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Everything posted by Robelwell202

  1. Intending To Buy: As soon as I have money in pocket (Essentially, when the school year starts up again), I'm going to purchase a complete set of the Revoltech figures for Full Metal Panic! M9 Mau (Standard Issue M9) M9 Kurtz (Sniper Varriant) M9 Falke (Cleausou Special Vairiant) AXR-7 Arbalest AXR-8 (Too bad, this one never made animation)
  2. Was that a Talosian from the ST:TOS Episode 'The Cage' I saw at the beginning?
  3. Okay... I've made it through episode 17 of FMP's first season, and I have to say I'm VERY impressed with it. While the comedy side of things is good, it's not really predictable in the usual sense. I find it somewhat refreshing, really. On the other side of the coin, the Three-Part episode called 'The Wind Blows at Home' (I think) had a hell of a lot of impact to it. After it finished, I was left with a big 'whoa!' moment. I'm pretty sure I can count this among my favorites.
  4. Being they're on Sketchley's site, he'd be the best to answer that question. Without a link for reference, it's hard to say...
  5. I can't say, for certain, that it was Kawamori. This is, after all, something that I'd heard from someone else.
  6. Apparently so. Kawamori seems to have a thing about numbers. As I understand it, all the Mac7 installments had episode counts that were multiples of 7, and MacF, of course, had to end in 25. Info from Seto Kaiba Thanks, SK!
  7. I would agree with you, in theory, except that the last two eps of the Frontier series were rather rushed, in keeping with the '25' number thing.
  8. At the suggestion of a friend, I'm watching 'Full Metal Panic!' (Yeah, I know... I'm still playing catch-up), and I've got to say that it's better than I thought it would be.
  9. First off, I'm certain that there's someone on this site that can give us the exact start-date for production of the MacF movie. The people behind that production have been completely forthright with thier details, even going so far as to develop some rather interesting advertising campaigns, if memory serves correctly. Second, in comparison, HG's continued tight-lipped stance regarding anything they're supposedly 'working on' only shows a severe lack of competence on their part. 'Shadow Chronicles' came out HOW LONG after anything else? And most of HG's RT productions before then (And, a lot would say, include SC) were stamped with PHAIL. It's absolutely no wonder why there's twenty million tons of skepticism whenever HG makes an 'announcement'. Author's Note: The exact measurement of skepticism associated with HG announcements is somewhat speculative, as there's never been an accurate method of measuring it. The best that can be hoped for is a close approximation of the total amount.
  10. About the only thing that would make it more obvious would be if the General said something like 'These guys are so dull.' then, after the wall scene, 'Okay, so it's not dull!'
  11. I wasn't, until I read that post...
  12. Okay, I know I'm not technically a newbie to Macross, any more, but there's been a question nagging at me for quite a while. Has there ever been an official declaration on just how long the Macross spent in fold space, before crashing on Earth?
  13. Those comments aren't accusations, actually, but mere speculation. You might do well to read a person's comments more carefully before you accuse them of such things.
  14. Sure, but that's when she's dismounting. I took a look at 'Friendly Fire', where more shots of Klan's cockpit interior are shown, and she seems to be in a full 'standing' position. The shots of her damaged Q-Rea seem to add to this, albeint you only see her head. Admittedly, this isn't conclusive in the slightest, but just some offhand observations.
  15. That is just... SO WRONG!
  16. Remember, in the dialoge presented during Alto's final test, Luca explained that there's tons of red tape and politics in getting the NUNS fleet to do anything, whereas paying SMS to do the job is much simpler, and more cost-effective. Also, since Richard Birler had such a large part in building the 25th Giant Emmigration fleet, it would stand to reason that he'd have an easy time of having the SMS around on his fleet, testing the VF-25, as well as providing a contractor service for defence and such.
  17. Hmmm... Something of an original storyline... Descent visual effects... Okay, I'm interested!
  18. I've asked this before, and I'll ask again. Anyone know a place I could get water-slide decals for a 1/60 Destroid Tomahawk?
  19. Because the Tomahawk's better, perhaps?
  20. But... she only got three stars...? I'd give her a lot more than that!
  21. Then, people will simply say that it's a lame attempt to ride the coat tails of The Matrix trilogy (specifically, the last one), District 9, and Avatar. It's a no-win situation, no matter how a person looks at it.
  22. I suppose a 1/48 Destroid Tomahawk OD-Green with waterslide decals is hoping for too much...
  23. Unless someone on the SMS Quarter did a really BAD kitbash, and slapped VF-1 super parts on a VF-19.
  24. Question: Anyone know if there's a possibility of getting replacement parts for a PG 00-Raiser? The yellow head-horns on mine snapped off, and I sincerely doubt I'm good enough with super-glue to make a fix without making the model look like utter crap.
  25. Maybe I can add a bit to this point. While we're mostly talking about bringing animated series to cinema, there's something else to consider, too. Remakes. There was a time when a 'remake' bore some kind of resemblance to the original film. I don't like remakes, particularly, but the point stands. Nowadays, though, there seems to be a trend of using a name only. Case in point: The Day The Earth Stood Still. I'm an intense fan of the original film. It's one of my favorites. Gort was one of the original 'Big, Bad Robots' of 1950s Sci-Fi. Now, take this latest attrocity, which had precious little in common with the original. Klatuu was an enigmatic oddity with a penchant for psycho-cybernetic mayhem, and Gort was a complete disaster (going so far as to give 'Gort' a human meaning, as opposed to the machine's actual name in the original). in fact, the only two aspects of the newer film had with the original were the name 'Gort', and the most famous words in sci-fi, 'Klatuu Beradda Nikto' (But even these words were used inappropriately, which means it was just a sad attempt to tie it to the original). Now, my point is this: With this trend of 'reimagining' an established story, WB/Maguire might just do what they will, if the project ever comes off the shelf. But, then again, it probably won't, as Seto's so brilliantly explained.
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