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Father Jack

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Everything posted by Father Jack

  1. That is the greatest advance in technology since sliced bread. Good stuff!
  2. groovy thanks That was great. Can't wait for the second episode.
  3. Ehhh really? Must go on the Hunt..... ditto if anybody knows where to get their sub please let us know. I needs me the great Zeon action.
  4. That figure is really nice. I remember somebody here was going to make a figure like this, but I don't think it ever got this far because they decided to do a different one instead. at least I think they were it was awhile ago, and I don't remember so well. still I've always thought this minmay was rather cute, and a figure of her would be nice.
  5. The last time my girlfriend "Showed me off" her friend and I got completely loaded and then demanded my girlfriend go get us donughts. Her friend then proceeded to eat half of them in one go while I sat on the couch and demanded more liquor from her room mate. Then I didn't shave for three weeks. Yep she is still on the couch behind me. Guess I must be quite the catch.
  6. There is something I just love about the huge freaking hands on the EMISA Zaku II
  7. cool I always thought the asshimar had a unique design. I might have to pick one up Go! transformo Dom
  8. I don't know on second glance I think it might be from Go-bots. but that's just me.
  9. the picture with the acguys is the best thing I have seen so far today
  10. or that show that was an all ewok hootananny
  11. yep clone wars I've seen it myself
  12. Starvin' Marvin's ship from that south park episode. Honestly I thought it looked kinda cool
  13. Hey kids stop all the downloadin'... ...help computer.
  14. as opposed to barbecue with release
  15. "Would you also care for some Kirin WO Salty Cat or Monkey Fizz?" I believe I'll have the monkey fizz good sir.
  16. That thing is the coolest thing ever. Period. It is my new robot god.
  17. it makes me happy that the Zock can finally walk.
  18. We should start an A1 random fact generator like the Vin Diesel one.
  19. Finally I am enlightened yet at the same time highly disturbed. Such is the nature of the being we know as Agent ONE. You guys have to look at every problem in 3 ways: The Right way to handle things (usually also known as the Pussy's way) The Wrong way to handle things And the Agent ONE way of handling things. Here is an example: A guy insults you in mixed company, what do you do? The right thing to do would to just shrug it off and just take it. The wrong thing to do would be to punch him in the face, this IS tempting but you end up looking like a dick. The Agent ONE way would be to start maniacly laughing so hard that people forget the insult all together, and wonder what the hell is wrong with you, then get really close to the guy and keep the crazy laugh up. Just when he is wondering what the hell you are going to do, lick his forehead, once he reels back in horror, tell him you fuct his girlfriend in the ass (he doesn't even need to have a girlfirend for this to work). Lemme tell you, if you do this right, nobody will remember a thing about the night except for that. your views intrigue me and I would like to subscribe to your newsletter.
  20. My girlfriend is totally awsome. We were at sogen con this weekend and she got me a series two CM as a graduation present. I open it and what should I get, but the exact one I wanted (the minmay that looks like a watercolor) She was so happy that she got me the one I wanted. It was cute
  21. NO! Captain Iglo run! The deadly pirate Swantoon has finally found you!
  22. wow did we watch the same thing? I thought it looked good. Especialy the mecha scenes what I could understand of the plot sounded interesting, Personally I would like to see a subbed version before I make any further judgements.
  23. I want an MG Zock They wouldn't even need to include polycaps cause it cant move
  24. Ditto But it's big head is kinda cute. I look at it in a love hate kind of way. Some parts of it seem to look kind of dumb, but there is that head and there is something about the arm units that is kinda cool.
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