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Father Jack

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Everything posted by Father Jack

  1. Cool I should put up pictures of the one I finished recently as well.
  2. Damn God I hope somebody will pick it up again. I loved it an dI really want to see what happens.
  3. Thanks for the info guys. Oh and it is the english version that I heard is discontinued (At least book one is according to best prices.com, but who knows.) Seemed strange though since I think volume 26 came out just recently in the US.
  4. I was thinking of collecting this series but I had a few questions that hopefully some of you could answer. I heard that this series was discontinued is that true? If so does anybody know if it will be re released (For instance in larger volumes). Also is it complete? I know it is up to like 26 volumes so it seems like it would be, but I also know that it is a very long story. If anybody knows anything let me know. Thanks.
  5. in the article about the game it sounded like dub only
  6. Zeta is really good. I've heard mixed things about ZZ and haven't seen it myself. Turn A is a show that I have been watching and enjoying quite a bit. Hero legends almost has the whole series out in fan sub. Don't let the mechanical designs throw you there is a great story in this show. Also The turn A design tends to grow on some people. I wasn't to sure about it at first, but now I just think it looks cool. Even ordered a model kit of it. Also one that is not on your list Char's Counterattack is a great movie and wraps up the whole Char/Amuro rivalry. It is fun to watch, and the mechanical designs are just cool. The soundtrack is also very good. However you should probably watch Zeta before watching this because it makes more sense, and helps (at least for me) clarify some of the events that cause char to do what he does.
  7. sweet I never thought this game would be released here. I wanna use a Hyaku Shiki with a bunch of Dom parts straped to it and Nu Gundam fin funnels! heh neat
  8. Wow that's really cool. I never thought anybody would make a kit of that. Makes sense though as the dsign is pretty cool looking. Kind of like the fighters from Yamato.
  9. So the reverse vampires had nothing to do with it? Damn so close and yet so far!
  10. I wish you could all see the look of pained horror on my face right now. And yes this just means more sales for Rock Star. I mean is it possible that they might have left in the unused portions for just such a purpose. The game's sales would go down a bit after a few months since many people have already bought the game. So by leaving this in for someone to conveniently find and take advantage of they create controversy leading to more sales possibly to some people who would not have bought the game otherwise. This could also create an interest in future products by people who want to see if these products contain a similar feature. Though this theory is probably far fetched and has more to do with my healthy interest in conspiracy theories and booze than any actual facts. ...And that's how the reverse vampires are going to eliminate the meal of dinner!
  11. Saw the original as well while the boards were down. That was one of the best things I have ever seen. The ending was just great as well. Also saw the first two episodes of the new series. I'm not sure what to think yet I hope the fansub for three comes out soon.
  12. thats the biggest budget I've ever seen on a porn movie.
  13. I might be interested as well. (I would have to see the price first since money is tight right now.)
  14. Roy does look a little young, but on the whole I think both of them look pretty good.
  15. looks ok to me. but then again maybe its just me
  16. That thing is pretty cool looking. Was it ever used in anything or is it just concept art? Maybe in the old PC engine games somewhere?
  17. Father Jack

    Gummy Bear Pilot?

    thats uber cool both the model and the gummy idea.
  18. Father Jack

    Gummy Bear Pilot?

    gummy guy: oh no the gummy Venus de Macross it gone! where is it!? Homer: Run Marge! then he eventually grabs it off the babysitter's ass, and we have our plot. at least I think that's how it went I haven't seen that one in quite some time. so there you go
  19. Father Jack

    Gummy Bear Pilot?

    sweet I want them in all my favorite Macross flavors blue rasberry Max Cherry Millia Minty Hikaru lime Kakizaki and my favorite... Whiskey Roy Focker yum yum That thing is so cute. Anybody have any pics of what he goes in. I bet it would be super cool.
  20. somehow that thing is just adorable I like the little core fighter
  21. sorry this is off topic, but since this is a thread about stealth do we get to hear exo's nun joke now? or is it only if it is another Mac+/ stealth thread. thank you for your time.
  22. no tell us uncle EXO
  23. people ripping other people off is the way of the world. without the honeymooners there would be no fintstones. Without Conan the Barbarian there would be no Agent One. actually I just wanted to get in before the lock too... yep...
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