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Everything posted by slaginpit

  1. For those saying "screw you, its new and its good crowd" I dont think that is anyone's issue. I am more accepting of Snoke. I thought he was cool. The way he bounced that force lightning off the floor was most impressive. His monologues and his overall presence. But that was a "NEW" Wasted opportunity. Crybaby Ben could have been a good "New" Opportunity. In fact you could have just had a movie with Baby Benny and Snoke. Rey with her doe eyed fly trap mouth is waste of acting. What SHOCKS me is how people who like this movie regardless if its a new or old or some stupid combination of Star wars and just a film in general is Bad pacing, bad acting, plot holes and unnecessary scenes that are disconnected. If you take this as a standalone as i think Some Guy Rian with a movie making history of a guy just flying into Hollywood, its just as bad as Transformer 2, 3, 4, 5, was there a 6? I cant remember anymore. Being new is not an excuse for bad writing and bad moving making.....
  2. Glad I didnt pay Disney for this crap What a joke Items SPOILERS So I thought I was watching battlestar gallectica, Harry Potter, benny hill and something with light sabers, I can go on and on but why bother. What i find hilarious is that people that tell me they liked it, "but they are not SW fans" but failed to miss all the gaps in the plot, the bad humor and the pacing that made no sense, Well I hope those people enjoy the next bajillion more SW crap. Oh and another 10 transformers movies.
  3. Dont do it. I did it on 3 preorders on EBAY and got burned three times. Then you have to argue with Paypal and Ebay to get your money back on a 60 day money back guarantee.Unless its like amiami or NY which sometimes I see on ebay you are risking loosing money
  4. At BBTS they have it up for 400bills thats almost 500 bucks for me canadian add another 100 for shipping that is 600 bucks. Nah Ill pass. For 600 bucks I got my King Arts Hulkbuster with a mark 42 iron man that can fit inside and light up features galore and metal everywhere and its huge. What a joke collecting Gundams and Macross has become. What I really want is a wing and I cant bloody find it anywhere
  5. Guys is YesAsia legit? I found one available GFFMC Wing. But its like 400 bucks
  6. Ok I have a VPN and can switch it to Japan Locale but then I guess I need to find someone to stage it for me and ship it out to NA. Mandrake would be awesome to use but their stock is sooooooooo limited
  7. Its half the size of the Lego one. I would go for the Lego one as you get some play value. Or you could do what I did and get the smaller one
  8. Guys how do you order from Bandai each time I tried it said it doesnt register for North America. I think its because of Blue Fin Distributing
  9. Ah yeah ..... I wish I had the time to do the complete reviews you do. But thankfully you do it for us and even cover some of the older molds. Keep up the good work!
  10. I find Skullface pretty good. He interacts ok with his subs. Outside of the transformation blah blah blah, which at times is useful as I need help with some of the steps as I never use the instructions., I like his final thoughts as they seem to be the most unbiased. What I am really interested in is a recommend or not. All I did with Kuma was pay a nice compliment to his photography skills and mentioned how cool it would be with backgrounds. And then he gets snarky. He has a history of this. And its amusing watching him use the search function furiously to find any thread related to Third Party thread to litter his pics with. So much for a guy who doesnt care positive or negative what people think. Outside of that beauty of the shots, I really like our long time resident that posts his reviews in this thread.
  11. Its not Bandai. As a friend that worked in Japan told me. They dont care about your money, They service their national people first. Not sure if that is true
  12. I don't know of you or remember interacting with you, but if I told you to "stay off" on my youtube channel, I'd bet my bottom dollar that I blocked you directly after that meaning you didn't unsub but were kicked. I feel that if you would of left this bit of info out, you stating that you unsubscribed would've had more of an effect if there was one to be had at all. Now your making stuff. Up. I made a neutral comment on your Iron Man review. You responded with hostility, I unsubbed. What you did or did not do afterwards is Cheddar. Its a small world that we would find each other here. EDIT. Im not trying to cause trouble.... I do enjoy your work
  13. I dont care. I have no skin in the game. Announcing what? give you a compliment and saying it would be cool to use backgrounds? Whatever man.
  14. Aaaaannnnd why I unsubbed you. Man you get triggered. With an attitude like that why are you posting in my thread then? I was giving you a compliment while at the same time saying it would be cool to see your photography skills at work with nice backgrounds, which I dont have the skills to do. I remember you telling me to stay off your channel. Stay out of my thread then!
  15. Oh look more Double 00. I guess Metal Build is pretty much the GFFMC of unicorn lol
  16. Right! I dont care if your logo is on the box. It just goes into the recycling bin. Do they think the truck driver cares? What about the airport staff that loads the the box unto the plane? What if I do not want my neighbor or my wife to know I have purchased a toy? Heck even LEGO doesn't plaster their name on the box. Probably because there is an additional cost to do so, and they are a billion times larger than BBTS. 2.1 Billion in sales and yet they do not need to put a stupid tampo. Just a plain simple box. And anything over 35 bucks is free shipping that their warehouse in the states ships out. Yes yes I know they may own their own distribution but I wont go into the details how this is bogus excuse for HLJ and BBTS. I live in cuckanda the land of money laundered properties, feminists SJWs and funny money. -In regards to HLJ. This is bogus. They have a huge overstock of products they cant push. This is also a part of a business that items would remain on the shelf. Have you seen the number of useless trinkets that remain unsold and they try to pawn off as a sale item every year? And I guess the 10k they did receive in business from me doesnt matter. Thats like saying If I bought a specialized tool from you and then changed my mind later on my next purchase you do not want to deal with me on business. Not a good model when you have a very niche market. Money is money. Otherwise sell direct form manufab to customer. And its stupid to say what whatever he market will pay. Just think about Beanie babies. Its more often Greed and scalping. Which are different dynamics
  17. Thanks I will check these guys out
  18. Hey Kuma your photos are amazing. more amazing you should try to get some cool backgrounds to show off even more the action pose.
  19. Part 1 I would like to know where to buy Japanese toys online outside of AMIAMI, NY, HLJ? Often I cant seem to pre-order any items like Exclusive Gundams, or any other figure toy made or designed in Japan. I know the usual sites are sold out the minute something is released but I dont have much time to stay online and follow and because of the time difference its near impossible to ever get anything. My fallback usually is BBTS but those guys mark up crap to such an unacceptable level that I am surprised they are still in business. Coupled that I have pleaded with them to stop shipping in boxes with the dam logo all over the box. Customs salivate like Cuju when they see it and tag another 40% to 60% on the item. Never happens with many other vendors. So here is a list of vendors I use. I would list HLJ but I have been banned. Never mind I have spent since I started collected data from 2014 which is around $5220.47. And I have been purchasing from them around 2008. So I believe its close to 10k.But because I cancelled at least 15 Pre-orders. And So what. Dont offer the service. But same problem with them with putting their stupid logo all over the box and getting an additional 40% on the purchase/shipping price. For my King Arts Iron Man stuff and 3rd Party Transformers Rated around Pricing and ease of use. 1. Robot Kingdom. 2. TF-Direct 3. TheChosenPrime 4. BBTS -My last go to. Like I said horrible Prices and getting dinged on Customs makes it unpalatable -ABSOLUTE last Resort For Sentinel, anything Tamashii Nations from Metal Build, Exclusive Gundams, basically anything Japanese 1. Nippon Yasan. Probably one of the best for ease of use, good service and often I find if you add yourself to the watch list items do get backfilled. 2. AmiAmi Brutal customer service. I mean if by chance you cant purchase your pre-order, kiss your keister goodbye as you would loose a vendor to purchase from. Their selection is also piss poor. 3. BBTS -Oh gawd. WHY! tag another 100 bucks! 4. My local shop. He is really a Hot Toys Specialist but will carry Metal Build, SOC etc. Bloody expensive. He matches his prices against BBTS and uses the same distributor like Blue Fin and the main one I forgot the name for N. Murrica. Also, he acts like a collector ie I saw he has the SOC 3PO and I wanted to buy it from him, but he marked it up to 1000 dollars??? I never understood this because his cost was the original SRP. Not what the market of a very few would be able to dish out. So it just sits there gathering dust. This is the mentality of these small shops. Can you imagine stores behaving like this? Anyhoo. yeah. Often when he says he will get a metal build he actually cant get it. IE he gave up on getting anything macross related, when he does, usually a few months after release he will sell it for 700 CANADIAN (funny money) dollars. EBAY. Oh I really want to die!!!. Last Last resort. I was lucky to find a 12PM Tiger and Bunny figures for 157 AUS dollars. My local shop owner wants 400 for just the tiger figure whereas the scalpers are asking 200 bucks for it.
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