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Everything posted by Robelwell202

  1. Gotta take the good with the bad, huh?
  2. Does anyone know if there's been any 'Gundam'-girl pics ever done?
  3. Not at all. Quite the contrary. I'm just working out the kinks to shift it over to a Macross story, as opposed to RT.
  4. At the risk of sounding like some vacant-minded born-again fool, I have to say that, in the time since I've dropped RT (Roughly two weeks ago), it's been a refreshing time. I can only say that there's this feeling of losing a TON of unneccessary weight. I've been able to concentrate on a lot of interesting stuff, thanks to the vacancy left by the complete lack of RT-bullschwat. YAY!
  5. PM sent from me, too.
  6. So very true. HG started RT on the work of others, and while they keep telling their fans that 'That's no longer cannon', they have yet to purchase a brain, so they STILL need to use the work of others to make things happen.
  7. The SDF-1 is 0.83 Macrosses... That's how big it is....
  8. Could be... He checked mine out just last night... Of course not... It's just strange, how some people think I'm such a major player in these things, when I've done everything I can to remove myself from the HG-drama.
  9. Personally, I think the guy's got a hell of a crush on me... Better tell his GF that she's out.
  10. Oh, dear... It seems that some people cannot let go of anything. I got an e-mail from our good friend, Doug Bendo-ver, screaming about how I'm responsible for his sudden boost in ratings... Now, seeing as I haven't been active in the RT fandom for a couple months, I gotta ask myself, 'Do I F***ING care?!?" <Sigh> Some people obsess and spaz over anything...
  11. And you were doing so well, too... This has nothing to do with 'Soft-skinned' or no sense of humor. It has to do with the fact that, aside from the forum rules, this kind of thing is just not neccessary. Leave the BS hate-mongering to the RT Lunatic Fringe. It doesn't belong here.
  12. I read that post on RTX, and all I can say about it is that I'm not surprised at all. Mav's held a long-time reputation for being two-faced, and a back-stabber, besides. While he claims to be an 'impartial' moderator on RT.com, his modus-operandi is pretty clear to see. "What?!? You didn't like RT:TSC? You didn't think it was the most amazingly amazing thing to happen to Anime since those primitive Japanese started putting ink to paper?!? BLASPHEMER!!! You get the Ban-Hammer!" Or, on a slightly different tangent... "WHAT?!? You sit there and use FACTS to support your claim that HG can't do anything with Macross designs, except market them??? HOW DARE YOU!!! You hurt my feelings, and there's gotta be more people who've had thier feelings hurt, so here's the ban-hammer, aimed right at you!" Utterly predictable, and completely transparent. What a joke.
  13. I've always held the idea that the Tomahawk was a general-purpose attack mecha. First, from what information I've been able to gather, the MBR-04 Mk.6 was, essentially, the first mecha slated for mass production, since the VF-series fighters were taking longer to develop. In addition, it's been stated many times that the powers-that-be weren't exactly sure WHAT they'd be fighting when the Macross was rebuilt, but they got the general idea that the adversaries in question would be big... damn big. With that in mind, I go on to the next point. Second, the assortment of weapons deployed on the Tomahawk appear to be a collection intended to serve in many roles. Now, keeping in mind that the hypothetical enemy threat wsn't very well defined, it would make sense to slap as many different guns on a platform as they could. I mean, in a real-world example could be drawn from the M1 Abrams, which sports several machine guns, in addition to the 120mm Main gun. That's just my take on it, though. The MGs may have been worthless, but then again, we'd do well to think that a Tomahawk or two could quell a food riot quite easily.
  14. WHOOPS!!! Fixed.
  15. It seems that folks are forgetting the work Hamill did on the Wing Commander game series. Not quite the idealistic Luke Skywalker role we're used to, but for a video game series, it wasn't half-bad work. Seto Kaiba Down, you heretic! Why do you denounce the iconic Heath Ledger performance?
  16. That would be interesting to see. I look forward to it.
  17. Uhhh... Yeah, it is.
  18. It's quite simple, really... HG let progress on this thing go on as long as they could, issued te C&D order, then started taking the ideas of the project and began figuring out a way to make these ideas their own. It saves them from embarrassment, and it saves them the trouble of coming up with something on theirown.
  19. Nope... Sorry... After Yamato's 1/60, this thing just looks too dumb... I can't think of another word for it.
  20. Well, here it is... my completed RX-79(G) If I do say so myself, I think it's a pretty good job for someone who hasn't touched a model in 20+ years.
  21. Walking into a situation where the odds of success are astronimical, the chances of survival are nil, and the chances of a person keeping their sanity are immeasurable has been known as a path to sainthood, especially where catholic missionaries and cannibals are concerned... Now, with that thought firmly in place, can you see a... 'Saint Seto'? ... ... Me either...
  22. <shreiks in terror>
  23. For this, I can only reply with personal preferences, but maybe they'll help. As for DYRL, I prefer the subtitled version. Dubs tend to get the vocal inflection wrong, as well as the words themselves. A pair of really bad examples of dubbed dialogue would be Das Boot (Absolutely friggin' horrible as a dubbed movie), and Macross 2: Lovers Again (Again, my preference for subtitled-dialogue overrrides all).
  24. This comes as a surprise? Careful, bud. You're off to a hell of a good start, here, but keep it civil. Don't drop to their level.
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