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Everything posted by slaginpit

  1. wow. Its like a bunch of members are either personal friends of the actors or were involved in the making of the heaping pile of dino doodoo But meh Its DC. Its to be expected...
  2. Could not agree more with the above review. I was careful as crap and I still broke off the small brake handles on Axle. Still trying to glue them on. The other thing is that the plastic panels are wafer thin. So thing that I think they will erode over time and just flake off. Looking back I think TFC would have been the better choice. It was blocky but it was solid too.
  3. slaginpit

    Hi-Metal R

    EPIC I cant wait for mine to come in
  4. slaginpit

    Hi-Metal R

    I will never leave a Paypal balance. I am hearing a lot about Google Checkout. AmiAmi emailed me telling me that my item will be cancelled. They wont even wait for me to load my CC. I emailed AmiAmi back letting them know again about my situation and suggesting them to use Google Checkout. They are as about rigid as Paypal. Like my friend that visited Japan. He said they dont give a crap. BBTS on the other hand is very customer friendly and will respond with alternatives and even give you some time. Anyway, screw AmiAmi, I have a running Macro Spreadsheet and looking it at it now I spent close to $4k Can. with them. There are tons of retailers on the net. I really dont understand screwing your customers when there are so many alternatives and pretty small amount of the global community that will spend that kind of money on toys. Oh well. Will now use CC and see if Google checkout. And I have done close to $30k in business with Paypal over the past 15 years.. sooooooooo
  5. slaginpit

    Hi-Metal R

    not necessarily. But my account was flagged because separate preorders came in from AMIAMI which I paid then they will flag. Its stupid because unlike with the banks and CC companies they will at least ask what were your recent transactions and verify the amounts. Paypal does no such thing. Also, exactly as the cornucopia of vids out there suggest the customer service is utterly useless. They also told me because a payment of $8US $12 CAN for Netflix was going through. Never in the 9 months of Netflix has there been an issue. Its pretty bad they hold "Your" account hostage. I can understand since they payout first and wait for the funds transfer from the bank but to even limit on echeck? what the heck. Of course paying for the same exact price for the Monster on ebay. No issues! So you can tell their security excuse is all Bullshit
  6. slaginpit

    Hi-Metal R

    Gorgeous lol !!!
  7. slaginpit

    Hi-Metal R

    So sheat Fhawk paypal decides to lock my account. Cant use my bank account or echeck. The reason being because just a couple of days ago I made a couple of purchases from AmiAmi with a total worth of $550 Can. Went without a hitch. No issues. What the Fhawk does paysuck do, their so called security protocols lock my account. And knowing how AmiAmi is they wont hold until I fix it or load my CC with the money to purchase it. After 4 long grueling calls with payfawk I 1.Caught them in lies, 2) falsified information and 3) not really giving a ratsassfrakk. Funny not to loose the chance at the monster for which I have been waiting for a long time I went to ebay and got it shipped actually cheaper than AmiAmi. WOW! and the funniest part of all is paysheats processed the payment. I quickly let AmiAmi know so to continue to do business with them. But man. when I googled paypal sucks this is one of many of funniest videos I saw
  8. Sorry but I dont want kawamori anywhere near an anime studio. Stick to making cool transforming bots. He has a knack for messed up sloppy plot lined anime. NO!
  9. When are the preorders going up?
  10. slaginpit

    Hi-Metal R

    Sounds like a good idea. I have no Choice. Thats the SAL price to Canada
  11. meh Im happy with my Yamato. Give me the TV version and Ill open my wallet
  12. slaginpit

    Hi-Metal R

    Well it just came in sigh Order Number: 717888464 HI-METAL R HWR-00-MKII Destroyed Monster "Macross: Do You Remember Love?" Unit price 22,890 JPY x 1 unit(s) = 22,890 JPY Subtotal: 22,890 JPY Shipping: 5,690 JPY Grand total: 28,580 JPY I hope my ThreeA Optimus takes its time to get to my local dealer
  13. slaginpit

    Hi-Metal R

    YEah right. I am choosing SAL maybe ship. I think I can wait 3-6 months.
  14. slaginpit

    Hi-Metal R

    oh sheat fawk. That means my Ami Ami payment request will come in soon. Just now I got the payment request for the Good Smile Arms - Rakuen Tsuihou Expelled from Paradise: New Arhan Dammit. I am going to be squeezed for the next two weeks. Stupid me also bought the Hi Res Gundam Barbatos sigh. I have no choice. AmiAmi wont wait two weeks. Got to squeeze every dollar. Maybe eat bread and ketchup
  15. just to add about the ongoing bullshit with Tamishii Bandai stuff Thanks to sil80jdm I was able to get the Metal Build Strike Freedom. (in transit and fingers crossed CP doesnt go on strike) and then the Red Frame. But a friend travelled to Japan looking for the SF for me. Basically the shops say they really dont give a crap that they dont ship overseas. Its not about profit. Its more about building something of quality. And short runs dont really bother them. God Bless Chinese 3rd Party Mo SHow doing gundams. Dont care eh. Yeah lets see when people start buying better build Metal Gundams with more features and better pricing. ..HA! but still I was lucky to get the SF and Red Frame. And dammit I could not get the Fastpack for the RF unless I want to spend the same money I spent on the actual figure.
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