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Everything posted by miles316

  1. I know the Chines are sticking them on every new fighter they are building Chines netizens are gushing over DSI's like some Golden Calf. I question the DSI worth in High Mack number aircraft because the Russian did not equip the T-50 (PAKFA) with them.
  2. I have been watching the Jessica Jones trailers, and I might be seeing things, but does anyone else think Kristen Ritter Hair has a pinkish tint to it?
  3. Are those meant as upgrade packages for the F-16 Taiwan already has? because the US has been dragging it's heals going back to 2000 about supplying new up to date F-16.
  4. The Galaxy is vast and even the Emperor/Empire could not control ever single planet and Jedi/Sith are not the only Force users (Dothmer). Ashoka, Obi-one, Kanan, Yoda survived the purge so others did, and many Force Sensitive people overlooked by the Empire/Republic would have lived their lives oblivious to their gifts, and Also the Galactic Republic existed for many, many thousands of years.
  5. Here in Wichita Kansas Boeing/Volunteers are close to. or have restarted a B-29's "DOC" engine.
  6. Russia Today claims parts of ISIS have began to flee any thoughts, and many on RT Facebook page claim "Russia will do in weeks what the US tried to do in Two years"?
  7. I rather like the Dilapidated Paint jobs of many of them. They claim they shoot down every thing that crashes in Afghanistan!
  8. From News reports their first target was a Town/City called Homms which was not held by ISIS/Deshe.
  9. Afraid not this is a present for the FSA and every Syrian on Assad's Hit list, and if they have Bombs left ISIS.
  10. Yea my Brother lives neer San DIego and his NAVY Pention does not cover his Living expenses.
  11. Does the first episode of season Two mean Barbara Kenan will not be the one that maries Jim and has Jim JR and Barbara/Batgirl?
  12. I keep expecting it to be a FB hoax.
  13. Did they go down Doom's skin turns into iron/metal or does he use a suit of armor?
  14. Actor who voiced "Woodhouse" has died George Coe.
  15. I have a friend who's in the IT industry and he said they got a large part of terminology right. Just started watching a new episode of "Rizzoli and Issle" on TNT and did not start well.
  16. Will Phill (Zombi/Robot) Coulson going to have a Robotic hand next season? I kept expecting Cal to start singing the "Daisy" Song at the end so I guess no more "Mister Hide". Ward's going to grow a new head!
  17. Those are old photos the hanger has since colapsed destroying the Buran. http://www.nasaspaceflight.com/2013/11/remembering-buran-shuttles-estranged-soviet-cousin/
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