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Father Jack

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Everything posted by Father Jack

  1. Good comic I'm a mite curious about why the last panel had to be edited though? and true I will admit that, despite how redundant it has become, I'll be jiggered if some of these posts haven't brought a grin to my face. Let the blood flow indeed. perhaps we should also let loose the dogs of war if anybody has such a thing.
  2. 24.4% Can't say I'm surprised Still he left out some classic old sci-fi movies that any geek would know Logan's run, Rollerball, Darkstar(Maybe?). Also old TV shows like the Prisoner.
  3. Just in case you're just tuning in I will sum up the last nine pages of pointless arguing and horse flogging. Some people: Yay we are 1337 mac 7 r0x0r5 Others: No we are 1337 Mac 7 5uXoRs Some people: you fag!!!1 Others: you pussy!!!1 Repeat endlessly. I hope this has saved you some time. <_<
  4. Favorite nose cone: VF-1 (It's smooth and it's sexy oh baby) Gun pod- VF-19 kai gunpod cause it looks spiffy SDF-1 Room: Macrossnalds... It will definately drive Humburger PoPo into the ground Though I don't think either use real meat.
  5. I wish there was an emoticon for the shedding of one manly tear, cause I would have to use it here. God bless you you wonderful wonderful angry man!
  6. Nuts to maturity I'm sittung here in my underwear at two in the morning reading about a twenty year old cartoon when I should be asleep or studying. Maturity has long flown the coop with me And darn right the ladies like it when you play with the toys. Imagine this... :::Flying valk around room::: Comely young lass: Hmmm... You handle that pretty good. Me: Yep Fine foxy lady: So you like to play do you? Me: Oh Yeah :::Zooming noises::: Hottie: :::Giggle::: Can I play too? Me: Sure. Sausy young thing: Ok lets play with... These!!! Me: You're on lady. And the rest is slightly embelished history I'm going to bed.
  7. Why is it always with the macross 7 forgetting and never with the love?
  8. Wow! I needs me one of those like like I needs the crack! That is sweet dude keep going with it I can't wait to see it done. When it is completed I promise you I will build a Solid gold shrine a mile high tended by gourgeous virgins just for you good sir!
  9. MMMMMM....Rei Chunks
  10. Bah humbug! Before violent toys it was violent TV, Before that it was violent movies, before that it was dime and pulp novels, before that it was probably old radio dramas. Parents through the ages have just wanted to make excuses for not teaching their spaz stink children the difference between right and wrong. They don't want to blame themselves when something goes wrong they just want to blame society. We can blame transformers when little billy hops into his giant robot and takes out half of suburbia with its head mounted rail guns. Untill then these people need to chill. Also obviously my comments don't apply to all parents. Mine raised me right and are well adjusted. Just didn't want to start something with any of you who have kids. I know most of you are doing a good job, so keep it up. Go parents rah rah and all that, so don't take any offense.
  11. I loves me the Sexy Commando, I wanna see this so bad.
  12. True true and I never said that it wasn't fun to watch, and looking from that perspective it is a good hommage to the original. It was just that theme song... I saw this movie months ago and I still can't get it out of my head. I do love the good old 1950's retro sci-fi though, even if it's an 80's recreation of such. anyway I humbly take back my earlier assertion It's not movie gold, but it is fun to watch However I did see this really cheesy horror movie from my dad's collectin awhile back. cant recall the name, but this mad scientist ressurects Frankenstein, the wolf man, and Dracula to get revenge on his enemies. as I remember the movie doesn't even end, it just stops and rolls credits. anybody seen this?
  13. Wait it just dawned on me... Flash Gordon This is a horrible movie, just listen to the theme song by Queen I quote *ahem* "Flash!... ah~~~ He's a miracle!" Repeat 30 times with 80's guitar riffs. Also there is a Ming looks like a horrible Chinese steryotype from the 1850's. If anybody has ever seen the Rocket Revengers skits on Mad TV he kind of looks like the Queen of the Chinese. The banner from the weding scene was funny though "All beings will make merry...Under pain of death" Such a happy occasion
  14. Really? A re-make of Logan's run Huh? Thank you Graham, you will be spared. :::Boards shuttle::: :::Arrives at space station::: :::Powers up hamster laser::: :::Plays song from end of Dr. Strangelove::: :::Targets earth::: Its gonna be a long night of Genocide.
  15. The re-make of Roller Ball. The original had a great plot and a great message about how one man is important, and can make a difference. The re-make was just a bunch of extreme sports non-sense catered to today's audiences who can't seem to get enough of bright lights and shiny things. If they so much as TRY to re-make Logan's Run I am going to hop into my hamster powered space station and remove hollywood from the map! Also Battle field earth Movie=crap Book=great
  16. My avatar is a charicature of the character Father Jack Hackett from Father Ted a British comedy show. He's an old bitter drunken priest and also my favorite character. Here is another picture of him. He loves his pet brick
  17. I love this show as was stated it wasn't great, but man was it ever fun to watch. I liked it so much I went and boutght the Nanako's secret box set Basically you have this mad scientist who is doing experiments for both the government and the vatican, and his bone-head nurse/house keeper/experiment is caught in the middle. While the plot makes no sense sometimes it is still a genuinely funny show. By the way, the best episode is fire crackers.
  18. Max!!!! Noooooooo!!!!
  19. Does anybody know if the subs on this set are any good? I believe it is the Anime Studio set (Pic is below) If not does anybody know where I can get a set with good subs? Or where I could download fan subs preferably through Bit Torrent Thanks Pic
  20. The comapany couldn't distribute the toys thanks to legal disputes about who owns macross outside of Japan. Courtesy of the spazs at Harmony Gold
  21. I saw this show awhile back and I just want to clarify something. It's not Japan Vs. America as far as I know. The guy speaking english was just to point out that he was forign but not concretely american. As far as I have heard it is Everyone Vs. Everyone. This is why the world was ending Everybody was fighting eachother. However it never is really presented who is involved, I don't think we ever see any flags. However from what others have told me and based on the amount of destruction, it is everyone fighting everyone.
  22. Perhaps the protoculture had vessels with some sort of biological component? Does anybody know?
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