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Everything posted by skunkobot

  1. I was still in the AF when the "Army of One" ads came out. I was stationed at a joint base, and man did we razz the Army guys. Mostly pointing out that the Army is bad at math. The Air Force ones are usually OK, but showing jets is almost as bad as showing SEALs, especially since most of those commercials are targeted at people who are going to end up enlisted, and not as officers. As for the Navy, I love the SEAL commercial with the beach and the footprints. I remember the sword forging Marine commercial, that one stood out to me as well.
  2. *crawls out of woodwork* 10s all around!
  3. Or underwing pods! I'm fairly sure that one was SS too. There are two in front of him in that shot, and neither of them has pods.
  4. Someone mentioned wanting a SoC Dangaioh. Has there even been a transforming Dangaioh toy up until now?
  5. I saw the trailer and thought it looked great. Bonus points for being set in MA. Oh, and I haven't seen Internal Affairs, nor did I even know it was a remake of it, so I'll let you guys know how it is independent from that.
  6. And why... 368050[/snapback] Because Sam is awesome.
  7. Thanks OS. I was going to post that, but you beat me to it. I remember watchign it when I was in the UK, well before it was aired here. I was wondering how long it would take to cross over.
  8. Here's a picture I got off the Transformers forum I frequent: (www.theallspark.com) Oh, and the pilot theoretically fits in "robot mode" - he just can't move much.
  9. Sure. But gritty isn't really the operative word here. Drop "gritty" and my preferences still apply... Who knows, maybe the CG Grevious will look better composited. EDIT: Saw the shot from what looks like actual footage that I missed earlier. Looks better, if not perfect. -Al Hehe, yes. The actual images are way better. What ever happened to suspension of disbelief anyway? I mean all this CG bashing seems to be a modern version of "I can see the strings." In the end, it detracts from the film no more than being able to tell that the earlier films used models. Simply put: You're not supposed to be able to see the strings!!!
  10. "Who dares interupt my coronation?" "Coronation StarScream? This is bad comedy!" (I'm soooo getting flamed.)
  11. There's two songs battling in my brain right now.... "It's all about the wookie, the wookie, the wookie..." Also... "It's fun to stay at that YYYYYYYYYMMMMMMMMMMMMMCCCCCCCCCCCCAAAAAAAAAA!!!"
  12. My friend... where can I get some of the poo you're smoking? It's very clear that the Naboo ship there was inspired by the Blackbird. Twin engines, mounted in wing, smooth lines all around, and long tapering nose. Yes, there's also a number of differences, but I feel you're deluding yourself if you actually believe that the SR-71 isn't the basis of that (Heck there's SR-71 variants that look less like the Blackbird than the Naboo ship.) Street lamp?
  13. Uhm... are you saying that before FF:TSW animation companies didn't know that people wanted a good, balanced show? Riiight... So anyways, a clear illustration of the "realistic" CGI issue is the Hulk. He was fairly well executed, but the brain is simply unwiling to comprehend it and starts picking it apart at the subconcious level. You know it's not real, and your brain subconciously "proves" it. In order to be fully fooled, you'd have to lack the knowledge that it IS cgi. As for the technical level of The Incredibles - Try catching some behind the scenes stuff - they had to build entirely new ways of doing stuff. The clothing, and hair engines alone make the movie cutting edge. They also went abut the characters in an interesting way, by building them up, letting the computer create real time muscle reaction. It's pretty stuff! Pixar is the big dog!!! As for the movie itself, my god! Best movie in a long, long time, and easily in my top five! The opening short, was cute, but I didn't really like the message it potrayed. Do somethine else, rather than keep doing what you've been doing! It was still pretty funny.
  14. *looks at the three RP machines in the lab at school* *contemplates the cost for usage (free)* *smiles evily...*
  15. I just love TV B Gone universal remote control
  16. 1.JRX, the three train combiner from Car Robots/RiD, he just looked awesome, plus all three were the same size. 2. Voltron! (Lion) Of course that's prolly partially due to nostalgia... but that's why we're here, isn't it? 3.Liokaiser, from one of the Japanese TF series. Six members, no extra parts, and they're all the same size. Plus he looks cool. OK, so that's a lie, he has a helmet, but it's nifty, so I forgive it. 4.GaoKing, from Gao Ranger was awesome - I think my favorite was the basic combo, but all the extra bits were just awesometastic. 5.Xenon/Synchro from Super-Human Samuraii Syber Squad. That would be the three vehicles that form one robot, that then become armor for Servo. Drago/Phormo looks great too, but Xenon wins for playability. I loooove combiners, so I could go off for a long while - I'll spare you all though and leave it at five.
  17. skunkobot

    Stupid question

    Who designed the VF-0? Was it Kawamori? I was realizing how much less I liked it then the VF-1, and so it got me wondering...
  18. Any chance of getting a 1/48 Valk pilot with one of the pilots from those "huge" 1/48 TCs? I'm wondering if it's a size issue or a scale issue. If yo cant get the pilots, how about a close up of the cockpits - or hell, your take on it. Thanks - this is a great thread.
  19. I never said they didn't... I just critized Macross' lack of variety. Sides, Armada's animation is notoriously bad. I just play with the toys these days. *shrugs*
  20. First of all a strong glare goes out to McKlown.... (At least TFs have more then one transformation scheme...) But more importantly, and I'm no expert, the parody law does have it's limits. And in this case it's the fact that they're actually using the clips without permissions. They didn't create a new work that parodies the Joe spots. They simply ganked the existing ones and raped them with an unfunny stick. So I think Hasbro may be in the right here. I'd care more if they were actually funny...
  21. Uhm... It's not spandex! Yay. Sorry, I'm still stuck on how cool their flight suits look. Yeah, Toynami's Voltron could be good... could be bad... Need pics of a more final version before making any more specific calls. I remember a while back I had the choice between Magnaboss and the metal reissue of voltron, and I made the wrong choice. I love Magnaboss and all, but you know... you could still find him later. Then a couple of years after that I spotted it in an import shop, for like 20-30 bucks. And once again I passed. Then when I finally had teh money to do it available... nada! I'm going to have to pick up the comic series,and I hope the new show is good. Oh, and I caught one ep of Voltron 3D. I was thoroughly non-impressed. However I did get chills when they combined with the same audio as (or a good recreation of) the original show. BTW, my 'puter's start up sound is the Voltron combo sequence.
  22. http://www.tfu.info/2002/Mini-Con/Buzzsaw/buzzsaw.htm Yes.
  23. Around Max.
  24. It's not our child hood he's raping. It's our grandparents childhood. Just like in 1980. As for Stephen Sommers helming, I'm happy. I like him. The Mummy and The Mummy Returns were both awesome, albeit for very different reasons. I didn't see Van Helsing because it set of my bad movie alarm, but I have no doubt he still has several good movies in him.
  25. re: tranformation...please read the title.. Kin's previous posts "HI folks.. I'm busy working on a paper model Legioss apha fighter. When finished, the paper models can be downloaded for free." "This time I'll use more detail for the legs such as: - missile hatches with missiles in it (duh) - rear landing gear - textures" He never said perfect variable. I would have assumed it, but he then mentioned having some issues with the cockpit. I just had a few ideas as to work arounds for it. As for the availability issue, this will be my first papercraft. I'm just wondering if I'll need to track down a good printer and some nice stock, or if I can just send some money at him and buy preprinted pages. It's a really awesome model. For Kin, are you planning on doing the textures yourself?
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