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Everything posted by Robelwell202

  1. Not really. Have you ever seen a store that specializes in anime? In the US, there's a dispropotionate amount of toys, models, DVDs and manga that are mecha-centric in thier nature. Just look at all the stuff that comes out with the Gundam name. If HG had engaged in open competition, throwing RT against Macross, it would be a true, one-sided victory in favor of the Macross side. With all the BS that HG has done in the past (Blocking of Macross, FASA, and everything else, as well as thier failed attempts at anything like a sequel), they would be completely overwhelmed by the sudden flood of Macross sales, and RT would die a rather gruesome and obscure death, lamented by only a few die-hard blind fanboys that seem to operate under the idea that HG can do no wrong (I don't think I need to mention names, here, since they've already been used in this thread ad infinitum). What HG's doing, now, is simply throwing whatever propoganda they can against the wall, seeing what sticks, and telling everyone that RT is a viable franchise, where anyone with two functioning neurons can see that it isn't. If HG were to allow open competition, and allow Macross to be marketed in the US, it would be suicide, pure and simple.
  2. Oh! Uhh... Damn, dude.. Sorry...
  3. ZZZZzzzzzzzzzz
  4. Yeah... what he said.
  5. <<<WARNING: BLATANT ATTEMPT TO GET THIS THREAD BACK ON-TOPIC!!!>>> I'm somewhat disappointed in this version of the Macross, to be honest. It looks rather shabbily done, as if to just get it out there as quick as possible. The color scheme seems a little haphazard, too. I know the DYRL version was a shades-of-grey deal, but this just seems... bad. Personally, I'm not that much of a DYRL-version fan. I prefer the TV version, to be honest. My idea version of the Macross would be a TV version (Daedelus/Promethius) in DYRL colors, but snce these things go for way more cash than I have, it's a moot point.
  6. True, but my point was more to show the only commonality between FASA and DP9. You're right, in that the HG-2 engine was a vast improvement, though.
  7. If you say so... Personally, I prefer the look of the gears, as opposed to those VOTOMS designs... YECH!!!
  8. <<< This post has been edited, due to the posting author's inability to respond. Please understand that this condition is caused by expectant appreciation, and massive drooling on the part of the posting author. We thank you for your understanding, and wish you a pleasant day. >>>
  9. First off, the only thing Heavy Gear has in common with Battletech is that Activision did both cockpit-FPS simulators (And we all know how similar they were, too. A BIIIIIIG disappointment, when I saw this.) Other than that, there's none, really. FASA did Battletech, and Heavy Gear was done by a company called 'Dream Pod Nine'. Now, it's true that most of the gears in the game are smaller than a Battletech mech. Come to think of it, they look to me to be oversized landmates from Appleseed. In all actuality, the gears seemed to exist in that no-man's-land between powered-armor-suit and giant-robot-mecha. They didn't have any real fixed weapons (Aside from a rocket launcher, possibly), and they could pack extra weapons, as well, (Kinda like a Zaku2), but they were too damn big to be consideredd armor suits.
  10. The introductions of the 2nd and 3rd edtition box-set rule-books, if memory serves correctly. They were written up as walking tanks, but then comapred to tanks, being shown to be faster and more maneuverable.
  11. Okay, but it does bear the qeustion: Would T have had better cohesion, or worse, if Rick Hunter was NOT the central focus of the entire storyline? I would submit that it would have been better, if for no other reason than to say that it would leave more plot elements open for re-engineering, as it were. As it stood, the 'Hunter' factor was an all-pervasive influence, and even in the masters, there was a small smidgen of him (The backstory that showed that the SDF-3 was well on its way during the events of the Masters Saga, and Rick Hunter was in command.) Personally, I would have thought that a retired Lisa/Rick Hunter pair would have been better, and the SDF-3 being cmmanded by a newer character. Just like Hikaru, Rick served his purpose in the Macross Saga, and he should have been gracefully left there. With this in mind, You could have had a longer time period between sagas (chapters, really), which would allow for the magical hand-wave, giving way to a more solid continuity, and the ability to address certain inconsitencies between these chapters with a more graceful and reliable method. But, what do I know? I'm not part of HG, so I can't really know anything, right?
  12. Why? He's absolutely right, so why punish him for it?
  13. Well, the disgust and bile generated in me comes from the simple fact that I keep wanting to scream "DO SOMETHING ORIGINAL!!!" to these asshats at HG, but I know what I would get. First, I would get Steve and Co. saying that they, indeed, have the rights to these designs, and then... I'd get Kevin McKeever telling me "We are doing something original (but I can't talk about it)." then, MEMO and Mav would try to ban me from the general fandom for being too logical. "WHAT YOU SAY MAKES TOO MUCH SENSE. RETURN YOUR ADV-VERSION DVDS AND LEAVE RT TO US IDIOTS. HEHEHEHEHE" I just can't win.
  14. While I would agree that the Black 'Stealth' paint scheme is rather generic, I would argue the timing of the Toynami release, as well as two rather glaring thefts from DYRL. First, the timing of the release is quite dubious, as it coincides too conveniently with the release of the Mac-25th release. It's just too coincidental for my tastes. Second, the square missile pods and the strike parts are direct rip-offs from DYRL, and were never parts of the original Robotech series. As such, including them into a Robotech toy/mechandise line is grounds for disgust, if nothing else. For me, it just goes to show the depths that HG will go to to make a buck, and with Tonyami's lack of quality, I can only wonder how this thing is actually made. Nah, it's a rip-off, pure and simple.
  15. This may have been mentioned before, but I'm really too lazy to go back and check... Has anyone mentioned "Maximum Overdrive"? Steven King's monumental flop of a directorial debut? That thing's so awful, it's hillarious! I bought the DVD just for the laughs, alone.
  16. That's damn impressive, so far! Can't wait for the finished version! Excellent!
  17. Don't be too hard on ol' Seto... he does have a point. Mac2:LA is probably the only installation of the franchise that I've ever seen real design progression, as far as destroids are concerned. The Mac2:LA version of the Tomahawk, for instance, is just plain scary. I won't even mention thier 'Monster' variant.
  18. Toy sales... Lots, and LOTS of toy sales.
  19. I think I see where I made the error... I needed a ',' in there someplace... As for the Bab5 mod, it was all right, I guess. I would have liked to see the terran ships rotating in the combat sequences, as well, but that might be an issue with game mechanics. Overall, not too bad.
  20. This I understand, as behind-the-scenes issues, but the cover-story put out for the actual animation is a bit odd, if you get my drift. Ultimately, it comes down to me nit-picking a show I enjoy very much, in a good-natured way.
  21. What makes it really pathetic is, these ideas (Conspiracy theory, etc.) aren't his. He's just acting on what the Number One Robotech Fan tells him.
  22. That is a shame, but there's soemthing else that bugged me in MacF. In Mac0, we see the first Cheyenne model, and that would be really cool. I mean, if you look at the design-evolution/progression idea, then yeah, the Cheyenne could be a progenitor of the SDF-Mac/DYRL-era destroids. But, in MacF, they revert to a newer model of the Cheyenne? Where's the updated Tomahawk? Or the updated Spartan? the closest we get to those is in Mac7, where they're relegated to construction use! It was explained to me that the Cheyenne Mk2s we see in MacF were purchased by SMS, and then heavily modified and upgraded. I can't confirm this, but it would (sorta) make sense.
  23. If I may be so bold as to say so, this NDA thing screams to me of PANIC on the hearts and minds of HG... They've been doing the same "There's developments (but we can't say anything)..." in regards to 'Shadow Rising' for a long time before the LAM agreement with Warner was ever announced. I'm sure an internal production like RT:SR wouldn't be bound up in needless red-tape like an NDA. I think the pressure's getting to them, and our good buddies Mav and MEMO are feeling it the most.
  24. Ah, but we DO see destroids in MacF. SMS uses Cheyenne Mk2s rather extensively on the decks of the Quarter, and they play a major role in celebration activities surrounding the extended fold jump. I erally have to disagree with the premise you propose. It's comparable to saying that any branch of (for example) the US military should only use planes, and forgo the use of tanks, armored vehicles, helicopters, ad infantry. I agree that a lot of the action in any Macross series takes place in VFs, but there are other mecha that are seen. But, this chould not be the limiting factor. A VF can do many things, but there are needs for a machine that is purpose-built to do some things that a VF would only do as a secondary role. Take the Cheyenne. In a perfect world, the Cheyenne would be shown to be more successful than it is in MacF, but, as they are used as cannon-fodder and plot advancers, they aren't, unfortunately. And, just like the Cheyennes, the Tomahawks before them are given the same treatment, even though we can see in the statistics that the Tomahawk has rather immense power in it. No, if you look at the sheer size of the island fleet in MacF, there would be more than enough space to ddevelop and manufacture destroids. I mean, if they can have a whole island dedicated to a Zentradi tourist area and shopping mall, then they can give space for destroids.
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