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Everything posted by Black_Viper

  1. Just checked out my copy. Quality mid grade for a cam Audio isn't the greatest The cam is steady throughout the movie so i'm guessing it's a different cam then the one you had Roy's Blues.
  2. nope... says directory does not exist... Not sure what to say exo i've tried it six times now and every time it launches for me. Mod Edit: Piracy
  3. I haven't finished downloading it yet. The DVD for this movie won't be out for a while. It hits the big screens in the US in Sep. So it's for sure not a dvd rip I did a little checking and it sounds like it's an okay cam not great but not terrible. So i guess download it if you can't wait untill Sep for the movie to hit the USA.
  4. It's not working for you guys? I just replasted it into my brower and it worked. make sure you don't copy the brackets on the ends ( ) those things. if you copy them into the browser the link won't work.
  5. Hey guys. not sure how many of you are gits fans but here is a link to the Innocence torrent. Mod Edit: Piracy. Copy and paste the string in between the brackets into your browser.
  6. I thought the EP4 was really good. I can't get over how beautiful the CG is. Can't wait to see the VF1 in all it's CG glory.
  7. Mine is Explosive Antelope
  8. Noooo <_< I can't beieve there making an anime out of those two (Place bad word here) . What in the heck do they have to work off of for a story line. Fight crime by day do the nasty by night. Talk about a bad idea.
  9. Are there any other anime calendars that are in Kanji? I looked around on yesasia.com and you can't really tell because all they show you is the cover.
  10. I love the low vis. I was happy i ordered two from HLJ back when they first came out. I did take both of them out of there boxes but I don't care there just too pretty to be kept hidden away in there boxes.
  11. Did the original Japanese vocal cast curse as much as the English dub did? Or was that just sucky dubbing?
  12. Ha Ha I haven't seen this in a while. Disturbing very disturbing. But very funny.
  13. 21 here and still playing with toys.
  14. My favorite non fighter would have to be the Lockheed SR-71 Spy plane. I love the design of this aircraft and it was hella fast. I remember the first time I got to sit in this plane at a Navy base. That will be one of those wonderful things i'll never forget My favorite Fight is a toss up inbetween the F-22 It's the best of the best in it's class. Or the classic F-14 comcat. Can't not love this plane.
  15. Yah I know they should be closed but I forgot to shut them before I took the pics It's the Master Grade GP01Fb With those spiffy clown feet of doom.
  16. Hey Guys just finished my FB Gundam and figured I would post a couple pictures. It's not finished but it's finished for now.
  17. Wow that looks great. I was working on making a Max bootleg custom but i'm sure it won't look that good.
  18. Crap not another one i'm running out of money here. Oh well I've passed on 90% of this years valks guess one more won't kill me
  19. I have so many other hobbies right now Macross/anime is taking the back burner Main main two have to do with off road. I own 3 ATV's Polaris Xplorer 400 Yamaha 660R Raptor and a Honda fourtrax 250 Also a Chevy s-10 ZR2 I love mud Also I play drums I enjoy asain films and music and I'm going to try to setup my car for street racing.
  20. I really didn't like this game. There were just too many things wrong with it.
  21. Veritech is the name rowboattech used when it chopped and dubbed Macross. There the same thing the VF-1 Veritech and the VF-1 Valkyrie just different names.
  22. 1/72 = 4 1/60 = 10 1/48 = 1 ( two more on the way)
  23. I've got one still in the box I want to paint it and put it together but I think it would be smart to keep it mint.
  24. Name - Chad Location - Southern Minnestoa Age- 20 Height - 6'2" Weight - 175-ish Occupation - Network Admin for a small company Relationship Status: Single for now.
  25. What are the chances once all three movies are out they will release a big ol box set for all of them? That's what i want.
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