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Everything posted by Robelwell202

  1. I want one. I must have one. I must get a job, so I can purchase one! Now, if there's ever a chance of getting a SMS feild jacket, I'd be set!
  2. Hell, I'd probably fall flat on my face if the thing ever gets released! I just don't see it happening.
  3. Why? Why are they doing this? I was a fan of 'Red Dwarf' when I saw the first two seasons... Great stuff! But, after that, it turned sour. The female 'Holly' (Or Hilly, as the case may be), and Cryton? Ace Rimmer?? Add to that, losing the 'Dwarf' for so long,and being stuck on that ridiculous 'StarBug'... I'm sorry... the later seasons really done it in, for me... I really have no hope for anything more... I suppose I should be fair, tho... The guy that played Cryton (For the life of me, I can't remember his name), was good, and Danny John Jules (Cat, Dwane Dibbly) was excellent.
  4. Dammit! Why wasn't I notified?!? Sorry, Roy... didn't know.
  5. Quite easaily, in fact. One, when the powers that be at Harmony Gold make it out that the Robotech franchise is better than ever,when the truth is staring them in the face, it gives all sorts of licence to us 'loyal fans' to question thier thinking. Second, when HG continues under the above-mentioned premise, and releases 'The Shadow Chronicles' under the slightly false pretenses (claiming years of production and hard work went into it, when there are vastly superior examples of real, dedicated work out there in AnimeLand), it gives us pause to consider the rather baffling mindset of HG, yet again. I don't have a problem with shadow chronicles, itself. Not everyone can make a film of the calibur of 'Appleseed: Ex Machina', so I simply downgrade it's quality. Where I have a problem is the enormous amounts of confusion that HG seems to have heaped on us... (I'm trying to be nice, here...)
  6. I can pretty much nail it on the head, when I actually became a FAN of Macross... As I've stated before, I was a fan of Robotech, since I saw the original arings on Saturday Morning TV. As I'd come to learn more about RT, I became aware of the RT/Macross soap opera, albeit confused, so I let it sit in ht back of my mind... I have a real low tolerance for drama. Then, we fast forward many years, where a friend shows my this ridiculous thing called "Macross Plus"... Come on, now... only some really CRAPPY Japanes production would have a mathematical symbol in the name... this sounded like a real turkey... but... above all my objections, my friend perservered, and got me to watch this thing that I predicted would be a horribly made, badly voiced, STUPID show... He did this by offering me many beers. Well, my predictions held out for maybe 5 miliseconds... I was impressed!!! This show had potential!! But, the point where I became a true, solid MAcross fan was when this guy named Isamu was taking on all the Renegade Zentradi guys, pulling some amazing shots and moves, and he's saying "These guys are so dull..." THAT'S when I became a real fan.
  7. Well, Einherjar, allow me to offer up 'People's Exibit No. 1'. On the two-disc Collector's Edition of 'The Shadoe Chronicles', there's a fan response segemnt, in one of the special features. Now, unless my memory's totally faulty (a distinct possibility), the majority of the fans interviewed for this segment were (and I can't believe I'm saying this...) around MY AGE (Mid-30s). Not a lot of teeners there, if I remember... Cult, in my estimation, would be a rather good description, but a nut-case cult, to be sure...
  8. I can only respond for myself, but this may speak for others as well. I was a really hardcore fan of RT when it first came out. I saw it on its' original air dates, so that's quite a while ago. Now, since that time, I've learned about Macross, and all the continuations thereof, and have become a die-hard Macross fan, and my fan-status of RT has taken a somewhat disant second. My primary gripe about the whole debate is this: HG seems to be operating in a complete fantasy world, where they alone seem to think that thier fanbase is growing, and therefore, this gives them justification to maintain the unholy monopoly on all things Macross. They'd have a VERY hard time using anything from thier original Macross-Saga storyline (to the extent, even, of SEVERLY altering Rick Hunters' appearance), what with using basic mecha designs and characters from thier 'New Generation' storyline (Mospaeda), and so they only use the Macross copywrite to sell crap. Bad crap, at that. If they do present well made stuff, then it's for a price that's too ridiculous to justify. Like I said, I can only speak for myself, but there it is... maybe someone else might agree, and even expand the point.
  9. Are you telling me that there's a rumor about HG wanting sole distribution rights for MacF in the US, and other controlled territories? I'd believe it.
  10. Awww... come on! Sharon Apple's last concert was so great, even the Macross itself gave her a standing ovation!
  11. I'm wondering if there is any release of the Orchestral and Instrumental music of Macross Frontier? So far, I've heard that the OSTs have very little in that regard.
  12. One has to wonder... do they take antipsycotic meds? This is truly unsettling...
  13. Series: MacF Movie: Appleseed: Ex Machina Manga: Ghost in the Shell series Ok... now for the fine points... I chose MacF for theses reasons. It incorporates classic elements of the entire metaseries, while giving it an updated look with the CG Mecha. Appleseed: Ex Machina (English Translation) is, for me, quite amazing. With the level of detail, from the environments, to the characters, all done in CG, it makes for exceptional eye candy. But beyond this, it has a really cohesive plot (much better than the first one, if you ask me), and the English Translation even worked well. Now, as far as Manga is concerned, I gotta go with Ghost in the Shell... I like a LOT of what Shirow Masamune has done, and for me it's a tie between the Appleseed books, and GiTS. Since I already mentioned Appleseed, I thought it'd be fair to throw another title in there.
  14. No... If memory serves correctly, the Thoren came with marking decals from the original 'Dougram' series...
  15. Back when I was a kid, I collected the 'Robotech Defenders' line of models, by Revell. The two I liked the most were 'Thoren' (Soltic H-8 'Roundfacer), and 'Gartan' (Hasty 'Ironfoot'), and both of the original designs came from 'Fang of the Sun Dougram'. I know this is a VERY old series, but I just got a toy figure of the SOltic H-8, and I was wondering if anyone could tell me where I could find a toy figure for the 'Ironfoot'. Here's a pic, for reference... Thanks, eveyone.
  16. Pondo, One other thing about this site that might help. The folks on here are a LOT of help. Back in December, I had purchased the Olive Drab and Speccial Weathering versions of Yamato's 1/60 Destroid Tomahawk. This is my favorite mecha in Macross, so I went ahead and got all three. Now, when I got them, Olive Drab was missing the main decal sheet. Well, a friend of mine directed me here, where I was able to find a way of getting said decal sheet, and I was able to get it in short order. I think you're in good hands. And, for the rest of you, THANKS!!!
  17. Ok, I actually have a membership on the RT site. I've said it before, and I'll say it again... The Macross franchise that HG has a hold on can't possibly do them any good, except in the sales of toys. They can't expand on it, since they've chosen the Mospaeda tech-base for their 'Shadow Chronicles' extensions. I have heard, however, that HG has tried inviting the powers that be on the Macross side to the table for renegotiation, but those guys wanted nothing to do with HG. Now, this is second hand info from other posters on the site, so I can't account at all for the validity of the info. ANyway... I kinda lean towards the idea that HG is a dying entity. With the idea of a Live Action film getting more and more distant, plus their fanbase shrinking despite all their efforts to the contrary, it seems to me that it's near its' end.
  18. Anyone know if there's a VFGirl-type picture for a Destroid Tomahawk?
  19. That is DAMN GOOD!!! Hell of a job!!!
  20. So, you know what I'm talking about?
  21. I'm looking for a picture, so I'm hoping someone can help me find it. In the basic boxed set for either 2nd or 3rd edition, there was a picture on the back cover of the rule book. What it was, was an abstract version of the Tomahawk that shows up on the front cover. (The one with the slightly twisted torso, firing a secondary laser and walking at the smae time) This pic was also surrounded by a sunburst design. I'd love to get my hands on that pic, again... Could anyone help me out? Just for reference, here's the main pic that showed up on the front box cover... Thanks, everyone...
  22. They already had a gender-bending Minmay.... It was called "Yellow Dancer"
  23. As I am a relative newcomer to the thread, and this sita as a whole, I'm gonna ask a dumb question that has probably already been asked and answered, but humor me, ok? Has there been any kind of petition effort on the part of MAcross fans (specifically in the us) to get HG to release the rights to Macross, so that we can get the stuff we want? Or, barring a relinquishment, an attempt to come to SOME sort of comprimise? Here's a thought that keeps rattling around in my head... All the stuff that has come out since SDF-Macross, and Mac-DYRL, is stuff that HG can't really use. I mean, with "The Shadow Chronicles", they've completely abdicated any creative licence to use MAcross-related material in favor of using 'Mospaeda" mecha and characters. Sooo... it would seem logical that HG is only holding onto the monopoly of MAcross stuff as a power play. Now, I can understand Macek doing this, but maybe the new management could see it differently... Now, I know this is just fanciful conjecture, but again, I ask, humor me. Thanks.
  24. It's a damn shame, ain't it? Another thing about this market downfall is just as shameful... I've seen owner/operators that have had GORGEOUS tractors... Petes and KWs, with all the chrome and stainless steel in the world... Beautiful rigs... and these guys have had to sell them for a lot less than they are truly worth... You're talking machines worth half a million, easily... I was actually present at the time one O/O turned over his keys to the new owner... A beautiful Kenworth W-900 extended condo sleeper... Damn thing was a rolling palace, almost... And the guy had owned it from the factory floor... he had tears in his eyes when he turned over the keys... Broke my heart to see that... Another knife in the back foir this guy was that the IRS is trying to take 50% of what he actually realised from the tractor's sale... so he took a loss on the value of the truck, and the IRS is taking an even bigger chunk... I tell you, it isn't right.
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