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Everything posted by miles316

  1. Harrison Ford was in a air plane crash http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/2015/03/05/harrison-ford-crash/24467457/
  2. http://www.foxnews.com/us/2015/03/04/ntsb-reportedly-considers-re-opening-probe-buddy-holly-plane-crash/ NTSB reopening Buddy Holly crash.
  3. Some times I miss giving away my Legos years ago.
  4. Now Sheldon needs to crash the funeral so he can get a restraning order from the rest of the cast.
  5. I wonder how many more years we will have to waite for Sheldon Cooper to creat his Mini Nimoy!
  6. Is it wrong to have gone on Face book and go to the trending page and write "He's dead Jim!!!!" in everyone who name was Jim/James/Jamie on the condolanse post's? I just spent the past few minutes doing that.
  7. I finished watching "Criminal Minds" CBS was a letdown "pewe Herman/Rubens" as Unsub took out G%#+&.
  8. Thank you that was a hoot and a half! Do you know where I can watch the Haloween the sight you sugested did not have that episode?
  9. If you have Netflix the first two seasons are on it.
  10. Numerouse Star Trek actors have moved into directing why would Simon Pegg's writing be automaticle bad? I ask because I have only seen him in ST1, INTO darkness, and Shawn of the dead and have no extencive experiance with the actors work.
  11. Is this Windows 10 service somthing I a Ordinart PC user have to pay a monthly service fee to use?
  12. Does any one know where I con find Season 5 online my Cable on demand does not have any.
  13. can any one recommend a anonymous web browser Google play has a few on the android store for my tablet which is what i use for most of my web browsing, and the reviews are favorable. I am tired of having Google vomiting the contents of the internet when I search for something. When I was in college all my professor's where adamant that Wikipedia was not a acceptable source for papers and I developed a habit of dismissing Wiki as a internet source period.
  14. I liked Carter's multiple American accents.
  15. Does any one know of any reputable websites to order a replacement hard drive for a laptop computer?
  16. The difference between fighting in Episode 4,5,6 and prequels was Luke and Vader/Anakin was Luke was a still a novice and Anakin/Vader was a 40+ year old quadruple amputee with horrible burn scars and using a portable life support man making them basically equal.
  17. Does any one know how to remove Optimum PC Boost (Malware) from a computer or could you direct me to a sight to find information on it?
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