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Father Jack

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Everything posted by Father Jack

  1. Too true I remember after I played Mech Warrior 2 for the first time I hopped in the giant robot my dad keeps in the shed and took out half the neighborhood. Seriously though we don't need more laws we need parents who look after their kids. I used to be a manager at a mini golf course, and just about every day we would have parents dump off thir kids for hours on end, (We affectionately called them orphans). About 40% percent of these kids were well behaved, but the rest were little punk asses who you could tell the parents just wanted to get rid of for a few hours. You could also tell with those kids that this was nothing new the parents had probably been doing this for years, spoiling the them, and not giving them any dicipline. That's what I think the problem is. These parents just don't care, give them whatever they want to keep them quiet, and then blame society when something goes wrong. I was spanked as a child (And paddled and had my mouth washed out with soap). And I turned out fine. As long as parents also explain why the punishment is being given I don't think this should be frowned upon. In short parents should have the responsibility for their kids upbringing and dicipline, and not society, but cirtainly not the government.
  2. oh and here is a funny still
  3. I think I stole this one off something awful. So props to whoever made it.
  4. Damn furries and larpers are ruining everything
  5. Well with his robo-wang and all she probably got sick of hearing, "Think warm thoughts honey cause this is mighty cold," everytime things were heading in that direction. I mean that's got to be a nightmare that would turn any woman off for 20 years.
  6. ^ Sounds like some kind of crazy threat.
  7. Just saw F91 and liked it well enough so I would like to see a some crossbone gundam action. Or (As far as UC goes) an animated Gaia Gear might be cool. The plot sounds interesting, and way better than what I've heard about G-Savior so it would be great if this could become cannon again. Also it would be something from beyond the first hundred years of the UC which is saturated with shoes already. Otherwise I would like to see more Turn A. Though I think a prequel would be better than a sequel. If it is as well done as the original, and focuses more on story and less on how many toys they can market from the series.
  8. millia mostly colored. we're working on it.
  9. christ that gives me a headache. still kinda cool though
  10. here is another gif, but its probably been seen before Thought it was pretty funny though.
  11. And why is destro watching a bee-hive in a tank of orange soda? Is this all part of Cobra's next evil plot?
  12. here is a site with some tips on weathering. Weathering tips I have used chalk washes with good results, if done right you can have a model that is as dirty or as clean as you like. Also it is fairly easy, but thats just my oppinion. There are several other techniques detailed on the site as well. Good luck
  13. Shazam! you're up!
  14. Sure super easy one. Who does Guin Lineford run away with at the end of Turn A Gundam.
  15. It ain't pretty, but here's my 5 minute MS Paint version. 331008[/snapback] Anyway with the hole in the crotch, does it mean he does'nt have to take off all that armor to pee? 331907[/snapback] Nah thats where they put the fuel to keep him alive for another week. He had to be completely castrated (wang and all ouch) so that his metal underoos could be bolted on. He's pink because of the umm... backup Hey sweet I could be a writer for the new robotech series. even in the new picture the skintone looks a little wierd, but maybe it's just me.
  16. easy one: In Five Star Stories who are Colus III's two fatimas, and how did he meet them. (I suppose this is more of a manga question, but I thought it would be ok. If manga is not allowed I'll change it )
  17. Van halen calender in episode 5. Is that what your looking for?
  18. The captain sunburn action figure: comes with over 1,000 points of articulation and has such exciting accesories as boxer shorts, and umm... a feeling of shame and little self worth.
  19. Update: Minmay is now mostly colored. Misa has been detailed and looks fantastic. Now she just needs to finish minmay and millia, and then the detailing can begin. Then its done However we just got We Love Katamari so it could be awhile. I'll keep you all updated. Oh and thanks again to Mechamaniac for the Millia pictures.
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