance modeling skill. Im surprised I made it this far. BTW I am going to try to use the spare parts from my other grandams for the front skirt on the other side.I am talking about the soft pieces of plastic [/url ] IM thinking about just scraping the hole idea of electronics. The wiring just plain is so cheap there is no point Also the butt skirt has nothing to attach to??? The instructions just show it to attach it to the frame but to what? Im on my third tube of Crazy glue
  10. Im going to buy this gundam Pretty cool looking
  11. ahahahahaha http://booozare.blogspot.ca/2013/07/elyn-1100-scale-kastrysha-part-1-review.html Im actually crying with the man
  12. Well IT was always my dream to own a Malaysian Gold unfortunately I dont have $8000 for a full grown one nor do I have $700 for a baby. So since I lost my silver a couple of days ago and got my Salt tank up and running I thought it would be nice to have the salt coupled with a beautiful fish in my Fresh. I thought if I got a juvenile Banja Red Raise it keep in excellent condition I could then sell it or trade it in for a RTG Arowana
  13. So what is that and where can I buy it. AS for elyn Shitratriya Hardly any progress. Its exhausting But I did buy this
  14. WHY? Well IM confused now? Why did Sunrise sue Elyn and not G-system?? I have been to the G-system and it seems elyn is a knock of G-system more than Gunpla. So why isnt G-system suing Elyn. The inner frame seems pretty standard accross full kit Mechs in G-system and Elyn's looks exactly the same even though the YouTube presententaion makes it seem its unique. Too much copying going around and I cant tell whats fake or real anymore Maybe we should coin a new portmandu "Fareal"
  15. I did not know America is doing so awesome. Really to have so much disposable income to get totally awesome toys WOW!
  16. When I saw what SHE did with Dangaioh I really wanted it. Then I got perfect transformation Getter 2 and yeah no thanks. Never She Again. What a nightmare. Resin should never be used on transforming toys. I paid 300 for it off HLJ. I cant even get rid of it for 150. Their prices are ridiculous. I do like their bike bots tho. But again its resin so um no thanks Now that SOC has Danguard ace out of the way maybe we will get Dangaioh!
  17. huh good to know. BTW I still hate this Elyn Kit, but in other news I got my MG Jesta and Kotobukiya Iron Kong Swartz Version YAY
  18. One more thing I dont believe that resin has fit problems since its cold cast. Plastic is cast with heat and there expansion or contraction is an issue and thats why you need to prototype to factor those two variables. I believe if this was resin cast than it might be ok, I could be wrong tho
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