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Father Jack

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Everything posted by Father Jack

  1. Actually they are working on a figure for legato. Trigun machine had pictures of an early sculpt for him up before their site went down. It looked really cool, and had more of a manga feel to it. Also they were building this thing on some sort of movable skeleton or something like that, and it was so early that they hadn't gotten around to sculpting the feet yet. In short it looked like Legato was wearing elf shoes
  2. mmmmmm.....Flesh meat
  3. Azathoth... Shweet...
  4. Oh man I've got to land me one of these! This would be perfect for scaring the kids at work. I would just have to wear a long sleved shirt, and then I could run around screaming, "This is why you don't reach up into the skee ball machine." Then when they didn't believe me I could just squirt them and make them cry Oh will wonders never cease.
  5. That's for the best those who bought it probably need one. And what's with the fro on "Dana Sterling"
  6. Many of the ones that I like have been mentioned already so I will mention one that nobody has so far. -The battle of A Baoa Qu (AKA the final battle in Mobile Suit Gundam)
  7. OH sweet A Wings of Honneamise sequal. I hope that works out.
  8. 70% (30% corrupt)
  9. Sweet Jesus on a stick thats Great! Now we just need some hamtaro themed Tyranids.
  10. Here is why they don't listen carefully..... ...ready... Macross is not gundam that's why. If a valk needs to fight in hand to hand it will punch/ kick/or use the gunpod or other suitable object as a club. I hope we are clear
  11. No waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay should it be reanimated. It is fine the way it is bad animation and all, and besides if you like the show you should be able to look past the poor animation for what is important... The story. Now macross has a really cool story so if it were reanimated it would be uber cool, but when I watch the series I can't help but think wow those special effects were probably pretty cool back in the day. It's like watching an anime time capsule, this is where some of the greats got their start, and I think reanimating it would be a little like changing history. Or maybe I'm taking this entirely too seriously
  12. If you go to the guy's web site he has an faq that gives the name of the band and stuff. There should be a link at the end of the movie. Also I think it is a Korean band.
  13. I know you all think the whole body de-horny treatment is a good idea, but what if it's permenent? Am I the only one worried about this? I mean what if they're trying to mess with the purity of our bodily essences? Besides if it is permenent then I will have nothing to do all summer.
  14. WOW! That guy is way too sexy for his glowing unitard
  15. Oh you wont believe this. Just click on any of the myriad links on this page and prepare to be amazed. Funny Engrish comics
  16. Wow.... Just wow.
  17. The soap opera in space elements. And also the message that the show put forth.
  18. Um I suppose I could once I get back to my scanner at home. It might be a few weeks, but I could try.
  19. I've got a modded playstation so it wouldn't be a problem. And yeah I figured the boot disk wouldn't work. Thanks for all the help I'm still gonna try and get my hands on a Saturn, but thanks for all the info JBO.
  20. Tried to but I'm too much of a cheap bastard. Got the saturn version for cheap so....
  21. Thanks briscojr84 I think I can do something with this.
  22. Yeah I don't think the emulators are going to work. I did find something called Dreamcast sega saturn boot disk. Does anybody know anything about this. I don't think this will work either. So it looks like I will have to buy a Saturn. Oh well.
  23. Thanks muchly Wumzi I'll give it a go.
  24. Don't know if this is the place to put it, but I need line art for the VF-11 for a project I'm doing. I need a top down view. Your help is appriciated. Thanks
  25. Hey does anybody know where I can get a working Sega Saturn Emulator? Please I just scored a copy of the DYRL game, but I need a way to play it. Is there a working one out there, or will I have to buy a japanese Saturn... Please help me.
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