I don't think I would ever take any valk more expensive than a revoltech to the office. Too many people make the assumption that stuff on someone's desk is in the public domain and okay to touch. I myself have made this assumption in the past, only to find out that I was pissing someone off. So, my outlook on this is:
1. If you take something to the office, prepare for it to be touched. Hopefully not to the degree of the nosecone in dark places joke.
2. (This is mostly a corrolary to 1) If you don't want something to be touched, don't take it to the office.
3. If you bring stuff in, I will touch it.
Another thing informing this is a story my mom always used to tell about an office toy my dad had. It was an ultra-realistic foam rock that he used to throw at people to freak them out. Then he came in one day and it was gone. No more freaking people out.
In closing, you are more courageous than I in this regard.