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Everything posted by Kid_Robot

  1. Just caught a decent deal on a Low Vis 1S and VF 0A on yahoo auction JP for roughly 200 U.S, only problem is it's golden week now and I gotta wait until the weekend for them to kuro neko my parcels to the crib...
  2. Kid_Robot

    A pair of customs.

    Dope! These turned out really nice!
  3. I bought the toy because i wanted it... I wasn't saying the design was "wacky;" I was saying the toy is "wack," as in "lame" or boring, especially in comparison to the others in the Bandai series... Recently i went through my collection and rearranged my studio (where i keep all of my macross stuff), and re-posed just about every figure in my collection... After opening the qurater and attempting to set it up i felt like the toy was lacking largely in in versatility in reference to how i can display it based on my personal preference... In addition, even if i didn't like the design of the quarter in the anime, and i purchased the toy... I don't really feel like it should matter in terms of the reasoning behind why i made the purchase... Especially if I'm simply gauging my like or dislike for the actual toy... There have been plenty of figures that i have purchased where i didn't necessarily like the anime design in comparison to the toy and vice versa and i'd like to think that my opinion remains objective... I dunno though, hopefully this makes sense to everyone... I don't hate the quarter, but i feel i could have done without it, and I like it the least in comparison to the previous releases excluding the Alto Ex gear thing which i refuse to buy because it looks kinda homo to me... It's all a matter of personal preference though... As more time passes I appreciate the V2 Yamato installments more than anything... Just a matter of personal preference... Not trying to rain on anyone's parade...
  4. I got my quarter yesterday (christmas) in Japan... and i'm really dissapointed with it... Really dissapointed with it... Maybe it'll take some time to grow on me, but I think the Macross Quarter is the wackest toy in the Bandai-Frontier series so far... Glad to see everybody else is happy, but i think this thing was a waste of my hard earned monies... I'm very dissapointed with it... I might just be dissapointed that the GBP/VF-1J didn't come out in time for me to purchase both together but as of right now... i'm not impressed with this thing at all ... I defintely could have done without it...
  5. GBP is COPPED... Thank Heavens for untaxable foreign earned income, and Free Federal Grants!!!! I been beastin' on the 1/48 joint for a minute; really lookin forward to this pick-up...
  6. I'd say widen at your own risk, or if you can get your hands on a like a really pointed glue tip to apply the glue in the crack that would work... thats what i did... And i definitely agree that it would be better if there were no cracks in the first place... Luckily out of the the dozen or so yamato 1/60's i've bought in the last few months, this is the only one that kind of upset me... this and the YF-19, but thats a-whollllllllle-nother can o' worms...
  7. Right after shoulder surgery...
  8. I actually had it mid transformation Gerwalk- Battroid i guess you could say; I rotated the hinge in and out for a minute applied some more glue, and rotated the joint some more... I think whatever you're most comfortable with in terms of handling should probably work, as long as you have access to the "crack" and you can move hinge while it dries... Here are a couple pics of exactly how i had it. if it helps... note* I rotated both of these images before posting, but for some reason they are still rotated to the left... rotate them to the right if you're having difficulty making heads or tails of the image...
  9. Yes, it would appear that everything is fixed... Good luck, and if you use a quick dry type of glue, lol don't forget to move the joints... Mine almost got stuck because i spent too much time applying it.
  10. New Toys, gotta act first as questions later, result of excitement... Thanks! It's fine now, still seems just a tadddd bit sensitive though...
  11. One of my new favorites! the canopy cover is a little irritating on mine though... seems to slide down whenever it wants to...
  12. Just got mine!!!
  13. Alright, I just ran to the hobby store and copped some Tamiya Cement Glue...(quick type...) also picked up the VF11 B 1/60 w/super pack which is pretty dope i might add... But i just applied it to the crack at the shoulder, I used a paint stripper to apply it... It appears the glue filled the gap from the actual crack, and moving it while it dried prevented anything from getting stuck... Once it dried i applied some more and moved it again... doesn't seem like too big of a deal and i think it'll be fine... If anyone has any additional questions, just let me know... Looks like in my specific case it wasn't too big of a deal though... I'll probably transform it a couple times to make sure everything is ok... Dissapointment? yes... End of the world? no...
  14. Just checked, it looks like it's just the 1A
  15. Case confirmed in tokyo... I sooooo don't feel like having diarrhea before finals week.... knowing me i'll probably catch it though... someone say a prayer for me... I can't have diarrhea before finals please lord please ...
  16. I just noticed mine is the same... pretty dissapointing... Hopefully this glue trick will work though...
  17. WOOoooooHOooooo almost time for some Akiba splurgin'!
  18. 500!!? ... this is slightly øff topic, but it's 380 at mandrake right now...
  19. It's on yahoo auction japan!???! where!?!? if i find it, it's copped... I was going to talk to some people out in nakano today to find out what the deal is about this... Hope i get lucky...
  20. I agree; that could be my ignorant arrogant american attitude though... I hear Japan is actually supposed to be worse off than the states currently, but i'm so self absorbed i don't notice any of this... I have noticed some price drops in some of the more frequented collectible stores in tokyo; perhaps to compensate for low demand due to suffering economy? Ounno, i'm takin advantage of it though, while it lasts anyway...
  21. What's strange about this whole economic situation is that it's not really a "recession;" from the research and consulting I've done (with economists), the majority of the problem is attributed to nation-wide panic, and then poor decision making. Please don't anyone try to dispute this to make me look like a fokker lol (get it??? lol geez i crack myself up ), i'm just regurgitating some notes i took at a recent econ brown bag session. Anyway, the smart people say that there is nothing "wrong" with the economy, and it's still growing bit by bit; just not as much as it was in the past... I haven't looked at recent stats but i'm told there has been no negative growth for a 6 month period or greater which is what defines a recession... Any experts in the area feel free to chime right on in... Peru, on the other hand, seems to be blossoming at the moment; and they are about to enact a trade agreement to strengthen their economy even more... Since i don't live stateside i don't really feel too many of the affects, so i probably shouldn't even be saying anything, but... i can say that the dollar needs to strengthen its lil george washington arse back on up... Exchange rates are doing me some damage at the moment, i heard it's going to be up at 95 yennies to the dollar tomorrow though, so looks like we are making some strides in comparison to the 85 it was at last week ...
  22. i dunno if someone stole it, but it wouldn't surprise me... There are some realllll "stranger danger" type people in Tokyo... especially central Tokyo, and West Tokyo by my house... they got some weirdos 'round these parts... Women's pannies get jacked off of clothes lines after they do laundry too... lol of all the things to steal ... who am i to judge though... (sorry for going off on a tangent)
  23. My brother's cousin's friend, who's half japanese, and has a son that has a girlfriend that lives in ikebukuro said: " macross fans would never be allowed to voice out their opinions for different figurines that they want made by Bandai because someone might request a figurine of a school girl with removable panties..."
  24. HAHAHA they used to have one of those by my apt, it mysteriously vanished about a year ago...
  25. This figure is maDDddddd "pedo..." I'd be leary about bringing my daughters (if i ever have any) around someone that "took-a-liking" to that thing...
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