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Everything posted by slaginpit

  1. Hmm i come from the application development world. Many different people working on many different projects. But in terms of big organizations the bloat can be used in different projects thus being more efficient and bigger companies can absorb loss leaders...a group of people working on designs is much more riskier - in these companies
  2. shouldnt that be the opposite?
  3. Bandai owns Sunrise. Hence no licence. Unless they will charge themselves and pay for it. lol Thats the anomaly. Its just price gouging. Someone that I recently befriended and bought some MG kits from me actually told me sometimes in China they go for 50 bucks. Fhawk me....I mean then you need to factor the gouging on the gouging if that is true and bandai is making this stuff in china. Which i think they do...need to check the box
  4. Yeah 1000 plus dollars for a figure that can barely bend its arms and legs. But if they go with a 1/60 its going to raise flags like ever before Even at the $300 mark and they do a "transformer" like improvement knock-off the many people would sell their Bandai versions will have BANDAI banging down doors samurai style .....And I for one dont want this market to be shut down. THE AMOUNT OF GOUGING from BANDAI needs to stop. Im not one of those rich ASIANS that can simply burn money ... I want to appreciate these designs as much as any other fan.
  5. 1/72 and 1/100 AND Kudos to MOSHO er I mean Poison toys. crap in less than 3 months bang its out. How long ago did ToyWorld announce and show their TLK Optimus Prime?
  6. Sigh I already mentioned its coming....in two different scales. Hold your panties
  7. HOLLY frakk! My Kampfer has been shipped. WOOOOOOOO
  8. The movie was a masterpiece for a Razzie Award. Terrible chemistry among all the actors Stupid plot devices Lots of MacGuffins the men all seemed like retards needing damsels to save them the kiss at the end was shoe horned. I was talking to a bud in an elevator asked him if he liked it some guy next to me pushing his mother in a wheelchair said to us it was garbage lol
  9. Best play Titanfall 2
  10. So here we go we got the full prices Sinanju Jan to March Sazabi First Batch Feb second batch end of March Kampfer Jan to Mar
  11. Its still available. Im on the second batch pre-order
  12. I know someone that knows someone these designers that said Nu is coming out in 1/100 scale
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