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Everything posted by MDP310

  1. Here's a couple more super-amateurish shots.
  2. You know, I've always wondered. Where the hell are the engines, if the legs are full of town? Are they just in the "feet" part?
  3. Maybe instead of elevators they had areas of lower gravity, where you just needed to jump hard to go up a level. That would be pretty sweet.
  4. I think you're right. A lot of robots in anime have no intelligence and are piloted by people. Most of the "evil" ones in American fiction have AI which goes haywire, or decides it simply doesn't like people. There are good ones that people have mentioned, like WALL-E and the Lost in Space robot. Hey, Sharon Apple was an AI who went totally insane. And since she took over the Macross, that would kind of make her a (really huge) robot, wouldn't it?
  5. I just looked up Manhattan Island on Wikipedia. Its population density is about 70,000 people per square mile, and it's the most densely-populated county in the US. So having ~58,000 people in a little less space than that seems totally possible. Also, the Chrysler Building is 318 meters tall. So the entire Macross in cruiser mode is about the same height as that. I have to watch DYRL again, but it always seemed to me that the buildings inside the legs were too tall to fit inside. Oh and I think I remember reading somewhere that the "70,000 civilians" number came from Robotech.
  6. The first I heard about Gundam was Wing, but the first shows I actually saw were 0083 and 08th MS Team. When I actually started to watch Gundam Wing, I was blown away. By how crappy it was. I didn't like any of the characters, especially Heero. I have trouble getting into a show where the main character switches between homicidal jerk, and suicidal jerk multiple times an episode. The mecha designs were lame, and the story didn't make any sense. It seemed like gundam pilots were turning traitor simply to have an episode where Sandrock fought Heavyarms or Deathscythe fought Wing, then they would be friends again next week. Ugh. Gundam X was awesome, though. I still have to finish watching it, but it grabbed my attention and kept it, unlike Wing which I couldn't bring myself to care about.
  7. eugimon, those pics are AWESOME. How did you get the depth of field effect?
  8. They called it a Super Star Destroyer because they were basically saying "Everyone shoot at the really big one!" And then the canon got really weird and confusing because nobody in Lucasfilm is manly enough to just say "no, that's wrong." They have to come up with a rediculously complicated explanation that includes every piece of information ever. Anyway this ship is a pretty cool idea, I especially like how the model looks like a cross between an SDF and the Quarter.
  9. I only got into Macross recently. A couple months ago, even. For me it was Mac Zero. I heard about the original series and DYRL but I hadn't seen them. When Zero came out, I figured "well this is a prequel, might as well start there." But then it took like 3 years for the rest of it to come out, and I didn't see the rest of it until a litle while ago. Then I watched SDFM, DYRL, and Frontier. The part in Zero that really got me was the first time Roy transforms, in super slow motion, and then takes out about 22,000 missiles while killing an SV-51. So awesome. Of course that was before I saw Ozma make his awesome "I'm not an adult, I'm a MAN!" speech. And it was before I saw Max do...pretty much anything, really. Everything the man does is epic.
  10. The shade of gold on that thing looks like the original NES Legend of Zelda cartridge.
  11. I don't know if it's been mentioned before, but variable MS in Zeta Gundam are pretty much ripped off of SDFM. Although they have no Gerwalk-type modes, and their WaveRider (Fighter) modes are often effing bizarre looking.
  12. I think a combination of the charcoal and the last one you suggested would be cool. Something that would look like they didn't bother stripping the old paint off, just slapped some gray on over the Skull Squadron markings and it's starting to show through. Ooh maybe you could do it like it's been in storage somewhere and neglected, with the CRAP weathered out of it.
  13. I always liked the G3 or rollout colors or whatever, they were kind of a US Navy uniform gray. This is awesome news. I haven't read Unicorn, due to not being able to read Japanese at all, but I've heard it rocks. Plus the designs are cool as crap. SIEG ZEON!
  14. For some reason, Fire Bomber reminded me of Cheap Trick. Not so much because of the music style, I think it's because when Cheap Trick went to Japan, everyone went apeshyte crazy for them. Plus, their album live from the Budokan is AWESOME. Plus, Fire Bomber played in a hugenormous space Budokan arena.
  15. So the cockpit is still kinda-sorta exposed on the 1/72, too? I've seen it pretty blatantly exposed from certain angles on the DX.
  16. I haven't seen any of the new episodes. Are they worth it? Season 1 was amazing, season 2 was bleh and the first half of season 3 just pissed me off. I kind of want to get back into Heroes if the show is getting better.
  17. I have to say Fire Bomber, only because I'm a total metalhead and they're the closest thing to Metallica that Macross has had. Although I might go to Sheryl...she's not annoyingly poppy like Britney Spears or someone.
  18. I'm going to go out on a limb and say it's a K-wing.
  19. Maybe it's about the Destroids in general.
  20. Somehow, those two bits got wedged up against each other. I think there was a teeny bit of pressure, and it got weakened by sitting in fighter mode for a week. Still...wtf. I didn't use any undue force or anything.
  21. I don't know exactly how big they are, but if they're 1/144, they're going to be really small. Probably look weird compared to a 1/60 toy.
  22. Yeah...I think I might have messed up transforming somehow. I have no idea exactly what the eff I did, though.
  23. Roy Focker was famous for his love of both women and hard-drinking. It's less well-known that he also was an aficionado of breakfast cereals.
  24. The plate's pegs go into sockets made from 2 parts. I think they got wedged up against something in plane mode and it gradually bent the peg-holder thing's two parts until they were out of place.
  25. You know that little plate that goes behind the backpack thrusters? Yeah. Mine broke off today. WTF.
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