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Father Jack

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Everything posted by Father Jack

  1. Teenagers from Outer space
  2. This would be great...EXCEPT IT'S NOT AN ANIME!!! I just figured video games would be ok.
  3. man how could I forget Soylent Green
  4. Check this out
  5. Oh Oh Plan nine from outer space
  6. Remembered another good one. The original Metropolis was pretty cool. If you can deal with black and white silent films then definately check this one out.
  7. Holy hell I need that shirt Then all the ladies will know the score
  8. Wow praise from Caesar himself
  9. Two Words Logans Run Another two words put into one word Rollerball The original not the piss poor remake Both are great classic old sci-fi movies I would also recommend the lost skeleton of cadavra if your looking for a movie that pokes fun at 1950's/60's sc-fi movies.
  10. Mumble mumble.... someday I'll have a popemobole go kart... mumble mumble... Then I'll have revenge. Sweet link
  11. So hard to choose... only have a dollar... drrrr Opium... (And that kids is how I met your mother.)
  12. I like the minmay valk girl one, I think it's cute.
  13. The Cannon Fodder pilots cause I always get shot down, but keep trying anyway.
  14. Even comes with a core booster huh... snif so in theory you could re enact Sledger Law's suicide run right...snif From just after ::Sob:: Mirai ::snif:: says she love him. Oh danny boy the pipes the pipes are call~ing...
  15. Dude I wish we had a mid control baloon or a freeze ray. Then it could be all like Graham:Give us the rights to macross Harmony Gold or else! HG: Oh noooos!
  16. Those are the Milky Dolls from the play station game Digital Mission VF-X I'm ashamed to say I might be the only one here who likes them :::Runs for dear life:::
  17. I Always thought it looked a bit like a Zaku smacked into a gelgoog and came out looking really keen.
  18. Bless you Mr. Spock Bless you. Watching this always reminds me of that part in the simpsons where lenny and carl are fighting with inanimate carbon rods. Lenny: I say the phantom menace sucked more Carl: Yeah? well I say attack of the clones sucked more That storm trooper was great too. I wish I could be a 64th level conjurer with a fish fillet damn that would be sweet
  19. Wow he even did several in the paint schemes from the video game
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