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Everything posted by slaginpit

  1. looks like tf-direct took down their mosho buster gundam too bad.
  2. places like tf-direct
  3. In Canada, and no they only have the Exia
  4. Thanks Bud. Unfortunado Entertainment Earth only ships to the US
  5. I heard there will be a metal Build Wing 0 Gundam Please someone let me know when it will go up for preorder so I can FHAWKING CANCEL MY OWN DEATH, MY SONS BIRTHDAY, MY WIFES ANNIVERSARY, MY PROJECT FORECASTS, MY CAR BRAKE TUNE UP thanks.....
  6. God fhawking dammit!!!!! Fhawk you BANDAI!!!! Seriously now, with MO-SHOW gone we really need a 3rd party to pick of the slack I missed the EXs and now the Metal Build F-91. FHAWK! I have spent close to 20k over a period of 15 years at BBTS, you would think those dicks would send me better updates on the crap they are getting when they send me updates for preorders What is it. Do you people from around the world not work and sit at their fhawking computers to push the fhawking buy button.... FHAWK!!!!!! REALLY MAD
  7. The Porsche is over rated. You spend hours building a gearbox to lock it away never to see it again. Meh I think the Mercedes Arcos Truck is so much worth the money
  8. Apologies if there is a thread, I did a search and could not find anything. So do you have any Lego builds, what are your favorites and what do you expect to see in the future releases. Here are some of my latest I have
  9. Do you have Apollyon? I think his dimensions are better. A pain to transform and I have no issues with that. But I like how Xbots has curved calfs. But I intend to own all three.
  10. I think the only way we are going to get a decent Alpha and Tread is if its done by 3rd party. I mean look at some of the most complex transformations IE Megatron, Op, and many others are done so well by Maketoys and others. This is BS how hard can it be to transform a jet whose legs are its intakes and arms missle pods. Good God
  11. I'll get my money back. If they are missing from others than that's a real piss poor job by Bandai.... . :/
  12. I have the blue one. Love it. Hard to fit in a Detolf with the cannon Outside of that do not buy from ebay seller AmimeKing. Mind you its all bandai's fault for short running on everything so I have to hunt down expansion packs that should be included with the release from ebay. A website or more like a scalpers paradise. Anywho this is what I got. for 200 plus dollars (can) Now Mind you I have a lot of SOCs from Bandai and Every GFFMC figure and not once, like EVER! did I miss a part or something was ripped off as this piece was. Also the Inner plastic trays are always taped. This wasnt taped at all. So....hmmmm Anyway, told the guy I want my money back and now its a fight over words. Not going to waste time. Opening a claim with Paypal. Another buyer said the same thing about him that he claimed it was a manufacturers error. Sure buddy.....sure
  13. Sheat fhawk sold out! Need to come here more often
  14. Ouch! I even felt that. I didnt even get a chance to get denied. Dont feel so bad There are VF-31s on the way Just checked my Preorders whew still there
  15. MBAY wants to do two things. a) make you download his movies. Cause paying for anything of his is like eating your hard earned cash, shitting it out and then lighting it on fire and b) wanting to see what next iteration of a pile of dogsheat he can make and how stupid enough people will pay to see it. Incidentally I think they have the same sort of direction with SS. Now if they had Optimus prime fly in on his rocket boots in SS and proceed to kill everyone while starscream comes through the Witches portal as a ghost to save the day and then have Optimus Prime turn into a toilet only to have superman come back resurrected as Megatron. THAT My Internet dweebs will make for an utterly fantastically entertaining movie.
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