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Everything posted by MDP310

  1. oh man, Tengus RULE. In the air they can shoot down pretty much anything that isn't another dedicated AA unit, and on the ground they tear infantry apart. My favorite unit is still the Kirov airship. Nigh-indestructible, bomb-dropping Zeppelin FTW.
  2. a lot of the VF-0's height seems to be in the legs. Probably because it needed humongous, overtuned jet engines because the reaction ones weren't ready yet. They're kind of rediculously long. The nose cone seems longer than the VF-1's, too. The chest of both seem like they're a pretty similar size.
  3. I was really excited for this show and ended up just forgetting to watch it because I was playing SF IV. Oops. I had to watch it on Hulu yesterday. And the city of Shiloh is basically New York, with some extra buildings CG'd in to make it less obvious.
  4. I thought this show was pretty good. I've been looking forward to it for a while, they've had ads on every bus stop and phone booth in Manhattan for months. A couple things I thought were interesting: Hopefully it doesn't become a confused mess like Lost, or a stagnant mess like Heroes. I haven't even been watching the new seasons of either of those shows.
  5. I know. They've been boxed in my closet for like a year and a half. I don't know how the crap the dust got IN the box, though.
  6. Warning: super-picture-heavy. I used to built a lot of MG Gundam models. I haven't done any in a few years, though. I'm home for spring break, so I dug a bunch of them out of my closet to take some pics of my favorite ones. I really didn't paint them, I just did panel lines with a Micron pen and smudged it with my thumb or a paper towel. After that, I sprayed with some Testors Dullcote, although I didn't get to do all of them with the Dullcote. This is the only MG that I actually painted. It's a GP03 painted in the Titans colors. I figured, at the end of 0083 that unit was pretty much intact and the Titans wouldn't mind having a Gundam sitting around. The Gelgoog is one of the really, really early kits. Kind of bland, and I actually had to break the cockpit door to get it to fit in the chest. I decided to play around with some battle damage. The GM Custom was always one of my favorite MS.
  7. When I made Master Grade Gundam models, I used a green/orange/whatever color Sharpie on the inside of the clear visor parts.
  8. That makes a lot of sense. The aircraft carrier part is designated "NMCV" and the civilian portion could be whatever the outer space equivalent of "SS" or "MV" is.
  9. I saw a picture of a 1/2 scale (I think) Zeta Gundam once. It was made out of plywood and didn't move, though. I think the ultimate way to celebrate the 30th anniversary of Gundam would be to redo the original series as an OVA, or redo the three movies. Use the same voice actors as much as possible, keep the story the same, just reanimate it so that it doesn't look like crap. The story is friggin' amazing, but the super-vintage art turns off a lot of fans. If they're making a 1/1 Gundam, it better have real machine guns in its face and a rifle that really goes pew pew. I just found the clip of the lying-down 1/1 gundam at a theme park. Holy crap, that looks cool. Reminds me of the beginning of Char's Counterattack where they have the Nu Gundam lying down on the factory floor with half the armor missing and its face covered in shrink-wrap.
  10. Oh yeah, the original design of the original Gundam looks like crap now. CRAP. Almost as bad as the original GM lineart. Hajime Katoki's redesign of it looks real, real nice.
  11. They're both basically minor improvements on the original design, anyway. Alex was supossed to be given to Amuro to replace the original Gundam. But then it got decapitated. And the war ended. GP-01 was pretty much a redesign of the original, until it got trashed in space and rebuilt into the Full Vernian version.
  12. I can play Crysis on Medium with basically no slowdowns, or on High with just enough of a framerate drop to frequently get you killed. Pretty much anything else, like FEAR 2 or Bioshock, I can play totally maxed out at 1680x1050. Here's what I got: 4 gigs RAM 3.0GhZ dual-core AMD (I forget which exact model and I'm on my laptop right now) Nvidia 8800GT ...that's what I can remember off the top of my head. I have a pretty much standard HP desktop that I threw a good video card at.
  13. You'd need a BIG plane to make it viable. It might be easier to have a big plane with a nuclear reactor, and a bunch of electrically-powered motors. And I didn't know the moon was loaded with Helium-3! That's a lot easier to get to than Jupiter.
  14. As far as Macross goes, I'd take an armored VF-25S. my favorite Gundam has always been the RX-78-NT1 "Alex". It's not crazy-flashy or anything. Plus it has built-in forearm guns in case your beam rifle runs out of ammo. ..actually, I like the Nu Gundam, too. It's old-school with some extra badassery applied to the top. I think it was designed by the same guy as Alex.
  15. Really? My first thought when I saw the Macross cannon was "holy crap, that thing has command ships for ARMS, how rediculously huge is that"
  16. The "official" reason is that they were able to step through it because they were grounded. Or something. It really doesn't make sense, you're right, but in Phantom Menace you do see battle droids simply walking through the Gungan shield when they couldn't shoot through it.
  17. The new Cross Section books give numbers for the firepower on SW ships. Really, really big numbers. Like megatons to gigatons per turbolaser shot. Alderaan did have a shield. And it didn't do crap against the DS. You could see the green beam hit the planet, then sort of spread across the surface for a few frames before going asplode.
  18. Yeah. A bunch of Macross's or Nupetiet-Vergnitzs's shooting the DS in the butt would wreck it. The thing is huge and powerful, but it moves reeeally slow. Anyway, how would the fighters stack up? As awesome as VF's are, I think Star Wars has a pretty big edge here. Fighters regularly shoot lasers with kilotons of power, along with nukes at other fighters and can accellerate at thousands of G. They also do have big-ass reaction warhead type missiles, we just don't see them used in the movies.
  19. Yeah, Zentradi would by FAR have numbers on their side. Although the official number for the DS2 says it's 160km wide or something like that, it's wrong. People have analyzed the actual film and it's more like 900km, or the size of Texas. And its gun can shoot every couple minutes. So basically DS2 vs. Zentradi fleet would be a grind with the DS popping ships one by one, and Zentradi ships gradually taking bites out of the DS. Unless the flagship is there. Then it would rip big-ass chunks out of the DS, as long as it doesn't get shot first. The DS's gun must have a range of several planetary diameters. Something like standing on Mars and shooting at the Earth. It looks like it was pretty damn far from Alderaan, and would have to be able to survive after the target planet turns into a giant, violent asteroid field. Boddole's gun probably has a ridiculously long range too, we just don't see how long it was because the Meltrans showed up and he was all TIME TO DIE LAPLAMIZ!
  20. Yeah, I think you're right. I'm just not used to Star Wars LOSING a vs. argument. Makes it even more impressive that one human ship and one Zentradi fleet fought off like 5 million ships and Boddole Zer's flagship thing. Which was either as big as Japan, or had a hugenormous gun. Or both? For some reason the DYRL version looks smaller.
  21. New York. Although I grew up across the river in New Jersey.
  22. Exactly. Especially if it's DYRL Zen ships with the huge-ass main cannon. They can just oneshot the SD's, even though the SD's turbolasers are stronger than the Zentradi beam guns. I think. Actually, who DOES have more cannon fodder? The Galactic Empire has tens of thousands of Star Destroyers, countless smaller ships, and probably a couple hundred Executors. And all of them are packed with easily-splodable fighters. The Zentradi have millions of ships that all seem...kinda weak. Fighters in both universes shoot special nukes (Reaction missiles or proton torpedoes) and the Zentradi seem to have a much harder time dealing with them than SW ships do.
  23. Eh, I dunno about the Death Star thing. Boddole Zer's flagship looks like it's mostly hollow open space, but the DS is full of stuff. It would probably take a lot longer for a Macross to punch its way through. Not to mention that one really, really big gun the DS has. Although a Macross's main gun looks like it would eat anything in SW for breakfast, the regular size guns might just bounce off of a Star Destroyer. SW guns are rediculously overpowered.
  24. Isn't that the size of Japan? Freakishly huge. And awesome.
  25. Oh, I know that Island 1 is huge. I just had trouble for a minute picturing something the size of Manhattan having an ocean and 3 cities on it. You know, that makes me wonder, how big are the other Islands? They seem to be 4 or 5 miles long and a mile wide or so.
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