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Father Jack

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Everything posted by Father Jack

  1. Opening to Haibane Renmei I think it's called free bird
  2. Yeah, so why do you want to know?
  3. I'm in Minneapolis.
  4. Father Jack

    Newbie Intro

    Yeah I like Misa too. Oh and welcome aboard I hope you don't enjoy money cause the toys will steal it right quick.
  5. Perhaps the rotation that might look cool. However if you are trying to keep it as close to the movie as possible then just leave them flashing. It is your model after all
  6. Hmmm It's a start keep working on the spokes and it will be uber cool.
  7. Do you have any idea of how much you would charge for ii if you make a resin one? Cause I am definately interested.
  8. In the immortal words of err "Damn man those things are fast!" That's sweet dude makes me want to go watch the movie.
  9. Try again-7 Dynamite Explosion-7 Totsugeki love heart-7 Information High-plus Voices-plus Do you remember love-DYRL 0-G love -SDF Love drifts away-SDF Angel Paints-2012 Arkan-0 These are probably my favorite.
  10. It's all about the original series Nuts to peace and understanding TOS had Kirk violating the prime directive at every turn plus lasers, fist fights, drop kicks, and fine young space babes (past, present, future, robot, or imaginary). Sure it had a good message mixed in too, but still it also had 'splosions and what red blooded man can hate those!
  11. 2045 definately! I wanna be Basara's roadie!
  12. Tried the other one a few times best name that came up... ...Top loading Vampire! God that's great!
  13. They've honestly never really bothered me. Even captain Max's uniform from 7 I mean You need the extra uniform to dress his Ego
  14. Mace Koala I'm bad a$$!
  15. If The art is good I would definately consider picking one of these up. That would be uber cool! And as for Ideas for what to put on it Just look in the art section of this site. There are lots of quality pics there So I think we should use some of those. Perhaps... (Sorry I think it's too big)
  16. Wolfwood's death in Trigun. Chloe's death in Noir Haku and Zabuza's death in Naruto Roy's Death in Macross Any number of my other favorite characters from any number of series or movies, my favorite characters always seem to die for some reason.
  17. Its OK She is a bit curvy and a bit more busty than the character looks in the show, but still I think I might just pick this one up. After all it's not like she has the massive pointy hooters that the Amazing Nurse Nanako kit I did awhile back had.
  18. I have a question for God Can you make a perfect transformation valk in a scale so big that not even you could lift it? Just thought I'd ask while you were here.
  19. Come on Agent one where are you? Dinner? Date? Bathroom? Now is the time for you my friend Thy soap box is ready are you brave enough to stand upon it?
  20. Yes I adore this series as well, however lots of people have lots of problems with this show. There is a thread around here that went on for about 13 pages of pure sarcastic hilarity about why Mac 7 Rocks/Sucks. I think the series is great, but it is not without its flaws As people have pointed out before: Animation quality varies First 15-20 episodes are rather boring robots with faces and boobs Cheesy as a cheese farmer on the cheesingest day of the year and some people just plain don't like Basara his songs or anything about him. Personally I don't mind these things and I love this show, others well they hate it. it is almost like the Macross Vs. Robotech stuff you see nobody backs down and both sides are convinced they are right. This leads to some really heated (some would say hilarious) arguments. Maybe this topic will attract the attention of MW's favorite door knob lover, and I'm sure he will put the problems with the show into a much more colorful light. Plus he can probobly think of more things I left out. Bottom line Some people loves it some people hates it, and thats just the way it is.
  21. Here are my top 10 favorite 10. Nadesico 9. Green Legend Ran 8. Sexy Commando 7. The Jungle Was Nice but Then Came Guu 6. Di Gi Charat 5. Lain 4. Hoshi No Koe 3. Castle of Caliostro 2. Wings of Honneamise 1. Macross And by macross I mean all of it
  22. In one of the episodes after love drifts away there is a scene in which Hikaru and Misa are talking and in the backround there is a store with a sign that says "Adult Toys." I think it is spelt Adalt toy in the episode. Don't know if anybody has caught this before but though I would mention it. Got a chuckle out of me at any rate.
  23. Any Mad Max Plan nine from outerspace and the greatest little vampire movie nobody has ever seen "Vampire Hookers" I think that one counts as horror, but I thought that I would mention it anyway.
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