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Everything posted by slaginpit

  1. "No, nothing is perfect (especially combiners!) But when a compromise seems to have been made "solely to make it NOT look like people were expecting/not like the character it's intended to be" and not because of the limitations of transformation/engineering etc, it can be a very disappointing for someone who's been waiting for a "newer/better version" of something." I dont understand the statement. Doesnt Superion look like superion? Doesnt either make of Devastator look like devistator? Or Either make of Predakings. Most third parties I believe get it right with Combinors. FP took a different look to Menasaur, but I believe its a great combinor.
  2. No man....its frakking bullshit. Stupid frakking arsholes. I just cant wait around at my goddam frakking keyboard. Where the frakk did this come from!!! frakk! I was lucky to get their goddam frakking Avalanche and that was 300 goddam frakking dollars! more LIKE 400 frakking dollars for me cause the stupid frakking loonie is dropping like a stone! And then they just frakking blindside me like this on this awesome unit. frakk, I thought the next was going to be the frakking Lancelot, what the frakk man frakk you you tamishi a-holes
  3. Thats frakking bullshit. I swear bandai can go frakk themselves. frakking Tamishi!
  4. Well ever since I created the thread all I have read is how much you dislike that and how that looks bad this. Tell me which 3rd party transformer do you like and own? I really see zero esthetics with about 90% stuff that Hasbro/Takara come up with. Actually the 10% is composed of 9% of Takara and 1% of Hasbro. No toy will ever be PERFECT. Not Yamato or whatever they are called, not Bandai, and not 3rd Party. But I like transformers. And I like having options. Its too bad that hasbro cant step up to the plate. Even when they do, they fail.
  5. Much Better since when do hasbro reps poop on showcases?
  6. Airburst is appropriate for a gestalt composed of military vehicles. The original had two blasters off it. I like the color change on this one and how they uniformed the look of the other military vehicles. Combinors are a real thorn as they have to be able to hold poses, weapons and look like appendages while trying to pull off decent alt modes and cool looking and flexible robot modes.
  7. I think people are complaining QC in the wrong way. Its more about build Quality. I have no issues with Wheelie or Huffer. The issues come when the materials used ie plastic are thinner than it should be. But if you take care in the transformation they are very good. There is a lot of flex in Wheelies plastic. The twists tucks and turns are phenomenal in such a such small compact design. However, I think if they used thicker plastic in such a complex transformation sequence in the small package you would actually experience more breaks as the plastic would not flex. I think its just more of an issue of man hands and lack of patience we get it you have a hate on for 3rd party transformers and a hard on for official hasbro transformers.
  8. Yes they are good. Although their boxing is questionable Goddammit. I want to stop but crap they just keep dragging me back in!
  9. thanks! And book marked. Shared with my pals on another board. Just a bit Pricey for me at this point. I will need to get three at least and have to wait to see if I have the spare cash flow. $150 plus is a bit steep. But will get down the road.
  10. looks awesome man! Where do I buy? Im from Canada btw
  11. Funny everyone likes MMCs I think it looks off and doesnt really represent mirage. What MMC does do well is put their own spin to the design which if that can be counted as nice looking. I dont like the chest area at all. I like UTs version better.
  12. slaginpit

    Hi-Metal R

    I come here occasionally. From time to time my eyes widen to a new valk BUT THIS! HOOOOOOOOOOOOLLLLLY BEEEP BEEEP crap! MONSTER WILL BE MINE> OH YES!
  13. It was my birthday yesterday so I treated myself to a HT Hulk so just had some fun with it Zombie Hulk Bald Zombie Hulk Der Hulk Lazy Eye Beehive Hulk
  14. got my payment request for the 3 I pre-ordered http://cybertronphils.proboards.com/thread/9039
  15. On some of the other boards its mind boggling how little taste there is. So much hate for the 3rd party Superion over Hasbro new stilt former Jeez How can you call this garbage???
  16. FAR RIGHT New Player and new combinor to compete with Toyworlds Combinor. Im liking it but I need to see the rest of Toysworlds. to pull the trigger
  17. 5 out of 5. Great plastic, great alt mode and awesome posable robo mode A nice G1 Blaster! 4 out of 5 Time for some break Dancing TADA DRAW!
  18. off the shelf formers lack paint apps.
  19. I can say that having these two that I like parts of each. Which means I dislike in equal portions, ie Ares head is much better than Feral Rex's and its position higher not buried in the shoulders. Also Rex has no side skirts so you see the gimpy legs from Leo Dux I like Leo Dux's mane but I like Nemeans Lion Head better I like Ares Shoulder cannons as they dont look gimpy on Rex. The feet On rex I like but the Toes are better on Ares I like the hook latch system on Rex better than the Ares which is prone to come apart on Conabus due to the little connection port meant to hold a very heavy robot. I like the Tolerance and fit better on REX than on TFC which is a loosy goosy at the waist I like the waist on Ares better because, well he has a waist vs a chest and a crotch plate. Its like his dick is attached to his neck I like the colors on Conabus vs the pale Yellow on Fortis. Overall I like the deeper red on Ares, it makes it look uniform. I like how the details are painted vs Rex's detailed plastic etching. I like how Ares has thicker plastic but nothing really clicks in vs Rex's thinner plastic and everything clicks in. Dont get me wrong both have excellent plastic, just one uses less of it. I think because Ares uses thicker plastic the tolerance issues are weaker. I like How Leo Dux looks in beast mode but Fortis and Bovis look stupid. Like they got a FAAAT ASSes with gimpy legs. TFC does a much better Beast modes I hate the tom platz legs on Feral Rex and like the straight legs on Ares but I like how it narrows at the waist which the Ares suffers from inner thigh burns Now Talon is on its way and should receive it today and will give me a better idea between the two but I like how Phobus' wing feathers look but from what I have scene do not tilt as far up in Combined mode unlike Talon's does Swords. I like the look of MMC's more. However its stupid if you think about how quick it would dull hacking metal robots. TFCs makes more sense that its more of a crushing type of sword much like Gutsu's Long Sword from Berserk More pics to come
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