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Everything posted by Robelwell202

  1. This is quite hillarious, as JT's explained that he's never seen Macross, except for DYRL... Are you kidding? WDKaiserV1's sig line is as bad as it gets! 'Death to Macross Purists!'
  2. Quite the double-standard, eh? I'm in the same boat as you, really. I'm not very well versed in anime, with the fact that I've only been learning about the expansive Macross universe over the last year. Add to that, some very kind people (Thank you, Seto and Talos) have been expanding my horizons with selected Gundam titles, as well as other stuff. It's a 'whole new world' kind of thing. Some things were extremely difficult to get my head around, at first, seeing as I was exposed to Robotech at first. For example, it was somewhat difficult to get my head around the idea that Protoculture was NOT a super-energy plant, but a long-dead race. For antoher thing, I rejoyced when I had heardd that it was called a Destroid Tomahawk, and not 'Excalibur Mk.4' (As Paladium's game showed it to be). Now, in my budding enlightened state, I'm finding myself less and less drawn to RT, out of sheer disgust. Not only is Harmony Gold's half-assed efforts left me doing little more than laughing at them, but the derisive nature of the fans, coupled with thier willing gullibility and outright hatred of Macross' continued success has left such a foul taste in my mouth that I no longer look to interact with them very much. I still have a fnondness for RT. Like many, many others, it was my exposure to Anime. Unlike a lot of folks, though, I recognise what it is, and that's it: A conglomeration of three seperate shows, strung together to make it possible for syndication in the US. Nothing more. I don't see it as a franchise to rival the likes of Star Wars, Star Trek, or even Bayformers (I must be honest, I liked the first movie). It's a little-known, seldom remembered legacy cartoon from the '80s, and the only time someone other than a hardcore fan even remembers it is when they go into thier parents' attick and dig around thier old toy boxes. They may find a Matchbox toy or two, and think about that hoaky ol' cartoon they watched early on Saturday mornings, with the volume low, so that they wouldn't wake thier parents up. No, like I said, I have a small, special place in my heart for RT, and for that, I'll finish my little novel. Other than that, though, I've become burned out. In the case of some fans, I've become more than burned out. I've become disgusted.
  3. That's Walter Koenig's character, from Babylon 5... but for the life of me, I can't remember his name.
  4. I might suggest '08th MS Team', as well. A damn good series, and the one that got me hooked on Gundam UC. I'm working on a few different series, right now... 0080 War in the Pocket 0083 Stardust Memory and... Irresponsible Captain Tylor So far, 0080 has left me wanting more, but 0083 hasn't disapointed, yet. ICT is... well, it's better than I had expected. Funnier than hell, too!
  5. To me, the Macross Cannon was a pretty good design. My only issue with it is this: I wish they'd've done it with purpose-built gun booms, as opposed to cheaping out (This is simply how it looks to me) and slapping a quartet of Zent ships on it. But hey, I'm wierd, anyway. Just ask Seto. He tells me all the time that I'm wierd.
  6. I kinda like that version of Sheryl... and no, not for the obvious reasons... It appeals to the old, retired 'Goth' side of me.
  7. I did. He blew it off, as usual, but as soon as I did, we both (That is, Seto and I) layed into him about not reading the subs on his version of MacF, therefore disqualifying him for offering anything like a real opinion of the thing.
  8. Oh, gawd! If Bendo gets ahold of that article, he'll scream that it's the final vindication of what he's been saying all along. We'll never hear the end of it. Pray that he doesn't.
  9. I might be the catalyst that started the whole 'Ranka is naked in outer space' deal... See, in response to a rather idiotic post made on RTX (It was either Bendo or 'Ghost Maker'/PTH) about how well done the animation in RT:TSC was, I posted YouTube links for two AMVs, one showing space-combat footage from RT:TSC, and the other showing combat from MacF. I even went so far as to suggest that the viewers turn thier volume down, and just look at the offered video. I'll post links for those who are interested. RT:TSC Macross Frontier http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sLBbKF4PMuA Now, when these links were posted, Doug went off, starting the idiotic argument about MacF's 'naked child in outer space' content. The rest, as they say, is history. There's one fact that I find completely hillarious. When Seto Kaiba and I went on his show the last time, I threw an amazingly obvious fact in Doug's face. He never read the subs for whatever version of MacF he watched. Apparently, he's so amazingly amazing that he can discern the entire meaning and content of a Japanese show in RAW form! He doesn't need a fluency in Japanese, and he doesn't need to read the subtitles! For myself, I prefer to think that he's so functionally illiterate that he CAN'T read the subs. It's the same reason he uses MS-Sam to read the posts that Seto and I throw up on RTX. There's just too many multi-sylabic words there for him to understand. Of course, I am just a Seto Kaiba yes-man, and Seto's the Macross Syndicate ring-leader. How could we stand up in the face of the #1 RT fan, and the #1 RT authority? Most of the time, I find the ridiculous nature of Bendo to be laughable and entertaining, but there are times where I get tired of him. After all, there's only so much Bendo-ism I can take before I start getting a headache.
  10. I think it would be interesting to note that Myung didn't sing for most of Plus, because of professional pressures, as well as a lack of other things. A rather ingenius factor in that story, if I may say so. Not ony do we get the standard singing part of Macross, but we also see what can happen to somoene who's lost the love of thier art.
  11. If I didn't know you any better, I'd accuse you of being a kiss-ass! Unfortunately, you're right. There's no arguing the logc of the statements. But... You're still a kiss-ass!
  12. Hey, uh... Gubaba! Just in case I ever tread where Wanzerfan did, let me get this out in the open right now... I AM AN IDIOT! Please understand this, and don't feel the need to educate me like you did a few posts ago... By the way, Nice job!
  13. It's too bad they didn't include a few Cheyennes in the set of minis...
  14. Are you saying that we've sabotaged our enjoyment of the RT:LAM becuse... we're... too damn smart? That we've actually seen what's happened with the franchise? Damn... That's... that's just.. sad... and hillarious!
  15. Case in point: Macross 7 In all seriousness, I have to agree with HappyPenguins on this point. The American film industry (Hollywood) has, over the last few decades, lost the luster and grandeur it had in it's golden age. It's reached a low point, with every producer scouring the countryside looking for the next hot Comic Book title or some lost, obscure '80s cartoon. It also seems to have a difficult time learning the lessons from times past: Anime doesn't do well in a LAM setting. Admittedly, there are a few small gems that come out of Hollywood, but for the most part... Meh... There's no originality at all.
  16. I'll take a 1, an 8, and a 9 to go, please.
  17. Yeah... sure. If you say so...
  18. WHAT?!?! Uh, dude, it's time to go back to the hospital, now. You've gone without your meds long enough...
  19. I hate to be a nay-sayer, here, since I'm very much a fan of the Tomahawk, but the model shows has one major glitch to it that kills the joy for me. The head-mount MGs don't appear to traverse to a completely horizontal position, which makes it look kinda goofy, if you ask me. I mean, the Yamato 1/60s don't have a complete traverse, either, but the get most of the way down. With these, thye look to be locked in a permanent 45-degree angle. If I'm wrong, let me know. I'd like to see pics of the figure with the guns level.
  20. Much obliged for the hints, folks. I got what I wanted. Thanks!
  21. Yeah, that's what I'm doing. If I do a standard left-click, it immidiately opens a media player. Right-click, and 'Save target as...'
  22. I've tried DL-ing some of these ringtones, but every time I do it, they're all called the same thing... 'Index.MP3'. Needless to say, this is a bit confusing, and I'm wondering if I'm doing something wrong, or if I need to change something in my browser. Second, Is there a second version of the trumpet fanfare that's heard in several of the (I'm assuming) commercial breaks? The one on the first page has a little bit of a glitch towards the end. Thanks, folks.
  23. Now... that's just... Well, words fail me right now. How can I recycle the same words that have been used over and over? "good", "Excellent", "Amazing"... all of these fall short for this kind of first effort. Well, I am still very, very impressed with these pics. How about this? I'll be foaming at the mouth like junkie 'til I see more!!! Very nice!
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