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Everything posted by SVF-Gerwalk

  1. Yeesssss!!, thanks Overdrive !!! Konata´s cosplay is really cool *preordered*
  2. The cockpits pose is amazing, I hope that have included the base *preordered*
  3. Sry for long answer I´m so busy , thanks for the advising It´s a VF-25 valkyrie ofcourse , I´ll try some diferents point of view and make a glossy Anime valkyrie , also I´m waiting a EVA-01 Perfect Grade to use the same technique. I´ll try use varnish to make glossy these things, I´ll work on varnish coat, sanding it and using Compound to fix problems. I´m working on plastics now, sanding and doing deep panelines to prevent drown, and improving some things in the way . Extra panel line: Back plate sanded and with deep panel lines:
  4. So maybe the solvent that is used in polyurethan is less agressive. Watch the tutorial, pro stuff here, this guy used a standard clear coat only to protect decals before the use of polyurethan and solvent : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VTaEHNViKmM
  5. Forget it, this seems very solid but is complicated, I´ll use lacquer of cars paint. Thanks.
  6. Just watched a tutorial where it used a polyurethan coat to obtain gloss, and protection for decals, and I whant do a try, but I dont talk japanese. Please, can anyone say what is this ? : 784765.bmp 764575.bmp
  7. I´m not sure that this fighter photo is reliable, seems that the legs are not up (the typical legs issue, down by weight). Look, there diferences betwen this : The first photo seems that have legs down but the second photo is right.
  8. Lol really ? Hasegawa makes kits only for top modelers, but Bandai make kits to a wide audience, amateurs, toy builders and "true" modelers, becouse the fact that the kit is coming with pre coloured parts, no glue and hidden sprue points, not prevents you to use paint, glue and others things. When Hasegawa makes a true model kit of Valkyrie, that mean fully transformation and not an empty shell, is when I´ll run to buy lots of them, while, Bandai is the only option.
  9. Yeah, I understand that, is a cuestion of what detail you want, if you want a fighter model that is all. But the people want a Variable fighter, that is the VF-25 at all, so under my point of view the VF-25s transformation is part of detail, like the engines in cars models, although we would display the model with down hood, they should have it. Anyway I´m sure that the 1/48 versions come with exelent detail level at all levels
  10. Lol cheng Made a variable valkyrie kit, with paint and decals, is the most difficult work you can faced. Is a true challenge cos is an unexplored terrain by Bandai and the builders, so the kit come with issues that must be solved, and the builders should faced new problems, like parts that rub the decals ... etc I dont transform my models, but I have plan made a model that can do it using cars model techniques, strong sand ... strong paint and high amount of gloss layers to protect the decals, airbrush all ofcourse. It´ll be hard but I must try
  11. There no doub that if the kit haven´t transformation probably won´t mess the decals, but it fail at accuracy and at main detail that is the transformation of Macross valkyries. I made VF-25 kits to be toys, with stikers, and won´t have any problem. And made VF-25 kits to be models, with decals, with full accuracy of Macross valkyrie transformation, just I dont play with them like a toy through.
  12. Yep, the Bandai VF-1 variable kits are horrible, but the problem is a bad desing, not the transformation, cos in a Macross kit the transformation is part of accuracy. Bandai did a good job in Macross Frontier 1/72, I hope the same of 1/48 and hope that it´ll be a PG with stratospheric detail. EDIT: Traduction anyone ?
  13. +1 Make a non variable 1/48 to fight the Hasegawa kits is ridiculous, cos they can make variable 1/48 kits and destroy them totally. A variable kit can satisfy who want variable kits and "traditional" builders, both, but a non variable kit only satisfy one of them, so is more reasonable do it variable if you dont want lose money. A kit of a Macross Variable Figther that have no change is a miss, like a car kit that have not open doors, Im traditional builder, and I think that the Macross Variable Figther kits must be variable, logically. I dont understand the complains about the variable kits, if you dont want a variable kit dont transform it, simple like that, the transformation is a plus, is not bind do it, and the transformation do the kit more posable.
  14. Yep, if this kit is a Perfect Grade, that are expensive kits, may be there no Super Parts and other stuff. But if this is a up scale there still hope.
  15. Yeah, seems that the sample not have been able to introduce the legs joints for whatever reason. Nice pics alfie, the VF-25S with car, figure and trees looks cool
  16. Yeah, I think that this is a early sample that they was show for the fair, look at Quealuun Rea sample, it dont appears that it have open canopy even appears a figure instead a kit : I have no doub that it´ll be variable, there no reason to dont. Edit: OMG !! I dont noticed the reissue of EVA-01 Perfect Grade Kit , I was looking for this kit *preordered* BTW the title of the thread is perfect, Im obsessed with this kit, looking the thread every hour I want news !!
  17. hahaha yeah, I want know what release date have 1/48 VF-25F for planing my buys cos is now in top of my priority. The only buy that I cant skip is the Yamatos Ostrich, and the armored Ozma 1/72 already reserved, the rest can be wait.
  18. Lucifer !! WANT !! 1:48 VF-25 WANT !! WANT !!!! WANT !!!!!! WANT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG I fell like a 5 years kid in a toy store
  19. Thanks Mickyq , here is my contibution, edited guide for easy look :
  20. Hahahaa, FLCL is a "must have " Yeah, this movie adaption is directed by Mamoru Oshii (Ghost in the shell), already planed a TV show and two live movies.
  21. This movie is excelent, I recomend rewatch and focus on female character, also watch the end of credits list ... if you dont. yeah, it surprise me too, exelent anime, I recomend to everyone.
  22. Just watched the movie, and it´s nothing especial, they just trying condensate the anime, hard work cos the anime is a master piece, rich on every episodes. So I prefer the TV show x100 times, it´s epic, so don´t need any movie cos there no movie resum can match the quality of the original.
  23. Yeah, I thinking the same, a base with a clip that hold the shoulder, something equal to that is used to hold the legs in fighter mode.
  24. The best coment in the whole thread, lolz Im agree with Ranka mousepad, they increased her boobs to match the 3D efect, destroying the drawing, it dont seems Ranka
  25. Lolz, I feel sry for you guys . Im in safe place , so no problem here. Anyway those mousepads are so expensive, I prefer invest that money in a model kit of some else.
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