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Everything posted by slaginpit

  1. ahahahahaha Im an ass because a guy floods a thread I created with his pictures. I offer praise and state it would be cool in some action poses and backgrounds and he gets personal. You dont understand his intent behind it. You dont even know me. Whatever and that is fine. And you not getting a persons opinion is a very subjective argument. Many before me have taken the time to create videos on its poor quality and lack of actual plot and digression from the source material its based on. Did you like SWTLJ? I think I have as much right to comment that it was garbage as people like to say its awesome. Call me a sucker for punishment, but everything everyone has said is spot on based on the Trailers. Which is funny because its basically the movie. They should have called it. "Boyega. The Yager Pilot." As they say. It takes quality to recognize quality. cheers
  2. Who said I bought a ticket. Thanks to technology I am able to pre-screen crappy movies I have a feeling they are garbage and confirm my initial thoughts. If the screening is good enough I then enjoy the flick on a screen. Movies should come with a satisfaction guarantee
  3. So i just finished watching the movie. And Boy did it suck balls. Basically they showed you everything in the trailer. Meh lackluster kiddie garbage Oh and gee where did they get the funding for this movie and who was it made for
  4. I had one until I sold it. I didnt find the same Quality in Fewture figures as SOC. I still have the other Getter 2 I think...the one with the drill bit arm and Mazinger. Those seem to the only quality ones of the super robot line. How are the wings? On my Original one the wings broke and was a known issue. Had to order another set.
  5. Ugh looks like go go power rangers. The only way we can fight is if we work together. Anyone can be a hero. Sigh Next .....
  6. Nice pictures. An added break from the photos seeming to litter the threads
  7. OMG that is one gorgeous but impractical mech. I just got one from ebay for 550 canadian. SUCKS! But its one of those that will grow in value.
  8. Oh man, she is half Asian right? She looks so much like my daughter when she was at that age! My Son and Daughter like Rebels too. They are pretty sad that k died.
  9. I have the orginal and Its awesome
  10. Thats a huge rod, cannon, booya stick
  11. Really? Voltron? Dancouger? Six God? Daltanious ? Combattler? GunBuster? Really i can go on but really?
  12. me too. I heard its end of Feb?
  13. Anyone getting the SOC Gypsy Danger ?
  14. Another Big Bad Guy nothing burger flick. See comments in Ant man thread how I feel these marvel movies are more of the same ol same ol
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