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Everything posted by slaginpit

  1. So um yeah i got mine from show z today. Just like showZ to frakk me or at least i dont know my frakking shitty luck. Missing missles. missing the two but flap wings it came in separate boxes like the wings . I mean Um like um WAT THE frakk BRO!~
  2. Sigh i had to ask the Japanese dude to cancel the ebay purchase. GFD!! why WHY do they have to ship FEDEX> Over half of the price of the item goes to their BS fees. Same goes for DHL, and UPS. Everytime i bought from chinese guy or HLJ it was always EMS. UGH! His loss my loss. Farewell Ninghtingale. It was a love affair never meant to last.
  3. I know not a figure but dam this is a sweet nightingale
  4. That looks sweet But i caved and got the Nightingale. The YAJ one just jumped in price and im only saving like 40 bucks with Buyee. Next purchase will be the Xamel. I love big goofy mechs
  5. YEah it looks goofy coming from its but flap instead of the funnel pods lol EDIT: im curious as to the design of the nightingale. Its huge profile and it being glaringly RED makes it a perfect bullseye
  6. They are arnt they. They list low and soon as they get it in, if you did not pre-order boom New higher price. SHOWZ does the same thing. Maybe due to min. Order discount and such
  7. Thanks.! um how does an english speaking canadian use it sorry man i found one for 205 US
  8. Thanks Man. Ill take a look. I missed it on the first run and was out of work. But i love this mech. Only one listed in Mandrake and nothing listed on Yahoo auctions. It is one of a kind. I saw the HGUC but it still doesnt come close to this RS edition and it seems the 4th party KOs are not making any gundams lately
  9. been watching this for a while. Didnt have the money then but what do you guys think? Worth 450 bucks???
  10. wow ok. I mean cool and all but are they just going to now over use the one frame and add pointy stuff to it. I guess gone are the days of slightly modified frames from UC and other series lol ugh
  11. off that looks gorgeous
  12. This is falling under the gundam line. IM not really sure it fits. Sure Xross Platform toy lines may work for something like transformers but Gundam mmmm I dont like these
  13. https://tf-direct.com/chili-honglajiao-cn-01-ms-10s-1-100-p3199.html Sinanju in stock
  14. Looks cheap. Like a ko of the ko of theBoys. PASS
  15. Jeez at 1/72 its going to be huge
  16. Not a gundam but based on Barbatos Frame. I like it
  17. Model kit might be good.
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