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Everything posted by slaginpit

  1. Ok I stand corrected. In reference to moving on from OT. Naw it didnt do much of that since FA was a ripoff of ANH and made specific references to that movie with events and characters. What it should have done if they wanted to move away from OT is place it 60 years into the future but then again Lucas had a 9 part trilogy in mind and disney wanted to conclude it as a 9 parter but that is not what they did. Its like they got together and said. How do we sell porgs and get politics into it.
  2. Just wondering since he lives in Hong Kong and if there will ever be a collabe with those two.
  3. I skimmed through a few comments. I may have misunderstood but I saw a comment alluding to people defending Phantom Menace as an excuse to this horrible display of acting, sans Mark, and writing. Yes that filmed sucked. Really bad. I don't think anyone disagrees. But making the same mistake in the face of it all just justifies how utterly inept the actors, writer/director and company are. Judging from the trailers Finn in his movie of smash em neon robots looks atrocious. In the the first few minutes of finn, it seems more of the same over the top over reacting over acting. Its just about riding on everyone else's coat tales
  4. I am not sure anyone mentioned the Social Justice aspect where in that harry potter scene, when huckleberry fin and princess mulan freed those poor kangaroo fox/wolves/lamas/bunny fantastic beasts and felt so satisfied they trashed the rich peoples place. Cause you know rich people are bad bad bad. Um not one thought to who is going to clean all that mess up. Not one thought to who will get the whip for all that chaos done by a bunch of rebels. Princess Mulan never thought that these people once caught those kangaroo/fox/wolves/lamas/bunny fantastic beasts wont catch them again or heck why not have a new sport of hunting them down, killing them, skinning them, and then hanging them on the brand new casino walls while the slave children are forced spit shine them endlessly. Sigh Again no wonder no one wanted to aid the rebels. But hey mystical super power rangers ring to the rescue at least until the kid turns 18 Ok Im done hacking this hackney of a film.
  5. I like how people crap and call people names that say this movie sucks. Take away the label Star Wars. And call it Space Hero Superheros I don't care. its a shitty movie. Pacing. Bad Acting, continuity. Period. I never knew anything about Guardians. Was it an outstanding movie. No, but it went from A to b and then c and because of that I was able to relate to characters I didn't have a clue about. There was no set up prior to that movie, of course it referenced the comics but you can only do so much in 1.5 hours This movie went from Z to G to A to B then back to Z and back to D. Its a mess. Was it necessary and keeping in mind you take away the name luke and lets call him old fart, to have him milk titties from an animal that looked it was like getting some pleasure from it and that odd face it does and look it gives to Msue and to have Msue turn around as if some animal fornication were at play only to have old fart give that look, mmmm fresh titty juice....Come on! However yet they are referencing events to the star wars universe and because of that its out of place. So you cant even treat it as a standalone because of its a sequel to FA. And because of that its even more disjointed and ludicrous. And because its a sequel to the first SW trilogy its even more ludicrous! Also it sheats on men ie purple haired Anita Sarkessian shouting down to practically a war hero that destroyed Death Snow Globe 3.0 and what seemed was your only one ace pilot. If I was him i would be like, "you know what your right, im just some stupid hot jock ace pilot, you dont need me. you'll be fine. Boys you coming with me? " gets in their fighters and fly away to safety or heck even join the empire 2.0. What the hell! I mean it isnt a surprise that no one came to help them for their plea to action...Duh! Dumb 2017 comedy Verizon references in a future where space ships can warp and ultimate AI robots Shits on Father figures. Han a war hero and former general just lazily forgotten in the FA and basically one of the "fly Boys" that aided ONCE AGAIN in the destruction of snow globe 3.0 and not one memorial scene? Again aside from SWs and stuff, it seemed just wrong to introduce a character in FA to only kill off i guess because he was an old white guy. We see how mary Poppins was oogled over. Even mary poppins didnt seem to care much. No one bothered to ask if luke was ok. "he guys we made it!" everyone is here? what about that old white guy that made us escape?" nope! Old Grumpy White fart=expendable. Oh and the only jedi people oogled over. But hey Msue can move rocks. Um maybe move one those at at's and make them keel over on top each other like dominos. I mean it would fitting. Just add another one of those WHA WHAAAAA moments If I were luke, "Han is dead?" was there a memorial service, how is my sister taking it." Msue"naw we just forgot about him, your sister doesnt even talk about him" Luke," oh well then I guess you guys have it taken care off, you dont need me. Im just a guy"! what a disaster for Disney, a disaster for some rian guy, a disaster for "the Force is feminism" Kennedy. There is even a rumor floating around that the han movie=Not interested in it at all or anything with SW attached to it, that the guy chosen for han cant act and has been already red lined in the Disney accounting books. This is what happens in the ecomomic stages of capitalism -Monopolies are created, product suffers and cronyism grows.
  6. Here is hoping you got Valks and other collectible goodies under the tree
  7. I really dont understand. Brains and how they work. Hmmm I dont think that movie was good. Let me spend more money so disney thinks this was a massive success. Hmmm I think it was bad but there were some cool moments let me see it a third time. Sigh
  8. Its not that. People are dumb. I know its obtuse. But its true. People are herded cattle. And although we are a gregarious species still we are supposed to be smarter. Ahem In the immortal words of HLM. "No one would ever go broke underestimating the collective intelligence of the american public "
  9. I didnt pay a single cent. Not for this, or Transblubbers 3, 4, 5 and I think 6. And I watched some scenes over just for shits and giggles. Its time for hollywood.......to end
  10. that is BS! Ah yeah post release well I thought that this character is saying, uh well that is what this character is thinking. Um I am watching a movie not a post play scene breakdown thank you. Jeez
  11. More Info You might have been introduced to Mortal Engines by its teaser trailer. Or maybe it was the initial announcement last year. Or maybe, just maybe, you’re an old-school fan of the 2001 novel from Phillip Reeve. However you’ve come to be interested in Mortal Engines, Peter Jackson’s latest blockbuster, you need an introduction or a refresher. Look no further. What is Mortal Engines? Mortal Engines is a 2018 sci-fi film from Universal Pictures, based on the novel of the same name. It takes place in a post-apocalyptic Europe in an area known as The Great Hunting Ground, which encompasses most of the European and part of the Asian continents. Sometime in the past, human civilization was fundamentally changed by an event known as the Sixty Minute War, implied to be a frenzy of nuclear exchange between America and China. Since then, a civilization has oriented itself around “traction cities,” the core sci-fi concept of the movie, and the Great Hunting Ground is the largest concentration of them. What are traction cities? I’m going to leave you with this paragraph from the Mortal Engines fan wiki: Traction Cities are vast metropolises built on tiers that move on gigantic wheels or caterpillar tracks. These cities hunt smaller cities (in order to tear them apart for resources and fuel) which in turn hunt towns which in turn hunt villages and static settlements. This practice is known as Municipal Darwinism, which was created by Nicholas Quirke and is based on the evolutionary theories of the ancient philosopher Charles Darwin. Larger cities typically have mechanisms known as “jaws” to drag smaller cities into their “gut,” a tier of factories and furnaces where the smaller city is stripped for parts and artifacts, while its people are either incorporated into the underclass of the larger city’s population or enslaved. Cities that eat other cities are known as — wait for it — Urbivores. A great deal of humanity lives in traction cities or is terrorized by them, but airships and remote stationary outposts also exist. What is Mortal Engines about? Mortal Engines is based on Phillip Reeve’s 2001 young adult novel, and its three sequels, a series called the Mortal Engines Quartet. The books follow the adventures of apprentice historian Tom Natsworthy (he’ll be played by Robert Sheehan of Misfits fame) and Hester Shaw (Hera Hilmar), who features prominently in the first teaser for the movie. Related Here’s the trailer for Peter Jackson’s Mad-Max-but-rolling-steampunk-cities movie In the first installment of Mortal Engines, Tom and Hester find themselves attempting to thwart the plans of the head of London’s Guild of Historians, Thaddeus Valentine (Hugo Weaving), who is looking for the secret to an ancient superweapon from before the Sixty Minute War. They are hampered by the deadly steampunk cyborg assassin, Shrike (Stephen Lang), who the Lord Mayor of London hired to kill them. Is Peter Jackson making Mortal Engines? Yes, but he’s not directing it. Mortal Engines will be the first screenplay from Jackson and partners Fran Walsh and Phillipa Boyens to not be directed by Jackson himself. Instead, Jackson, Walsh and Boyens are staying in the producers’ chairs, while Christian Rivers directs. Rivers has spent his career working on storyboards and visual effects in Peter Jackson productions, as well as a second unit director in the Hobbit trilogy, King Kong (2005) and Pete’s Dragon. Mortal Engines will be his first feature-length directing gig. When does Mortal Engines come out? Dec. 14, 2018. More From Polygon PUBG review: Playerunknown’s Battlegrounds is imperfectly perfect The 50 best games of 2017 Ranking the numbered Final Fantasy games Star Wars: The Last Jedi director addresses Twitter backlash, understands fans’ anger Trending PUBG review: Playerunknown’s Battlegrounds is imperfectly perfect The future of Star Wars may lie in an Eisenhower speech Star Wars: The Last Jedi’s Hitchcock-style twist is its best moment Star Wars: The Last Jedi is the latest victim of review bombing Crawl is the perfect game for the Nintendo Switch This Article has a component height of 20. The sidebar size is long.
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