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Father Jack

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Everything posted by Father Jack

  1. C'mon You know its Misa. Yum
  2. Myth: The Zentraedi couldn't repair their own equipment: Source: RT and Pat Payne's post Reality: The Zentraedi are seen several times throughout SDF Macross repairing their own equipment. Remember Kamzin in his wifebeater when their ship was crashed in the Amazon, and he was bitching at his guys to get it fixed. 318978[/snapback] I think kamzin makes a refrence to the fact that the humans taught them how to repair their own equipment in that scene. I think he says something about using human culture against humanity in this way. Could be wrong though.
  3. If your still looking for titles The Legend of Black Heaven (or Kacho Oji) is really good. It's kindof goofy, but with lots of serious parts mixed in. It has a fantastic ending too.
  4. Interesting, I am sure I have some kids I don't know about, but a wife I don't know about? Wow, I AM a fukin stud. 318711[/snapback] You sure you didn't get married in Mexico? I figured that would be the climax of part three. And damn straight there should be a parenthood test I've seen too many "winners" in my time both parents and kids to believe otherwise
  5. That was pretty good.
  6. quick update, the backround is done as is most of Misa. Overall it is about half way there. Oh and we can make posters actually (The girlfriend works in a print shop). Though I will have to have her tell you guys the details. (She tried to explain it to me, but I don't get it ).
  7. At least they are not furries... ...maybe ...nevermind
  8. Harold and Kumar go to white castle God I Feel ashamed even admitting this
  9. Just an update on the colored version. The backround portion is about 80% done the characters will come after that. It looks pretty good so far. However she is doing it very high quality, and so far the high resolution version is about 40 megs. We'll see how it turns out.
  10. well for one I thought they wouldn't let me buy even that one. But mostly it was because I thought it was rather unique. The rest of the images I had seen in one form or another before, but I had never seen this one.
  11. I thought the third episode was pretty boss. More serious that the first two, no excessive fan service. Also maybe it's just me but Nono is beginning to remind me alot of Noriko (though a more goofy version, but she seemed more motivated in this one like Noriko was.) The buster machine in the blister pack got a chuckle out of me
  12. She will she's a graphic designer and a good one at that so she definately knows what she's doing. So no worries
  13. I'm happy with my B.A. from Hollywood Upstairs Medical College.
  14. again it's not definate, but we'll see. I'll try to keep on her case about it.
  15. Photoshop masters.....we need you!!! 317640[/snapback] My girlfriend just kind of volunteered to give the picture color. Her exact words were, "No! I need to do it because It will be terrible unless they put it in traditional art nouveau colors." So she wants to do it for coloring practice in photo shop, and because she loves Mucha's work which this is based on. So we'll see what happens.
  16. damn it figures this would happen when I have no job and am totally broke
  17. I actually kind of miss exo-squad.
  18. Yes I have... I didn't think about that
  19. The print comes from This Is Animation Original Illustration Super Dimension Fortress Macross Character Edition. This is a folder of 10 B4 size illustrations published by Shogakukan in 1983. If the picture wasn't too big for my scanner, I'd post here at a better reslotion. 317140[/snapback] Stealing it did cross my mind, but I'm too honest. Is yours printed on card stock cause that's what mine came on. I scaned the image in at 300dpi (Freaking huge!) but here is a bigger image let me know if you want something even bigger it should be no problem. edit: Made it a little bigger as per toonz's request cause I didn't see it the first time.
  20. So a funny thing happend on the way to the forum... I was on my way to a job interview yesterday, and it was only a mile from where I live so I just decided to walk it. I stopped to use the bathroom at the local half price books and what should I see on the wall but a picture of a Q-rau. I was like wow thats unusual. Then I turned around, and the other side was plastered with Macross pictures. I fell in love with this one and asked them if I could purchase it. (You should have seen the look on the clerk's face when I asked her if I could purchase one of the pictures from the men's room. ) Anyway they gave it to me for 50 cents it looks like a parody of the work of Alfons Mucha. Anyway here you go... (Special thanks to my girlfriend Rachelle for helping with th photoshop work.)
  21. Haibane Renmei is a good one. Kino's Journey is also one quite enjoyable. Edit: Rememberd another good one. The diary of tortov roddle. It is one ova 16 minutes long, and is unlicenced so you will have to download it. Believe me it's worth it.
  22. That guy looks like he's about to explode. 316478[/snapback] I wanna see him try and snap a car in half with his bare hands. Then possibly eat a whole cow in one gulp like a snake.
  23. No big heart tug? What about in the last five minutes or so when they are each thinking about wanting to be with eachother and at the end Mikako floats there and they each think "I'm right here." I've never been able to not cry when I watch that. This one even got my cold sarcastic bastard friends sobbing.
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