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Everything posted by miles316

  1. I found a Anime reference in the Sarah Connor chronicles the three dots are the symbol for Mishima Heavy Industry on NUKU NUKU TV OVA.
  2. So is your brain mushy yet!!
  3. Lets hope when that happens that we can hole out like in Vietnam.
  4. My opinion is that Counter insurgency wars for the US is a fluke (Afghanistan/Waserastan,Iraq). A parallel would be with the believed supremacy of calvary over infantry after the fall of the Roman empire.
  5. Sounds cool.
  6. sorry (not ghost train).
  7. Not the government sorry.
  8. Well it was run by them (MR Goldfinger/Linderman/Miss Pattrely) why would normal people willingly give up control of a world wide cabal of mutants?
  9. You could cripple, or destroy the T-1000 by hitting it with a thermight, or White phosphorus grenade like when the T-800 used a 40 mm grenade on the T-1000 which incapacitated it for a short time. This would cause catastrophic damage.
  10. But the company was founded by them.
  11. Was the government aware of them before with the mass grave?
  12. Are you talking about live actions versions made in Japan, or live action versions in general? But other than the Gyver I don't have any opinion since I have not seen any of them. The Gyver was kind of dorky, but it was the early ninety's.
  13. Maybe if they do a side story with new characters because if any one remembers the live action Gyver it was terrible, and it will turn out the same way. They need the people that did the effects on Iron Man I think they would be able to pull it off. Do they describe Sagara early life in the manga? Was he born in Japan, and how he ended up in some God forsaken Stan? Is Sosuke Sagara a Japanes name?
  14. Why did the doctor not get reconstructive surgery for the scars they are not that deep, and their was no severed nerves because their is no facial paralysis.
  15. I wonder if Moore will allowe writer to write novels about the crews lives after they landed on Neo Earth.
  16. You forgot when she stabbed one of her pion's in the bath room.
  17. Was that guy Eco stabbed in the neck Alpha, or just some psycho hired to kill her?
  18. So what are those people in the secret factory in the desert doing building drones are they being directed by a terminator to build a backup plan to prevent the future destruction of Skynet? Did Weaver send the terminator to replace Ellison, or was that Skynet from the future because he had contact with the Connors?
  19. Were did you find this out?
  20. Sorry I should have left the reply off my post.
  21. Ever since they brought weaver in to the story I have wondered why she was trying to develop a thinking computer when she could simply upload data from her own computer, or what ever she uses to think with to a super computer, or build her own thinking machine in stead of stealing one.
  22. But you are forgetting that few thousand years after landing on earth the last Ice age starts, and the only habitable spots on the earth was equatorial Africa and south America. The ice age would have disrupted many of the colonial settlements reducing the chances of them to develop any kind of advanced infer structure. Just because some of them had knowledge of advanced science (Baltar)doesn't mean they would have brought the earth in to the technological level of the 21st century with in a few hundred years, and With out the infer structure the knowledge of Tilium Reactors would be useless. The only advanced scientific knowledge would be applicable would be medicine (surgery and pharmacology) even that would be limited do to the lack of equipment and would not last very long with out a teaching program to train more. If you divide the thirty some thousand people in to twelve groups you would get like three thousand per group so unless they are able to create a viable settlement with in a few years each would be doomed to extinction because they are not accustomed to a hunter gatherer life style. The local enviroment would not be able to provide for the three thousand people to servive on hunting, and fishing. They would need to establish farming and animal husbandry in order to servive longer than a few years.
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