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Everything posted by slaginpit

  1. LOL bandai. Will milk every penny out of a mold until you get so sick of the release you get rid of any of the mold you had and call it quits
  2. UGH not more kits JUST Give me an AFFORDABLE NU!!!!!! Metal build is such a disappointment. I swear someone at Bandai design is shoving seed-00 up their asses. That love affair has to end. I have the Nu Bust and the Metal Robot Spirits one. But i mean look at the flurry of MRS seed thats being pumped out.
  3. its the bandai trap. Would you like a belt with those pants sir lol I am putting faith that Moshow or some other will put to work some Modified form of a NU gundam
  4. ok so i went to ebay.ca and filtered for sold ONLY 1 shows sold for almost 4 grand. Telling me it some maniac that has way to much money to spend. The population of collecters here that are willing to spend is near nil. Second we have a huge Chinese population of young misfits with holes burning in their pants. Not something i call organic. The other sold items are the londo bell engineer set fin funnel set. So im going to take 3 funnel solds with one that sold for an obscene price. Probably a guy who would bu an ethot twitch bath water for 2000 dollars. 4 sold in a population of 40 million people. On top of that i want to add ebay is a scammers market now. I know cause did it myself when i saw an item not selling a guy puts a bid on it and its like crap NO. WIFEY!!!!! COME QUICK BID ON MY ITEM! or a friend bids on the item to make it look like it sold for 4k . IM telling you a see a lot of buyers remorse for this 1000 dollar brick I sold more transformers toys for equal or just a bit more than what i purchased them for because the population is higher I can tell you NO ONE in my city nor in cowboy country would laugh the piss out of themselves if they see what city idiots are paying for. regardless you like it and thats all that matters. Or maybe canadians are an incredibly cheap bunch of losers. Meh who cares -right
  5. dont take it personality we all fall for it. So i include myself. But your idea of re-sale value, you really should rethink that. I tried selling Metal builds off No ONE will pay the SRP or the "collectors costs" You should think about how that works. When you factor scarcity, niche, population, supply, cost of living and disposable cash. I bet you i can sell my Sazabi, Strike, Buster, Kampfer etc for a lot more than i purchased for than you for your nu for more than you purchased it. Cheers
  6. while its nice. Its WAAAAAY overpriced. North of a thousand dollars for a figure that has the posability of a MG gundam from the 80s. Mean while you get the insane detail and posability with MoSHOWs Takeda Shingen for less than 200 dollars american. Sometimes Bandai prays on the stupidity of its collectors.
  7. yeesh the paint apps are really lacking. Those hoses that lead to chest (fusion??)the couplers should be paint in blue the fusion? hole could have used a brighter gold or yellow
  8. I actually wanted to give this three and a half stars but i do not have this option. So here its 3.5 stars. Mold: Its nice. Very very Nice. Based off the IDW Transformers comic Menasor and transformission captured it spot on So mold wise its true to the line art. And even tho Fansproject did the same line-art mold which i sold off, its much more accurate. It carries the details from the car-bots over to the gestalt mode pretty well. So for that its a solid 4 stars. I have not seen the individual bot modes so i cant compare accuracy to the comic. Individual car modes: Got to say these are some of the best car bots to date. Especially Disorder and Overturn, followed by Revolt and then Carnage. Carnage really needs FEET!.(voiced in Bobby Skullfaces sound) Transformations are a bit involved but then again so are most modern transformers collectibles. The weakest for me is Revolt, i just dont like that spoiler hanging in the back but that may be due to its line art? Again I do not know havent seen them in their comic bot modes. Transformation, already talked about the car to bot transformations now to the gestalt. Its involved And its cool that its all fairly intergrated outside of the parts forming, it doesn't need the hip or forearm or even the thigh pieces to make it look cool. Paint Job and over all Gestalt mode Thoughts: Ok so I got the chromed version so ill speak to that since most people have seen the reviews for this mold because it is old. The chrome looks amazing! I love the Silver mat finish on Powertrain the dark blueish grey chrome. It accents the mat silver so well. Even in combined mode. its a great color pallet. Only thing that could top that is if Revolt was a Mat Shiny Yellow. I dont think the Chrome silver on him looks that good. Also the sword and gun could have been a mat shiny paint job. The Chrome really makes some moving joints very very stiff. Also expect some nicks and scratches because you know its chrome lol I have it compared to that TFC autobot combiner (sorry forgot its name) Got to say that old TFC combined mode is a lot more posable than Menasor. The old issues from TFM carries over to the chromed version, from the reviews it has all the balance issues it cant even raise the arms to 70 degrees the side with Over turn cant lift at the shoulders because the front end hits Powertrains missle bay. Posability is a solid 1. Just 1. I have never seen anything this bad. I do recommend it for one reason alone. And for the chromed version only. 1. Shelf Presence and 2 PRICE. The original 5 was 499. The CHROMED version was 319US. Thats just 63 bucks per vehicle. Not bad actually. And to me this menasor is the best design. Sure the others are cartoon accurate but the cartoon did look goofy. So rating is kind low just because of the known issues and i would have liked a mat finish on Revolt and the weapons and that the chroming did interfere with the fitment tolerance.
  9. frakk Cancelled due to IP theft SHOWZ has asked preorders to cancel their pre-orders
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