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Everything posted by Robelwell202

  1. I sincerly doubt that Seto needs help from some lowly plebe like myself. In the grand scheme of things, I'm more comic relief than an actual 'helper' in the sense that you imply. But thanks for the attempt.
  2. Okay... have you actually read what Seto wrote? Since I'm seeing a concentrated lack of comprehension, I'll have to assume you didn't. Seto's not neccessarily saying that no one remembers Robotech, since there's obviously a lot of ffolks who do (Look around this site for all the folks who've said that RT was thier gateway to Macross, for starters). What Seto's actually saying is, VOLTRON is remembered much more fondly that ROBOTECH. Get it, now? Good!!! I'm here to help.
  3. I think you're being overly optimistic. When I was active on RTX, I posted an experiment with links to two AMVs, one featuring RT:TSC animation, and one showing MacF animation. The amount of hate-on I recieved was well above the norm, and didn't make me any more popular with the RT fans present. Now, the reason I bring this up is this: With Macross Frontier getting as much fan-love as it does, and RT:TSC getting the big boo, you'd think that most level-headed fans would realize that Robotech has no chance of recapturing what little glory it had in days past. Instead, we get people like MEMO and Mav, showering every unsuspecting fool with wild, unfounded theories, as well as threats to those who don't agree with them. Point, in short: Things will never change. The Macross Franchise could go on to have several dozen more series and movies done, all of them excellent, and we'd still be bombarded with wild speculation about how Toby McGuire's just waiting or the right moment to strike, as it were.
  4. For me, it's got to be the 1/60 Yamato Destroid Tomahawks. I've been a fan of the design for ages, and Yamato's version is about the best toy I've seen. Accurate proportions, even with the shoulder missile launcher (something that's been radically oversized on other toys I've seen), and the articulation in the toy follows all thhe line art (what little there is) I've seen.
  5. It would be a waste of a good hat...
  6. Oh, come on... I'm in favor for Wanzer's continued presence because, quite frankly, he makes my uninformed self look better.
  7. Well, I guess I'm a three-strikes-you're-out bust... I'm not a real fan of pantsu, nor of moe, and my study of WW2 is not limited to the trivial... Thanks, though, for the explanation!
  8. Well, seeing as a lot of my other favorites have already been mentioned, I'll go ahead and throw a pair of Star Trek faves into the mix... I've always been a fan of the MMiranda Class... And, it's Next-Gen extension, the Nebula Class...
  9. You're kidding... they did a second season??? Why, for cryin' out loud???
  10. Mr. March, I would agree with you about the dropship design, except for one point... the overhead fold-out munition clusters (Not sure if they're missiles, rockets or bombs) are really, really bad. Every time I see them fold out, I get this image of the loaded weapons spilling out onto the support arms, and onto the body of the ship. Other than that, it's a descent design.
  11. No, there were some major changes... The biggest change was making 'Protoculture' into this amazing substance that comes from the Flower of Life, and generates huge amounts of power (But a power source that people keep running out of). Secondly, the SDF-1 was supposedly destroyed as it stodd back-to-back with the phantom SDF-2. There's a whole list of smaller changes, but that's all I can think of right now...
  12. Yikes... a funny image just entered my head. Picture, if you will, many people (Most probably hired for a nominal fee) standing outside the offices of Harmony GOld, all holding signs with 'Let My Macross Go' or something to that effect. Then, at the center of this group, a soapbox-style pulpit with someone leading the protesters on... Another one of my silly thoughts, but I thought I'd share it.
  13. I've seen 'The Last Starfighter', and thought it was a crap-fest... but yeah, I have seen it.
  14. Sorry about that... Try this one. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0092240/
  15. For all-out cheezyness, I've got to nominate this one... http://www.impawards.com/1986/posters/wraith.jpg The only good thing about this film is the little black turbo. Other than that, every little thing stinks!
  16. A serious question, with a bit of an explanation: When I was a kid (Back in the dark ages), the very first transformer I bought was 'Prowl', the Nissan 280ZX police car. Now, several years ago, I was able to find a reissue of that one, and recently, I found another version of Prowl based on a newer Nissan ZX (Forgive me, since I can't rightly think of the model number right now). Prowl was, and always will be, my favorite transformer, so here's my question: How many versions of the Prowl G1 model are there? Thanks!
  17. Oh, dear... I have a new object of obsession...
  18. Uh, what? Tommy Yune's 'artwork' consists of mostly comic-book style characters seen in the 90s, and recycled mecha designs. There's not much there to call original, or even his, really.
  19. Uhh... TV SHOWS... Not movies, pal...
  20. Well, that's 56 seconds of my life I'll never get back... That's about all I was able to take.
  21. I can think of at least two to add to the list, both from the 80s. Manimal Okay... Ware-critter as a good guy... doesn't work Automan My IBM PC just became a crime-fighting hero!! EEEK! Both of those were absolute stinkers! (EDIT: Links added, just to show how bad these were)
  22. So, wait... let me get this straight... George Lucas has found a way of milking a few more million out of his franchise, without doing anything new?!? That's bloody BRILLIANT!!! Remind me to get excited, sometime...
  23. Well, this'll come from an amateur's perspective, so bear with me. There are several things about Full Metal Panic! that I really enjoy. First, there's the mention of the mecha combat. While it doesn't dominate the series, there's enough in the show to give me what I'm looking for, and that's enough action to keep me interested. Albeit, the idea of the Lamda Driver is a bit over the top, especially when the show's set in something close to a Modern-Day setting, but it's not so overwhelming that it makes things completely absurd (Like, say, the GN-Everything from Gundam-00, another show I like, but to be honest, it does have it's flaws). Second, the characters are tangible, in much the same way that the characters from 08th MS Team were. Finally, the show's got a damn good ballance between slap-stick comedy and darker tones of the toll combat takes on a person. FMP? Fumoffu notwithstanding, the show's two seasons do carry a delicate ballance between care-free hishg-school life, and the darker, ore serious side of a professional soldier. This ballance is one of the show's more brilliant shining points, for me. And, in closing, I'll just say that the Arm Slaves (The show's mecha) are exceptionally well done... at least, the ones on the good-guys' team.
  24. This is me, trying to return the favor... <Tapes a small hint onto the business end of a large sledgehammer> Appleseed, and Appleseed: Ex Machina!!! (We've discussed this before, but I am not giving up.)
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