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Everything posted by REbirth

  1. The concert scene is new though, I remember the Tenkumon hall in the TV series looks different (with fire breathing dragons and all). That or I can't recognize it due to the extreme low-quality pic
  2. Another week, another "special message" by the staff, this time by the screenwriter, Tatsuo Sato. Wonder when will SK himself write a special message?
  3. This means they probably want to make the new show more like the original manga, which is supposed to be the "True" Mazinger, rather than the campy 70s TV series.
  4. All reviews are pointing out that this movie is terribly terribly bad, even worse than the original Street Fighter film (can you even imagine that?)
  5. The character "Kei" is...what? The sentence ends half way, I can't make out anything.
  6. Wow, a Vajra flying in the atmosphere and a scene of Sheryl's new stage? What is the kanji showed in the 3rd pic?
  7. This is the OP single, there's no exact title yes, but the artist is "ULTIMATE LAZY for Mazinger" (wow, just wow)? http://item.rakuten.co.jp/ebest-dvd/0000000919659/ And don't worry, JAM Project is still in the participation list. Edit: Yeah, it's supposed to be LAZY (a rock band) with Okuda Tamio, Saitou Kazuyoshi and JAM Project. Edit 2: The Official site is updated with the air date (April 4 at 23:20h). Totally awesome. And the Opening theme's title is "Kanjite (feel) Knight", the single will be released in April 22.
  8. Actually, MegasXLR is waaaaayyyy stronger than EVA-01. If EVA-01 can become god and end/reset the current world, MegasXLR can pretty much destroy worlds with just a simple press of a button. IMO, the only super robots that can compete with MegasXLR in a pure POWER BRAWLING are Mazinkaiser, Shin Getter, Ideon, Shinsei Rahxephon, TTGL and potential Aquarion.
  9. You know what, dude? I actually like THIS idea. It would be like a Macross version of Space Jam.
  10. Very nice stuff, thanks edwin3060.
  11. @Keith: Dude, when you have free time, remember to watch the Aquarion's OVA... I'd like to see your take on it since it focus more on lore (Angels, Aquarion, the previous life of Apollo as Apollonius and stuff) rather than the jokes like in the series. In short, it's a more serious Aquarion. Eh, and I'm kinda sad that the OVA never come over to the States. About me, I recently watched the old Street Fighter II movie, oldschool stuff that I missed out, the animation still looks very beautiful. Haven't started watching Yukikaze yet.
  12. These are actually pretty nice and quite detailed. Please post more designs, Dunn.
  13. I'm rooting for a fake teaser trailer.
  14. I dunno about that, but didn't they make the Sarah Connor Chronicles to retcon the terrible T3?
  15. Ok, that was a pretty AWESOME trailer. Hope this one won't fail as hard as T3.
  16. Well yeah, it's mostly about racing (and fighting while racing). I don't want to spoil much, just watch and know for yourself. But IMO, I think it's pretty good, second season is a letdown though. Edit: And anyway, what about EXO-Squad? If you love the old Robotech, you are gonna love EXO-Squad more. ad...if you like stuffs like VOTOMS or MOSPEADA, you might also like Vifam and Dougrams which are currently subbed.
  17. I already mentioned this series twice, but maybe, may suit you.
  18. If these concert scenes are mixed with the actual fights scenes (like in episode 7/episode 25), I'm in.
  19. Eh, I was just talking about what if the VF-27 has a Super Pack (well, this is a highly probable...). But I dunno about the YF-24, I need to see it in action for once to say something, lineart alone doesn't do it for me.
  20. Well, you always have IGPX (Immortal Grand Prix X) for that, it's mostly about racing with variable robots than actual war. And maybe the basketball mecha show next season won't have any war at all.
  21. Can the VF-27 be equipped with Super/Armor Pack to begin with? Wow, it seems almost as fast and strong as a Super Pack VF-25 in normal mode, I wonder what a Super Pack VF-27 could do.
  22. Yeah, looks pretty cool. Eh, if I want to see something out of of MZ23, it would be the Garland, EVE's songs are a classic yes, but Kumi Miyasato already retired from singing so whatever, I didn't enjoy the MZ23 part III's songs much.
  23. Anyone have a PSP might try out Resistance: Retribution demo. My comment: Due to the auto-aim and auto-cover system, I can pretty much take on everything in the demo, the game is more like a shoot'em up than a TPS (there's a manual aim mode but it's just slow, and ammo are plentiful so I don't really need it). You basically move in new area -> take cover -> kill Chimera -> open some switch to the new area then repeat the whole process, no puzzle/pathfinding so far. Every weapon has a second ability, there's a nifty gun at the of demo that can create a force barrier protecting the player while the player can only shoot back with said gun. It's pretty fun shooting stuff so far, I can't wait for more.
  24. For those who don't know, Shin Mazinger is going to air in this Spring season, moetron even listed it in the April section.
  25. What happens to the recent "The Best of Macross F" poll though? It's already March, I think we should have the winners couple (and episodes) already.
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