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Everything posted by slaginpit

  1. Seriously. She had armor that deflected lasers. Um so the new Empire er I mean, what are they now, storm-troopers could not get an upgrade in their armor. Why didnt any of the Duh troopers have companion killer bots? I mean just look at armor of the Halo Spartans. The Adeptus Astartes with their hulking armor. Yet we have a galaxy far far away with ships that travel faster than any other known SCIFI ship with wizards and laser swords but they cant make armor that deflects laser bolts. Heck even the Spartans had a power shields. But that is just one thing, but I understand this is canon now. It just doesnt make sense to have ONE trooper with special armor to have a bunch of your main force to literally be bullet sponges.
  2. Comrade I actively wok in de parti communista. My plan of moi commrades iz to infiltrade the captialistika vile rebel scum of the US f A. Mi i moi commrades will destroy mjuvies of dat butiful pest time of cinima muhahahahahahahahaha PS Putin sends his regards.
  3. crap. I think I pre ordered the wrong one.
  4. Star Wars 9. The next disaster of now a series of disasters by Disney It started with a New Hope Er I mean the force awakens Then they went full SJW mode in the Last Jedi Something happened they they seemed to get over their virus in Rogue One but I needed several shots of bourbon and a shot of dopamine to keep me awake during the lullaby. Then Pan Solo. Soylo Story marked the end of a franchise. They managed to kill one of the most beloved brands and profitable too. I guess when Kennedy does get the boot, I wonder what she will do with that the box full of force is feminism shirts in her office corner. Maybe she can make a quilt. And to top it of with a cherry on top denouement, Captain Marvel. Ah yes how do you top that boring bland scene after scene with that cardboard face. Well Move over Ridley say hello to larson WOW there goes my member berries. Ruin the 80s march Ruin video Games =CHECK Ruin Comic Books =CHECK Ruin the predator, Alien, Star Wars, Star Trek, Dr Who, Ghostbusters, and wait and see MARVEL. Ugh
  5. And here we are and as I said back in 2016 we got yet another netflix vomit inducing discombobulated anime. Its telling it became a netflix orginal
  6. Who is ChinMungMung? I deal with ShowZStore and TF-direct. They have an excellent Order management system. The best I have seen, not even HLJ or BBTS have anything like this.
  7. weird on my PC I cant see on my laptop I can. Strange. ...lol
  8. This companies toys are nice, I have a few of them but as of late they are just too expensive.
  9. what happened to my pics. Did we crash the sites database. lol
  10. NOICE didnt know people know who this actor is. Starts with a C and ends with a G
  11. Hi, Yes it is the ludens figure. Its extremely posable. However you need to shift the armor around so unlike some other 1/6 figures you really need to spend time on posing it. For example the armor plates that run from the shoulders to the elbows all can position independently at each segment. I was just too lazy to put him in some power pose cause you would likely spend an hour just positioning everything just right. The only place that can be a problem is the leg pieces near the shins. Head is limited due to the big ass helmet but I highly recommend the figure
  12. Im a ShowZ Regular. Yes they tend to slap crap up as soon as its announced. But they are very good. I like their product tracking system. They are not as anal as AA, HLJ, and dont mark stuff up after preorder full-fillment like NP. I did get my Buster. It took a while but are very good at giving updates.
  13. Yeah Glad you noticed too that the one showed was the G-System kit. I had that kit. What a disaster. So I might switch my preorder for that one
  14. 3rd Party Metal Build. I wonder if this has anything to do with Bandai Announcing theirs I have this one. And HOOOOOOOOOOLLLLLLY COW The metal, the build beautiful
  15. Oh sweet jeeeeeesus.
  16. LOL and another Third Party is making a version of the Kysh.
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