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Everything posted by REbirth

  1. Shin Mazinger PV in TAF09: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z1fvC3R7t5A PPIILLLLLDDAAAAAAA OOOONNN!!! The new VA of Kouji Kabuto sounds awesome!
  2. I find it weird that Bobby won over Klan, Alto did because he's a goddamn popular (even with his kabuki princess form), but seriously, Bobby? Man, the japanese crowd sure have a big sense of humor
  3. This. Otherwise, I find no problem with Macross F being popular, duh, it's Macross, the biggest mecha franchise second only to Gundam, of course it's going to be popular and be able attract more new fans. Same deal with SDF Macross and Macross 7 (Macross 7 was too damn popular back in the 90s). But the popularity isn't going to last long though, because the 5,6 years gap between each Macross, we won't have Kawamori/Satelight spawning new Macross series every 2 years. I find no problem with fanservice, since mecha anime (and Macross) have existed with fanservice for quite a long time.
  4. I laughed at the Gundam of the Week designs for G Gundam, I mean, they are not meant to be taken seriously, all good for a laugh. Same for most classic Super Robots/Monsters, the weirder they look, the more I love them. Turn A Gundam gives me an unique feeling. The ugliest mechs I ever seen must be some AC Guy's brothers/variations who never made it to the anime (I personally find the AC Guy to be adorable, yeah, I'm weird I know) with TENTACLE ARMS and all. Some of the MSV/ Advance of Zeta designs make me feel bad too, too complex and over-designed (if that term even exists), also GSD's giant BACKPACK Gundam design included. These are just bad, at least for my taste.
  5. @Kresphy: Ah, these screens are taken from the Macross F booth of Tokyo Anime Fair 2009 right? Come to think of it, they should release the 2nd PV of BASQUASH already >_>
  6. Well, yeah, Leon's popularity with the Japanese crowd sure is surprisingly high, heck, even Luca has more screentime (and a bit more interesting) than him but he doesn't even appear in the list lol Oh well, no Kathy, but both Alto and Grace are both in the female list so I ain't gonna complain.
  7. Wow hurray for Alto and Sheryl as the winner couple
  8. AWESOME NEWS. This and new Shirow project definitely got me bumped lol
  9. VF-28? Wow, now the movie definitely got my interest!!! Hope some guys here can translate that article MegaX posted.
  10. So what's worse? Dragon Ball Evolution or Street Fighter: Legend of Chun-li? I'm going to watch them both anyway, I love watching super uber craptasic movies.
  11. New Gigazine article concerning Shin Mazinger. The animation looks so well-done in retro style, I simply can't wait for the whole thing!!!
  12. http://basquash.com/news.xhtml News: Basquash's Special Stage event for TAF (Tokyo Anime Fair) 2009 in March 20. I think they are going to show the 2nd PV. Wonder if Macross series is gonna have a booth in this TAF? I'm already seen a Gurren Lagann one in the TAF report page.
  13. Yeah, it has robots in it. And Tekkaman is technically powered armor.
  14. ..This pleases me, hope they spend more time on the movie after that ...err..disappointing trailer >_> Anyway, did they already announced that the movie will be out in August?
  15. Okay, okay, I was just...well...kinda getting used to it.
  16. Heh, it's like they are not putting efforts at making the trailer at all. Other than Ranka's new song and new lines, that's it. I dunno but feel that this is like trolling attempt of Kawamori to buy more time because Satelight doesn't want to spoil any new footages yet (other than the new Sheryl concert scene of course).
  17. Didn't SK himself create a mecha based on that idea? I mean, the Aquarion?
  18. If this is true, it won't be as bad as all.
  19. Thanks for the link, Dex-kun. Hmm, the PV contains most of the scenes from the first 3 episodes of Frontier, new Sheryl stage looks awesome.
  20. Not really, they are elegant, simple designs. But I like the fact they have hidden weapons (waist cannons of F91, most beam sabers and God Finger of God) and power up modes (After Image and Hyper Mode) but they aren't overdone like say...Freedom and Strike Freedom.
  21. I'm not a fan of most Katoki's redesign, I like the silly look of the 70s Gundam more. I personally HATE his Gundam redesigns for GW: Endless Waltz.
  22. Finally get on Tekkaman Blade. VVVVOOOOLLL TEEEEKKKKKKKKAAAAA!!!! Hope one day we can see VF-25s and Tekkaman fight Radam and Vajra together in a SRW.
  23. Heh, if I have to take a Gundam I'd take the F91 or Victory/V2 Gundam. Smaller yet more sexy and efficient Gundam. Otherwise, I'd go for GOD GUNDAM for sheer badassness!!!!
  24. Did we ever know why Ozma quit the military? Speculation: Betcha he was a part of a NUNS special force (which got equipment supplied by SMS), that's why he got a special VF-171 with an Ex-gear cockpit.
  25. heh, just let it go man, I thought we already had the Compendium? Same thing happens to most SRW OG's characters page, but people move those infos to their own SRW wiki so it's fine either way.
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