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Everything posted by Robelwell202

  1. Excellent! PM Sent Any other spares you'd wanna get rid of?
  2. Any pics, by chance? I'll PM you soon.
  3. And that Tomohawk (Excalibur???) is just a Spartan with a few extra legos attached.
  4. I've gotta put my vote in for the 1/60 Yamato Tomahawks. Just like you, it's a nostalgic thing for me. As I've explained before, I first saw a Tomahawk on a flier I got in an old 'Robotech Defenders' model kit that I got for Christmas, when I was 11 or 12. Well, the design stuck with me. Most of the toys that came out were ones that I missed, and the first real Tomahawk toy I was able to get my hands on was the 'Robotech/ExoSquad' crossover toys that popped up in the early nineties. I ended up getting two of those 'Hawks. Still, I want's satisfied. the articulation was horrible, and the missiles in the chest packs were hideous. Still, they were all I had. When I got my hands on these babies, though, I was in bliss! Excellent detail, amazing quality, and two color schemes. Oh, wow!!! I have the standard 1/60 Tan, the Olive Drab, and the Special Weathering Tan version.
  5. And that speaks a hell of a lot for MEMO, and just how desperate he is for acceptance and validity. It looks sad to me, but... I don't have an ounce f pity for the guy. He's burned so many people in his blind-follower zealotry that he deserves any ridicule he gets.
  6. Yeah, Seto and I had discovered this a while ago. The first instance I heard the MS-Sam voice-over was when he used it to 'recite' some comments I'd posted on my site's blog. To be honest, I was fairly complimentary about the guy, but as we can all see, my initial attempt to be civil with the guy turned sour. To his credit, Seto didn't say 'I told you so!' too loudly. The 900+ listeners has to be a faulty number. AS has been theorized before, his screen-capped statistic could be reflecting search-bots or search-engine hits, but there's absolutely no way in hell that he has that many listeners (excuse me, lessoners). If he did, then JTwould have gotten all sorts of hate-email directed at him, and at last report, there was none. Now, that means one of two things, both bad for Ol' Dougie-poo. First, it means that his download/listener number is vastly and artificially inflated, or it means that if he DOES have that many listeners, they really don't give him any kind of validity whatsoever. One could even deduce that those listeners are simply 'lessoning' for pure comedic value, much like your common, everyday, garden-variety anime fan (I seem to recall a site populated with fans like that... I think the address is something like 'MarcosGlobe.com, but I could be wrong). Needless to say, even though he's made himself a laughing stock throught the anime fandom world, and a small but substantial portion of the internet as a whole, he'll still stick to the idea that he's the best of the best out there, as far as RT-fandom goes. And what a sad situation it is. Doug only uses RT for the inflation of his own ego. He doesn't really care about the show. Allhe does is use it for the expansion of all things DougBendo. Oh, well. At least we're rid of him here, I hope.
  7. Okay... fair enough.
  8. Well, if you're set in your course, I won't bother to convince you otherwise. I mean, I might have tried to explain that there were others before you, who've done the same thing, trying with reason, fact, and statistics to point out something that is fairly obvious, only to bang thier heads upon a brick wall that is the idiocy of your opponents. I would also point out that there's a LOOOOONG history of these exchanges, and, weather this will be your last post or not, the people you're engaged in wits-combat with will undoubtedly claim victory for some twisted reason or another. But.. I won't do that. I'll leave well enough alone, and simply say "Good Luck, DUDE!"
  9. Damn! The possibilities! Destroids and VFs flying in atmosphere! Ground combat! Dude, don't make me drool like that again. We haven't got flood insurance!
  10. I think we're all relieved that you haven't put that bit up in the thread...
  11. He may be thinking of 'Boogie Nights', which would fill the bill, so to speak...
  12. Uh huh! I'm thinking what you're thinking... Where is this place, and will they let me take high-school all over again?!?
  13. I'm still hoping for a 'Tomahawk Girl', sometime...
  14. I can't say, for certain, what HG is in it for, really. Their production and management practices have been either comically bad, or downright dispicible in some cases, and they've burned a lot of people who'd tried to put thier best effort into fruthering the franchise the best way they can. I'm sure that there's a financial goal, somwhere, but they do everything the exact opposite of what common sense would dictate, so thier revenues are still extremely small. It makes me wonder what they use to pay Kevin McKeever's salary... I can't see Hrmony Gold as an animation production company, because they've tried too damn hard, with the wrong ideas, to be that. Trying to force some current relevancy out of a legacy cartoon from the '80s is a delicate job, and so far, HG hasn't been too delicate. Most of the stuff they've done since the release of the original 85 have met with everything from mixed reviews to outright hatred and disgust. "The Sentinels" could have been a good extension, if they'd followed through with it, but in standard HG style, they let the novels get carried away,and hense, you get the patented convoluted storyline with many, amny fans scratching thier heads, screaming WTF?!? Then, you have every production after this, and they've begun a spectacular series of EPIC PHAIL (To use a common internet term). RT-3000, Prelude, Untold Story, and RT:TSC have all been amazing flops, and it's a track record that goes back a long way. Finally, thier stranglehold on Macross isn't netting them anything except greif. We could be wandering into the local hobby shop, picking up a nice toy, figure, or model, and HG would be getting a little piece of the pie, but... Instead, they refuse to budge, and refuse to accept the humility that goes with trying to reach some kind of amicable arrangement with the powers that be in Japan. Now, with all these factors, is it any wonder that there's a severe amount of doubt as far as the LAM is concerned? I've been on record MANY times, saying that I'll believe there's an RT:LAM when I see it at the theaters, and not before. Others have said the same thing. Of course, you have the types like ol' Kevie, who insists on saying "There's been a MAJOR DEVELOPMENT (but I can't talk about it).", and there are those fans who eat it up with a spoon. Then, you get the fans like me, who are extremely skeptical over the idea, and we get anned from thier site for speaking our skepticism openly. I can't really say weather HG is in it for the money, or if they're trying to eek out somme kind of prestige out of the franchise. All I can say is, they've got themselves on hell of a mess, and I think the management should be changed... ASAP
  15. Much obliged, sir. To be honest, I was gifted with a second sheet of decals for this particular toy, and I was planning on redoing the whole application. What kind of cleaning agent would I use to remove the oils and and residual adhesive left on it? I'm sure that there are some that would strip the paint of the figure, so I want to make sure that it's the right stuff that I use. Again, thanks!
  16. I guess mine is really simple. A 1/60 VF-11B with Super Packs and the Wicked Bunny Sheryl Nome figure. Other than that, I'm good.
  17. Well, here's one... I have a problem with the decals on the lower torso... Trying to figure out how to fix it.
  18. The only thing I want is the Sheryl figure. And, as of right now, I don't have the requisite amount of $$ to opt for it. Unfortuante.
  19. You're telling me that it'll be around 900 dollars? American? If that's the case, I better wait, and hope somoene has a double of the Wicked Bunny.
  20. Any idea how much the set will be, once it's released?
  21. It would seem that that is, indeed, the case... They've been putting out RT stuff for quite some time... at least ten years.
  22. Oh, it was... A painful train wreck at that. My only hope is, that when I get the chance to see the new Wolverine flick, it's at least a bit better. X3 was truly HORRIBLE!!!
  23. Damn! That's... FOUL! I think 'fugly' falls drastically short, in regards to this version! UGH! I'll take the TV version, thanks.
  24. Is there more? We'd like more! And when I say 'we', I mean me, with the strong possibility that others might, as well
  25. I thought it was Ishtar, at first...
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