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Everything posted by Robelwell202

  1. Well, this is weird... I'm becomming less and less of a Robotech fan, all the time. Every time some bullschwat comes out of the mouth of a guy like Bendo, Mav or MEMO, or some other idiotic drivel gets uttered by Kevin McKeever, my fan-meter gets closer and closer to zero... Now that I look at it, it's pretty close to zero, right now. Whoa!
  2. MEMO: Or something like that... XD
  3. Now, wait just a damn minute... I thought you were trying to take over the world, systematically, while spazzing over an idiotic has-been cartoon franchise that's obviously been made a million times better by 'Western' storytelling! Or... is that just your week-end hobby?
  4. Someone might want to warn Rhade... His RT-fan Fantasy World might warrant a S&D notice from HG. I mean, HG can't compete with that kind of self-manufactured reality, so they might think of squashing it.
  5. More to the point, he's carried the stance of "Sure, RT:TSC was a POS, but it'll ALWAYS be better than Macross Frontier!" Disgusting!
  6. I can't believe that I'm looking at the writings of amateurs... The best Sci-Fi movie of all time is 'Blade Runner'!
  7. You'd be correct, in reference to the first dub, but not the second. It's pretty damn good. Not only do the dubbed voices sound more appropriate to the scenes in the film, they are more accurate, so the film makes much more sense.
  8. I saw that in 'Akira'...
  9. You know, this might not come as a surprise to anyone, but I'm still gonna say it... The strange, awful truth of the situation has become clear to me. Roughly a week ago, I made the decision to withdraw myself from the RT-fandom politics. Now, while the primary reason for this will remain unspoken by me, I will say that the result has been like a great weight lifted off my shoulders. The staggering truth is that RT-fandom only survives thorugh the completely hardcore, unbending stance of its fans. If you call yourself a fan, you must adhere to a stringent code of violent opposition to all things Macross, the blind acceptance and belief in every utterance that comes out of HG, and unquestioning loyalty to the 'Mods' (I use the term loosely, for obvious reasons) that do everything in their power to silence the nay-sayers. Now, on the other side of the coin, we have MW, and by extension, the fans of Macross in general. I've walked into this as a serious NOOB, and not only have I gotten a lot of quesitons asked (Testing the breaking point of some folks' patience, I'm sure) and even respect from said-same people. A rather interesting study in polar opposites, to be sure. Like I said, I'm sure this comes as a surprise to no one, but in my recently newfound clamness and serenity, I find myself compelled toi comment, and even offer my thanks to those who have given me help. You know who you are. Okay, I'm done for now...
  10. While I've never claimed to be a hardcore RT fan, there are some who think, because I'm writing a fanfic, I should be... It's a real pain in the a$$ to have a functioning brain...
  11. Oh, hell... I've been found out! Of course, it didn't hurt that your influence edged me along to DYRL, when I was blissfully and ignorantly happy with Mac+ and Frontier... It's all your fault!!!
  12. Well, I just found a treaure... The Master Grade RX-79(G) kit. One I get it put together, I'll post a few pics. One question: Do these kits need model cement, or do they go together without that stuff?
  13. JasonC wrote: Oh, of course... It's a complete joke, and for me to say that is being extremely polite. In all honesty, though, I'm absolving myself of the crap. With work picking upfor me, the sensitive nature of my work (School Bus Driver), and the overload status of my BS meter, lately, I'm dropping the RT drama like a plagued rat. It's no longer worth my time, and I'm not the type of person who'll self-induce an ulcer just to sing the praises of an animated show. I like it, but not THAT much... Gubaba wrote: No, but I do like Sheryl Nome in a wicked-bunny outfit... does that count?
  14. <<< IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT >>> Well, according to this, I'm not a Robotech fan, any more. http://www.talkshoe.com/talkshoe/web/talkC...0695&cmd=tc It seems that, according to the world's Number One Robtech Fan, I don't meet the minimum requirements to be in the elite clique that all of us aspire to. I've been kicked out! What, you ask, would be my response to this startling, earth-shattering revelation? Well, I suppose I could bawl my eyes out, crying over lost protoculture, or I could engage in rightous, indignant rage over being targeted by this idiot... Hell, I could even entertain the idea of showing up on his podcast, and troll his a$$ all over the place. But... None of these apply. Since my RL job has gotten more active (Yeah! I'm getting descent hours, now!), and I've sworn off the RT internet drama, I really have no reaction whatsoever. So, with this being said, I have a question. Any room for an exiled former RT fan in the Macross Purist camp?
  15. You're right, of course. Thanks! Still, the point stands.
  16. Graham, if I may be so bold, your points don't pass the smell test... SMS was shown to be a developer of weapons systems, and they were, essentially, feild testing the VF-25 airframe and systems, based on their own YF-24 test platform. Does it make sense, then, for SMS to feild a ground-combat mecha that is essentially a throw-back, while working with the proposed replacement for the VF-171? I can't buy it, to be honest. It would be tantamount to a current-day aircraft carrier feilding a fleet of JSF fighters, and their marine contingent being relegated to older M-48 or M-60 tanks, to be used for shore landings and such, and also having nothing more that 40mm Bofors guns for air defense in the age of self-guided missiles and CIWS-type defense platforms.
  17. He just doesn't know you like we do.... In all seriousness, though, I'm just as flabbergasted by this turn of events, as well. Immagine my surprise when to my disbelieving eyes should appear a note of gratitude for some assistance Seto and I gave him! See for yourself! http://www.robotechx.com/forums/32-macross...ntier.html#9386 Whoa!
  18. Uh, excuse me... I do believe the original poster asked what we'd like to see, and I answered his question... Let me look it up... So, there you go....
  19. That's a damn shame... I wouldn't mind having a set myself...
  20. You'll get absolutely no argument from me on this point. Perhaps I may want to rethink the Minmay-as-a-secondary-character idea...
  21. Can you give us a link to these? Are there more available?
  22. Okay... I'm in complete agreement with you all, about Macross being damn good as is. However, this thread did ask a hypothetical question, something along the lines of fantasy, so I answered as honestly as I could... Besides, Minmay as a secondary character is a low priority, as you can see. My highest priority would be something else entirely...
  23. Oh, boy... Where to begin? 1) Destroids play a larger role in the series, not just cannon fodder. 2) Keep all animation production in-house, don't farm it out. 3) Use a combination of CG and Cell animation for SDF:Mac (Like Macross Frontier and Macross Zero) 4) If there needs to be a Minmay, keep her a secondary character, please. 5) Destroids play a larger role, not just cannon fodder. (Did I mention this, already? )
  24. Uhhh... NO!!!
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