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Everything posted by MDP310

  1. This is the only VF I have, a Yammie 1/60 2.0 Roy. I want to get a 1.72 Ozma or Alto but I don't have the time or micron pens and other supplies anymore. I do have a TON of Master Grades, they're all boxed in my closet though.
  2. Island 1 is also way WAY taller. Actually, thinking about it, Eclipse is probably about the same size as Island 1. It's shorter but fatter and taller than Executor.
  3. I played the demo on my brother's 360 and it rocked. I was planning on getting it on PC, but if it turns out to be flightstick-retarded, then screw it. I'll stick to Crimson Skies and X-Wing Alliance.
  4. Wow, Macross 25's Island 1 is almost as big as Executor. And Executor is the size of Manhattan. I think they might be lowballing the size of Island 1. It looks like it contains a whole metropolitan area. Although granted, its beam is a lot wider than Executor. Or Manhattan.
  5. OK so I've been wondering something. VF's are powered by thermonuclear reaction engines, right? Does that mean their jet exhaust is radioactive? That's kind of been bugging me lately. Also I'm new. Hi.
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