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Everything posted by Robelwell202

  1. If it were done 25 years ago, before the advent of the Internet, and RT.com, Harmony Gold might have been able to salvage some credibility. AS it stands, they might even have better relations with the folks that did the original series, and we might not have the Macross Blockade issues we have today. If it were to be done now, though, it would only spell disaster for HG, since it would mean having to admit to a huge amount of BS that they've perpetrated and subborned, as well as admitting that everything they've done has been an abject failure, in comparrison to Macross's continued success... Translation: It's too late, now.
  2. Well, folks... My search for an alternate service is a bust, complete and total. So, since I've seen a bit of interest in the idea, I'm going to go back to Talkshoe and suffer through the bad audio quality. So, I'll be restarting the show, and I think the next show will be Tomorrow, at 3pm Eastern time. Your interest demands that I act upon it, and so far, this is the best option. I hope to see you there!
  3. No bother at all... Yes, Macross Frontier is good. Personally, it's one of my two favorites (Along with Macross Plus). And yes, I would go so far as to call it great. Appropriate for a 13-year-old? I would think so. There's no blatant nudity, and no gratuitous sex involved in the series. I would say, if your 13-year-pld has even a little maturity, it would be fine for him. My suggestion would be to look up the 'Yak Deculture' edition. Some episodes on that version have added footage to even out some plot-holes, and the visual quality is amazing.
  4. I had thought about throwing this argument at Mav, but since he's hated me from the get-go, I knew it would've been a waste of time... Western-style story-telling? Well, take the movie Das Boot. Now, go through the entire 5-hour long film, remove ANY visual reference to Nazi Germany, and give it some crappy new audio. Bingo, this sounds like a WW2 movie about an American sub in the Pacific theater!!! WE could call it Sub-Tech! That's just about as silly as Mav's argument.
  5. Well, since this thing's being built for me, I suppose I should throw in, here... While it is true that this model's bein built to my specification, it might be a bit... exagerated... to say that it was at my request that the model came about. Initially, I was like a lot of other people when I got a look at IceBlue's 1/100 Hangar Deck diorama... Amazed. Actually, when I found out that he'd used parts from a dead computer chassis in the build, I was doubly amazed. Needless to say, I loved the eye-candy. Now, IceBlue's been a fan of my story since the beginning, when I first put the prologue out there for people to read, and I started talking to him about a diorama for my story, albeit jokingly. I wasn't really serious, but Blue kept after me, until I drew up a rudimentary floor-plan, and what you see is the end result. Needless to say, I am flattered and humbled by his efforts. Thanks, Dude!!!
  6. Gubaba wrote: I've had something of an alternate theory on the open hostility displayed by RT fans towards MacF. It goes something like this. First, we start with the RT-fanboy. Now, this RT-fanboy goes well above and beyond the standard T-fan, in that he carries an assumtion that RT is totally and perfectly amazing, and Harmony Gold cannot make a single mistake. ("No! HG doesn't suck! They're simply waiting for the most advantagous time to strike! Four years? Pphphpttt!!! Do you know how long it took Winston Churchill to start WW2?") Next, expose RT-fanboy to RT:TSC. RT-fanboy is extatic! RT-fanboy is delerious with joy! RT-fanboy is amazed at the stupendous wuality of this amazing new work of art! Then, expose RT-fanboy to something like Mac0. RT-fanboy says "Puh-LEEZE!!! This is just a fluke! Besides, they got MAJOR story aspects wrong! The crash of the SDF-1 didn't start a war, it ended the Global Civil War! And, no, the protoculture didn't leave any kind of artiact on Earth! Protoculture didn't even exist until Zor ound it!" And then, expose RT-fanboy to MacF. RT-fanboy is confused. RT-fanboy is shocked! "Wait a damn minute. This... doesn't... suck. This is... good! But wait! This isn't something that was made by Harmony Gold, so it MUST suck somewhere, in some way... I gotta get into this thing, and find all the ways it stinks." Then, RT-fanboy does his level best to manufacture some proof that MacF (And, by extension, Mac0) does, indeed, suffer greatly from not having the divine influence of the Yun(e)s. "Now, see here? That's not even a real VF-1. Oh, damn! She's naked, in outer space, during a galactic war! Son of a... I don't believe it! That guy's played a woman in a Japanese theater?!? He's GOTTA be gay!!!" This way, RT-fanboy gets to validate everything he believes about Robotech, and the Shadow Chronicles. "So what if the CG looked like a ninth-grader did it? It's still better! I mean, you've got no naked chicks, but the chicks that are there (Except for that one on the ship's bridge that talks in a monotone) have big boobs!!! I mean, that's quality, I tell you!!! Story? What's that got to do with anything? I think it's brilliant!!!" Followed shortly by... "Yes, mom... I'll take the garbage out." ---------- That's just my theory, though...
  7. I gotta agree. With the 'Wicked Bunny', there's an element of class, even though she's dressed like Vampyrella. This one, though, just looks 'over-the-top', 'trying-too-hard' kind of suggestive pose...
  8. I'm offering this as living proof, Einherjar... (Yeah, story time again) I only started getting active in forums a little under 2 years ago (That is, if I remember correctly), and before that, I was solidifying a large part of my story together, since, as a long-haul trucker, I had multitudes of time to think about such things. Well, in the quest to get things as technically correct as I could, I started surfing the RT.com site to gather technical details about my favorite mecha, Destroid Tomahawk. A short time after that, I got involved in the forums on that site. Now, keep in mind, I had not been involved in a forum before. This was brand-new to me. Point 1: Shortly after starting on RT.com's forums, I became interested in Yamato's 1/60 Destroid Tomahawk toy. Now, the only other version I'd ever found was the ExoSquad/Robotech crossover toys that came out back in the nineties, and those left a lot to be desired. Well, silly me, I had no real idea about the RT/Macross difficulties, so I posted a question in the RT.com's forums about Yamato's toy, and I got a STERN nasty-gram about it, stating that Non-RT toys and other products were strictly forbidden as topic subjects. My reaction: ?!? Isn't that a Robotech toy??? Point 2: As illustrated in my first point, I was fairly ignorant of Macross. I had known that the franchise was different from RT, since I'd seen and bought Macross Pluss and Macross 2, but still, I had no real idea how bad things really were. Enter folks like Seto Kaiba. After a series of E-mails, I became educated, and found out a lot more than what RT was telling me. I was so ignorant, even, that when Seto told me about how there were torrents around, I said "What's a torrent?" Needless to say, I have found a massive amount of information, and on HG's side, misinformation. Add to that, I can watch RT:TSC, and recognise it for the POS it is. Now, that's not to say that I'm not an RT fan, but... My appreciatioon has been severely limited (Original 85 episodes, and little else), and even though I have continued to write my RT fanfic, I am now considered a Macross Purist Fanboy. WEll, if the shoe fits... So, Einherjar, there you go... Living, breathing evidence of your statement.
  9. The idea of him being ill-informed isn't the issue. The issue is, rather, that he chose to remain ill-informed and troll anyone who knew more, or knew better. I know that Seto made several overtures to offer information, and initially, they seemed well recieved, but soon after, ol' PTH railed on Seto, HappyPenguiins, myself, and anyone else who actually look for knowledge, as opposed to just gobbling up whatever bilge the company threw out... As much as I agree with PTH's current line of apparent self-enlightenment, I'm still somewhat dubious about it. Call me cynical, if you want.
  10. I'm surprised that no one's mentioned 'Battlefeild Earth'... Gawd, that was a turkey!
  11. Oh, this is frustrating... I am having a very difficult time finding a place to host the show, someplace with the same multi-talk capabilities as Talkshoe... I'm not finding any, right now, so until I can, I've got to put the show on indefinite haiatus... Sorry. If anyone has a suggestion for a site to look at, I'm all ears.
  12. Argh!!! Is there a larger picture, by chance?
  13. ARGH!!! Ustream's a bust... There's no way for folks to talk. I'm going to try finding an alternate service, and get someting going. If I'm lucky, I'll be able to set something up for tomorrow, but if I can't, I'll post when I can get a new podcast started. Sorry, folks... I'll do what I can, when I can.
  14. Um... Excuse me... the above-quoted statement is patently false!!! We want more Polidread stuff!!! And, we want more stuff from everyone else, too!!!
  15. Wow! I guess I'd better get this thing going! Okay, folks, I'm going to try and get a show together for Tomorrow, 1-23-10, at 1200 Pacific time. When I get it set up, I'll post a link in this thread. And, again, thanks for the interest!
  16. Looking damn good so far, Dangaioh!!! Damn good!
  17. One must be patient to have good stuff...
  18. I check Ustream out for a little while, tonight, and it seemed pretty solid. I didn't have FlashPlayer installed, so the chat was being difficult. Also, I wouldn't want to do a vid-cast, so Ustream's audio-only option seems to be a bit better. The other option I have to look into is weather or not I can get other voices involved in the show. If I can, then Ustream might be the new show place. I'll let you know.
  19. Not yet, JasonC. I've removed all aspects of the show from Talkshoe, and I'm looking into Ustream as an alternate, and it looks to be fairly good. When I've decided on a place, I'll post a link, though. Thanks for the interest!
  20. I would have loved to try this game in the 'Open-Beta' timeframe, but it's damn near impossible to get a Beta Key... You gotta be a subscriber (Premium) of a gamer site, or enter a contest... Looks like I'm waiting.
  21. I may have said this before, and if I have, I'm sorry for repeating myself. To be completely honest, I never really noticed the sprue-cut marks until I read this thread. I've waited 25 years for this particular toy, so I may be looking through rose-colored goggles, but they're really not that noticeable to me.
  22. Too damn expensive for me...
  23. Okay, I just looked over my OD Tomahawk, and amazingly enough, these cut marks are there. I'd never noticed them before... So, this leads to two questions... First, are these tomahawks molded in plastic of the actual color, or are they painted? Second, what would be the appropriate color paint to cover these cut marks with? Personally, I would think a light sanding with a really low grit sandpaper, along with some light paint would do the trick.
  24. And so, the first episode is in the books! Overall, I'm split over the results. The idea, it seems, is sound, and I'm throwing out my thanks to Chillyche for showing up! Thank you, sir! However, the audio of Talkshoe suffers a great deal. Yes, I know there were warnings about the quality, but hey, I had to start somewhere, right? Well, the decision's been made to move to another venue, and as soon as I find a place that works for me, I'll let everyone know. And, as the show's intended to be an open-discussion deal, I hope that more folks show up. The invite's open. Thanks again, folks!
  25. This is only a trial show, to be honest... Talkshoe might not fit the bill, and if that's the case, I'll move it to another venue, is there's enough of a demand for it. I'm just trying the idea out, really. As far as lunatics, I kind of expect them. I'll do my best to keep a lid on it, though. Thanks for the good-luck wishes!
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