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Everything posted by Robelwell202

  1. And I am in complete agreement with you, sir. One of my biggest gripes about RT:TSC was thier use of the Alpha and Beta fighters. Calling them 'Shadow' fighters was just a cop-out, what with the ripple screen-saver effect overlay. Add to that, the other big gripe I had was this: To continue the story in RT:TSC, they had to open up where the last peisode of the original 85 ended, and that made my head hurt. Why not start somewhere else? Forgive my sarcasm earlier. It was meant in jest.
  2. Comparrison: SDF-Macross to Macross Frontier A young pilot, inexperienced in combat, becomes the hero Transforming planes that turn into giant robots An arm gets shot off, that conveniently has the heroine in the palm of her hand An extraterrestrial race that threatens to exterminate humanity Singing as a way to defeat the extraterrestrial race Living happily ever after in the shadow of the giant ship that serves as the platform for saving humanity Two women pining away for the heart of the same guy (The aformentioned young hero pilot) NAHHH!!!! There's nothing common in this! (Okay, all sarcasm aside) My point is this: Macross is successful because it has a basic formula that it follows. Sure, change the mecha, and the dynamics of some of the interpersoanl relationships inside the stroy, but the basic elements are there, and that's what makes it enjoyable to the people who follow it. HG, on the other hand, is trying, too deperately, to keep certain (blatant) elements inside thier story, while pandering with new and greviously designed characters that are as flat as the paper they were drawn on. HG is simply trying too hard to fake people out into believing that there's more attention being given to Robotech than there really is. They're taking a legacy animated series that had a limited amount of success, and trying to build on that success long after the life has bled out of it. Truth be told, they simply need to leave it alone, and stop trying. The pathetic attempts of thier lackeys to perpetuate the transparent propoganda is only making thier task worse, and making them into the laughingstocks of the entire anime world.
  3. If I ever become completely ostricised by the RT fandom (A distinct possibility, as it's becoming more and more polarized), I may go ahead and swap the story around, and make it a UN-Spacy version instead of RT. The reason I'm using the RT story-line world is because I'm more familiar with it. I don't have any kind of subbed version of the original SDF-Mac. Now, assuming I could get a set of those, it'd be a different story. With how I see things at HG, though, I refuse to pander to them and get a DVD version. (HINT HINT: Anyone know where a good version miight be? BTW: I'm dealing with torrential rain today!) As for changing the mecha up, I wouldn't do it. My personal favorite mecha of the Macross line-up is the original Tomahawk, and it would stay. That's the reason I wrote the story in the first place.
  4. ACK!!! What catagory do I fall under, then? I mean, I write a story that's loosely realted to the show, and now I'm totally confused.
  5. Interesting... I hope that they do better than the cruddy remake of 'The Day The Earth Stood Still'.
  6. Gubaba, I'm grateful for the kind words, sir. And, yes, Bradburry is immense. My personal favorite if his is 'I Sing the Body Electric'. That's the one I grew up reading over and over again.
  7. The reason is simple. Doug Bendo is functionally illiterate, so he needs a surrogate program to read the stuff he puts up, otherwise his new show would be laughed out of existance (More than it already is). He did the same thing to me during the 'Robotech Fan' episode that was supposed to 'Bring the Fandom Together'. He used a quote from the blog on my site out of context, and used that 'narrator' program to recite it, since it had more than a few multi-sylable words in it. If I recall correctly, he had originally thought of having his girlfriend read the selcted texts for the show, but apparently, that fell through as well. I'll let the show speak for itself.
  8. You know what? I sincerely doubt that there would be a western influence. It's obvious that there's a large fan-base for Macross stuff. The creators would be downright foolhardy not to know this. Still, there's no real western influnce, save for the occasional F-14 Tomcat (Zero). I think Macross would stay the same, to be honest. These guys aren't dumb.
  9. That's a no-brainer... If one were to, say, put TSC on a screen nexxt to a presentation of Frontier, and conducted 'The Pepsi Challenge', I think there would be an overwhelming response to Frontier, resulting in an eventual surge in Macross appreciation, and sounding the death nell for RT. Of course, our dear friend Kevvie would have some strange spin on the data. Something about "Well, we believe that the test was tainted. If the test were done in a truly scientific matter, they'd've presented another animated program that sucked just as badly as RT:TSC." Now, we have the obvious question: "What sucked as badly as TSC?" That's a question I simply cannot answer... Anyone else wanna try?
  10. The answer is simple. It's easier to be stupid and reactionary, buying any scrap of propoganda that comes your way, than to take the effort to do research and learn something for yourself. I mean, look at churches, for cryin' out loud!
  11. Gubaba, I appreciate it. Thnks for the find!
  12. Ohhh!!! I just remembered... I remember somoene posting a comic about Kevin McKeever on one of these thread a while ago, but I can't find them, now. I'd like to share the link witha fried, so that he may get the same amount of LULZ that I did. Does anyone know who the original poster was for those comics, or thier location? Thanks!
  13. Well, I'm an American, and I watch subtitles. While I'm not a HUGE fan of foreign films, I have found several out there that are exceptional, and yes, I watch them in thier original dialogue with subs. Cases in point: Amelie, Wasabi, Das Boot, Ran (Well, all of Kurisawa's works, actually), and some others that escape me right now. The reason I watch them in thier original dialogue is simple: The first time I saw 'Das Boot', I saw it with the english dubbed in, and I found it completely attrocious. When I got a copy on DVD, I tried it with the original German dialogue, and it sounded SOOOOO much better, and made more sense, besides. After that, I was hooked.
  14. She has to be smoking something pretty powerful to have an affair with me... There hasn't been a volunteer for that in many years. XD
  15. Uhh.. which episode was this in?
  16. Well, For me, HG has dropped the ball. I never really expected anything more from the 'Robotech' franchise to begin with, and since 'RT:TSC' failed so miserably, it's become clear that Robotech should have always been relegated to one of those legacy animated series from the '80s, full of nostalgic recall for those of us who have a fond rememberamce for it. In regards to anything new, I've done the next best thing and made my own! Something that was mentioned above, in a previous post, was the idea that fan-created projects have been operating with a new=found momentum. I attribute a huge chunk of this momentum to the fact that the RT.com Mods have been banning anyone with a modicum of intelligence, and these fans have been forced to find other outlest to express thier enjoyment of the series. Most of the people I know in this catagory love the original series, but they cannot stand anything that's been done in recent memory (Prelude, TSC, et al). Quite simply put, since we cannot stand the crap HG produces, we do our own stuff, and do it better.
  17. VFTF1, Let me throw a counter-point to you... In the grand scheme of things, MEMO and Mav have perpetuated a series of bannings that can be attributed to one thing: They banned people who disagreed with thier view. More to the point, they disagreed with anyone who doubted the absolute authority of Harmony Gold to do whatever it wanted with materials taht were clearly the property of Macross designers. In other words, the view that 'Harmony Gold can do nothing wrong, Harmony Gold did an excellent job with The Shadow Chronicles, and Harmony Gold is run by a bunch og geniuses!' is thier guiding principle. Civil discourse and open debate about these points has been all but extinguished by these two moderators, and anyone who dares to stand up and call them out is also deemed a pariah. Take my case, for example. SetoKaiba simply put forward the facts concerning the whole debate, and porved beyond a shadoe of a doubt that Harmony GOld did NOT, in fact, have the capability of using Macross desogns in future productions. Now, the bulk of the debate was heated, but it remained civil, at least as far as SetoKaiba was concerned. Sure, he threw a few colorful phrases in the mix to explain his utter bafflement over some people's utter stupidity and reluctance to accept the truth, but for the most part, he was civil, thorough, and direct. For that, he was banned by Mav, who now claims to have recieved multiple complaints about Seto's 'conduct'... A claim that is dubious, at best. MEMO has continued this trend by banning Waters7, for fruthering Seto's case-study. Again, Waters7 was cool, calm, and civil. MEMO, however, felt the need to ban him, for the same eason as Mav did with Seto: Simply put, the evidence that Waters7 cited flew in the face of the 'truth' that MEMO has concocted and accepted as gospel. For him, as has been shown repeatedly, anyone that disagrees with his view of Harmony Gold recieves a swift smack from the banhammer. Now, you get to me. Seeing what had happened with Seto, Waters7, and HappyPenguins (Who'd also gotten the Banhammer wrath for a ridiculous, minor incident) had moved me to a decision that I was through with RT.com. I decided to voice my utter contempt for the behavior of Mav and MEMO. I did so in a calm, clear manner, with absolutely no malice indicated in my post. Fruthermore, I had said that I was through with the site, and I didn't care if I was banned or not. Initially, Mav had deleted the post, and presented me with a lame lie about others complaining about Seto's 'Rude and condescending' manner. Then, MEMO decides to ban me, but not before chiding me like a child, and referencing the remark I'd made comapring HG's public relations practices to those perpetuated by Communist Russia. Ultimately, my proposed 'pennance' is to 'cool off' for a month, and appologize to MEMO and Mav, something I have no desire to do. Given the above examples, one can see clearly that any kind of 'political dissidents' among the fanbase present on RT.com are simply made to dissapear. Call me odd, but that does strike a rather interesting parallel to practices used by the USSR.
  18. Gubaba, Thanks for the mention of my site. You're right, the object of our enjoyment is rather unworthy, if you look at HG. For me, though, it's a love of a particular mecha design. See, I'll explain something. RT, for me, holds a kind of special place. As a kid, it was my first real exposure to anime (much more substantial, than, say, the few odd episodes I caught of 'Star Blazers'), and much later in life, my gateway to Macross. Even though I freely acknowledge that Macross stuff far outclasses the things that RT has done recently (RT:TSC for example), I still am a fan of the original 85. Therefore, I've based my novel in the 'Macross Saga' of RT. Do I give a poo about HG? Hell no! My 'fan status' goes only so far as the original 85 eps, and that's it. Again, thanks for the mention, sir.
  19. Yes, indeed, folks, I am now one of the few, the proud, the hopeless pariahs that have felt the wrath of MEMO's banhammer. I think what's really ridiculous is the fact that MEMO expects me to appologize for my remars, then spend a month 'thinking about what I've done', as if I'm some damn kid. For those of you who are curious, I'll do my best to reconstruct the statement I made that set them off. I can't vouch for 100% accuracy, but I'll do my best from memory. Title: To MEMO and Mav... A pattern has been well and truly established, and it's not too difficult to see this pattern as the result of blind fan-devotion corruption. It seems that anyone that disagrees with your assertion that Harmony Gold can do no wrong, and anything they produce is of the highest quality gets banned. First, SetoKaiba gets banned (or suspended, whatever you want to call it. A spade's a spade) for presenting undeniable evidence concerning Harmony Gold's rights in regards to Macross. Next, HappyPenguins gets banned for a relatively minor incident. Finally, Waters7 is banned for following up with Seto's facts. I can only wonder how long Bowspearer has before he gets the same treatment. (Author's note: Bowspearer, a poster on RT.com, has been following in Seto's and Waters7's footsteps, and presenting a logical case for HG not having the rights MEMO and Mav say they do.) I give him just a few days. Mav, you were the one who originally banned Seto, but you can't bring yourself to unban him. Disgusting. MEMO, try opening your eyes to the truth that exists, instead of the truth you manufacture. If this post gets me banned, then so be it. To be honest, I rather enjoy the idea of being a martyr. I'm through with this site anyway. I can honestly say that I cannot think of a more ridiculous attempt at customer relations, except maybe for some historical footage of Communist Russia. Like I said, I cannot account for 100% accuracy, but the majority of it's there, I believe. Roughly 5 minutes after I posted this on RT.com, it was deleted by Mav, but since the 'Communist Russia' comment was referenced by MEMO in his banning message, I am pretty certain that Mav sent him the contents of my post. Ultimately, I'm supposed to appologize to both MEMO and Mav, then wait for a month, 'To cool down' (As MEMO put it). Since I have no desire to rejoin that site, my answer is a firm "HELL NO!!!" Thanks for reading this, folks... I hope it was entertaining.
  20. One thing I'm having a problem with on mine is the the curved parts of the mecha. Applying the D7-type decals on the curved abdominal section, as well as the rear-torso dome... Anyone have any suggestions as to a way of getting around this?
  21. Doug Bendo as a public service? I can dig it!
  22. I seriously doubt that he watched the whole series. If he had, he'd know that Ranka was not 14, as he stated. I suffered through about 5 minutes of his rant, but I couldn't stomach any more. I guess what really galled me the most was his firm belief that RT:TSC is better... I litterally had to fight the urge to spit out the soda I had been drinking. Completely unbelievable. That recording gave me a headache.
  23. I wonder if there'll be a cameo appearance by Leeroy Jenkins...
  24. Check this out. Note the usual lack of solid details... http://www.robotechx.com/live-action/10-ge...o-them-all.html
  25. Damn good stuff! Welcome back! BTW: Do you take requests?
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